Work with the quote calculator
Describes the quote calculator in Optimizely Configured Commerce.
The quote calculator allows sales representatives to provide product quotes to users. The sales representative may provide up to five quoted price breaks for the selected product.
Access the quote calculator
Access the Quote Calculator on the Quote Details Page (on the website, go to My Account > My Quotes and select a quote). Select Quote to provide a quote for the selected product.
Use the Quote window to set quoted prices for different break quantities. For example, if the user is looking to purchase 25 units of a product, the Sales Representative may choose to offer one price for 1-20 units of the product, a second (lower) price for 21-25 units of the product, and a third (lowest) price for 26+ units of the product. The Sales Representative's Minimum appears on the left side of the window; this is calculated using the Representative's Min Margin Allowed and Max Discount Percent records in the Admin Console.
Select Apply Quote to apply the price breaks to the product. Back on the Quote Details page, select Submit Sales Quote to send the quote back to the requesting user.
Updated over 1 year ago