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Manually configure integration jobs

Describes how to manually configure integration jobs.

Integration triggers

The following integration jobs do not execute automatically. They need to be scheduled manually.

  • Rebuild Sitemap – The Rebuild Sitemap integration job ensures all pages intended to be exposed to search engines are indexed. Which is why it is a best practice to set this integration job to occur after performing a product refresh.
  • Resubmit All Orders – The Resubmit All Orders integration job searches the Configured Commerce database for any orders that have not been submitted and pushes them to the ERP. This may be used as a back-up during ERP outages.
  • Purge Saved Orders – The Purge Saved Orders integration job removes all saved orders from the database. Running this job would solve a problem where saved orders contain products that have been discontinued or removed.
  • Send Shipment Confirmations – Because Configured Commerce does not support any automated shipping confirmation messaging, it is helpful to set up a recurring integration job to send out shipping confirmation messages on a regular basis.
  • Job Status Report – The Job Status Report integration job provides a report of all integration jobs and their status. Creating a recurring integration job with this information is helpful to stay informed on all jobs.
  • Deactivate Inactive User Accounts – This job deactivates user accounts that have been inactive according to the security settings..
  • Cleanup Export Spreadsheets – It is recommended to set the Cleanup Export Spreadsheets as a recurring integration job, as it tells the system how long to keep old import/export spreadsheets in the Dataset\ImportExport directory. Not running this job as a recurring job will cause these files to unnecessarily accumulate.
  • Nightly Maintenance – The Nightly Maintenance integration job clears out old carts, application logs, delivered emails, and integration history. As a best practice, it should be scheduled to run nightly during off-peak hours.

Integration job scheduling can be configured in the Admin Console at Administration > Jobs > Job Definitions.

Order submit

  • Configured Commerce can be configured to submit orders to ERP when order submitted on Storefront.
  • Setting named Submit Orders to ERP must be = "Yes"
  • If setting = "Yes", schedules integration job where Standard Job Name = "Order Submit"

Data import/export

Rebuild search index

  • The Rebuild Search Index integration job should be set to run after a product refresh has been completed. Not running this job after a product refresh can result in erroneous search results, where products that have been added do not display and products that have been removed still show in the results.
  • Scheduled from Admin pages:
    • Marketing > Search > Indexing
    • Catalog > Products > Product Detail (More actions menu)
    • Catalog > Categories (More actions menu)

Generate field translation records

  • This job creates blank TranslationProperty records for all objects and languages in the database.
  • Scheduled from Admin page at Administration > Localization > Field Translations (More actions menu)

Generate translation dictionary records

  • This job creates blank TranslationDictionary records for all objects and languages in the database.
  • Scheduled from Admin page at Administration > Localization > Translation Dictionary (More actions menu)

Order cancel

  • Can also be scheduled from Admin page at Sales > Order History > Order History Detail (More actions menu)

Real-time invoice history detail

  • If Order Management > Invoice History > Real Time Invoice History setting = "Yes", then job will be scheduled and run when you access Invoice History Detail page on Storefront.

Real-time invoice history

  • If Order Management > Invoice History > Real Time Invoice History setting = "Yes", then job will be scheduled and run when you access Invoice History List page on Storefront.

Real-time order history detail

  • If Order Management > Order History > Real Time Order History setting = "Yes", then job will be scheduled and run when you access Order History Detail page on Storefront.

Real-time order history

  • If Order Management > Order History > Real Time Order History setting = "Yes", then job will be scheduled and run when you access Order History List page on Storefront.