Settings master list
Describes the settings master list in Optimizely Configured Commerce.
- Do not confuse this article with the articles on Website settings and Application settings, as those are only relevant to versions 4.2 and prior.
- Due to the constant evolution of the platform, occasionally settings are created, modified, or deleted. As a result, this page may occasionally be out of sync with the product.
- For more information, see Working with settings.
This article serves two purposes:
- Provide a cross-reference of the old and new Setting names, as they were changed in Configured Commerce 4.3. This is useful for users who are migrating from a pre-4.3 version.
- Provide a list of all Settings and their descriptions. The Settings are also grouped by their availability to either Configured Commerce Self-Managed or Cloud, as the ISC_System and ISC_Implementer user roles are not available within Cloud.
The tables consist of Settings that are relevant globally to all websites and those are that can be controlled uniquely on a website by website basis. When viewing Settings for a specific website, globally controlled Settings show a Lock icon. For more information on working with Global or website targeted Settings, see Working with settings.
Functional settings for Configured Commerce self-managed and cloud
Roles: ISC_System, ISC_Implementer, ISC_Admin
*Table is sorted by 4.3 Setting Name column
Setting Name for 4.2 and Prior | Setting Name for 4.3 and Beyond | Description | |
N/A | Allow List Sharing | If Yes, list owners will be able to send a copy of their list to others or invite them to view or edit the list. Added in version 4.4.0 | |
Web_ReviewAndPay.PaymentTypes | Accepted Credit Cards | Credit card options that will display in the payment method drop-down. | |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_TaxServiceAccount | Account | The account number for your Avalara account. This will be a ten-digit number. | |
FedExSaveXML_AddTimeStamp | Add Time Stamp to XML | If Yes, this adds a timestamp to the XML file name. Only set to 'Yes' if troubleshooting. | |
FieldSize_Address1 | Address 1 Max Length | Maximum length of the Address 1 field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
FieldSize_Address2 | Address 2 Max Length | Maximum length of the Address 2 field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
Admin_PageSizeForListView | Admin Console Records Per Page | Determines the number of records that will display per page on the list view. | |
AllowCreateAccount | Allow Account Creation | If Yes, guests can create new accounts on the website. | |
Web_AllowBackOrder | Allow Backorders for Delivery | If On, users can purchase products with no inventory in stock. (Updated for 4.4.7) | |
N/A | Allow Backorders for Pickup | If Yes, users can purchase products with no inventory in stock for orders being picked up at a warehouse. Default value: No (Added 4.4.7) | |
AllowBillToAddressEdit | Allow Bill to Address Editing | If Yes, Bill To addresses can be edited on the address page. | |
AllowEmptyShipping | Allow Empty Shipping | If Yes, if we are not able to get rates from the carrier or back-up carriers, then the order will be submitted to the ERP with no shipping rates. | |
N/A | Allow Guest Order Lookup | If yes, users can check order status without logging into the site. Added in version 4.4.0 | |
JobQuoteEnabled | Allow Job Quotes | If Yes, buyers will be able to flag quotes as job quotes before submitting them to a sales rep. | |
N/A | Allow Multiple Promotions | If Yes, multiple promotions may be applied at the order level. Note: Customers will be limited to 1 line level promotion per line regardless of this setting. Added in version 4.3.2 | |
AllowMultipleWishlists | Allow Multiple Wishlists | If Yes, site will prompt customer to choose wishlist or create new. View Wishlists page will have a drop-down menu to select wishlist | |
AllowSubscribeToNewsLetter | Allow Newsletter Signup | If Yes, allows users to add email to subscribers list. Default value: Yes | |
N/A | Allow One-Time Addresses | If Yes, an address may be entered on the address page that is only used for the current order. Default value: No (Added 4.4.7) | |
Requisitions_Enabled | Allow Requisitions | If Yes, the requisitions feature will be enabled. | |
AllowCreateNewShipToAddress | Allow Ship to Address Creation | If Yes, Create New option becomes available on the Ship To address selection drop-down menu. This allows new Ship To addresses to be entered during the checkout process. | |
AllowShipToAddressEdit | Allow Ship to Address Editing | If Yes, Ship To addresses can be edited on the address page. | |
ExternalProvider_Facebook_Enabled | Allow Sign in with Facebook Account | If Yes, a Facebook button will appear on the sign in page. | |
ExternalProvider_Google_Enabled | Allow Sign in With Google Account | If Yes, a Google button will appear on the sign in page. | |
N/A | Allow Sign in With Windows Account | If Yes, a Windows button will appear on the sign in page.?Default value: No. Enabling this will also expose additional Windows SSO setting fields: Use Windows Sign In on Storefront and Use Windows Sign In on Admin Console. Refer to in the app tool-tips for more information on these settings. (Added version 4.4.6) Note: You need to restart the app pools for this to take effect. | |
AlternateUnitsOfMeasure | Alternate Units of Measure | If turned on, the website will use logic and display a selector for units of measure if alternate units have been defined for the product. If turned off, the website will skip all logic associated with alternate units of measure. | |
Search_EnableAttributeFilters | Attribute Filters | If On, attributes (attribute values grouped by attribute type) will be faceted on the left nav of the product list to be used as filters. This does not control category or price faceting. | |
N/A | API Token | Enter the assigned API token to your account by Moneris. Added in 4.4.7. | |
Search_Autocomplete_Enabled | Autocomplete | If On, users will see the autocomplete drop-down as they type in the search box. | |
Search_Suggestions_AutoCorrect_Threshold | AutoCorrect Threshold | Autocorrect is used to automatically return corrected results for mistyped search queries and this value is the threshold to determine what will be automatically fixed. The lower the number the more errors will be tolerated without autocorrect being used. This should be higher than or equal to the DidYouMean Threshold. | |
Default_BankCode | Bank Code | Default bank code used when creating new customers. | |
N/A | BIN | The transaction routing identifier provided by Chase and used in combination with the Orbital Payment Gateway. Added in version 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.1) | |
BudgetManagement_Enabled | Budget Management | If On, budgets are enabled on the website and the Budget Management section of My Account will display for appropriate users. | |
BudgetsFromOnlineOnly | Budgets From Online Orders Only | If Yes, budgets will only be calculated from online orders. If No, orders from the ERP will also apply to budgets. | |
Addresses_PageBypass | Bypass Addresses On Checkout | If Yes, the user will be directed to the Review and Pay page directly from cart, bypassing the Checkout Address page. | |
SEO_UseCanonicalLinksForProductsInSiteMap | Canonical Links for Products in Sitemap | If Yes, will use canonical links for products in sitemap. If No, will use category product paths. | |
CartOrderProvider | Cart Provider | Determines if the cart is specific to the user (Generic), bill to (ByCustomer), or ship to (ByShipTo). Setting this to ByCustomer or ByShipTo should only be used when SignInRequiredToBrowse is selelcted for the Website Access setting. Otherwise, when you sign in and select your customer, the cart will be replaced with a new one. Default value: Generic | |
CaseSensitivePromotionCodes | Case Sensitive Promotion Codes | If Yes, promotion codes are case sensitive. | |
Search_Autocomplete_Category_Limit | Category Limit | The maximum number of category autocomplete results that display. Maximum value: 10 | |
CategoryMenuDepth | Category Menu Depth | The depth of sub-categories that can be accessed within the header menu. Maximum value is 3 - if there are categories with more than 2 sub categories deep these will not be accessible from the header menu. | |
FieldSize_City | City Max Length | Maximum length of the City field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
N/A | Client GUID | A unique identifier that is assigned by Billtrust. This is used to correctly identify your site within Billtrust's system. Added in version 4.4.1 | |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_CompanyCode | Company Code | Determines which tax calculator is used for calculating taxes. When this setting is changed, a website restart will be required. Default value: Standard | |
FieldSize_CompanyName | Company Name Max Length | Maximum length of the Company Name field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
ERP_IntegrationServiceAllowedMachines | Computers Allowed for Integration | Case-sensitive, comma-separated list of machine names that are allowed to call the integration service. If a machine that is not in this list calls the integration service. If an unidentified machine attempts to call the integration service, an entry is created in the Application Logs. | |
N/A | Connection Id | Optional integration connection (for API endpoints only) that can be used instead of wiring the connection information into the custom service. Version added:?4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Connection Password - Vantiv | The connection password for the Vantiv account. | |
N/A | Connection Password (Orbital) | Encrypted password, also used for authentication for web service calls. (Orbital) Version added:?4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.1) | |
N/A | Connection Password (Vantiv) | Encrypted password used for authenticating service calls. (Vantiv) Version added:?4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Connection Username - Vantiv | The connection username for the Vantiv account. | |
N/A | Connection Username (Orbital) | Identifier for authenticating web service calls. (Orbital) Version added:?4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.1) | |
N/A | Connection Username (Vantiv) | Identifier for authenticating web service calls. Version added:?4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Contact Email | When a build is pulled because the repository is changed, the email address(es) listed here will be notified of either the success or failure of the build. Version added:?4.3.2 | |
AllowCostCodeEdit | Cost Code Editing | If On, cost codes will be editable. | |
SubmitSaleTransaction | Credit Card Transaction Treated as a Sale | If Yes, a sale transaction and payment will be submitted to the ERP. If No, an authorization will be captured against the credit card. Note: Additional configuration is required for submitting sale transactions to the ERP | |
Default_CurrencyCode | Currency Code | Default currency code used when creating new customers. | |
StorageProvider_AmazonS3_ServiceUrl | Custom Domain | The URL that is displayed publicly for images hosted on AmazonS3. This setting is now only displayed when AmazonS3 is selected as the Storage Provider. It was previously called Service URL and was changed to Custom Domain as a part of the 4.3.2 release. | |
N/A | Customer Number Format | Automatically generated customer numbers will be formatted using the number of zeroes entered in this setting. Version added:?4.3.2 | |
N/A | Customer Number Prefix | The prefix that will be added to all automatically generated customer numbers. Version added:?4.3.2 | |
Default_CustomerSequence | Customer Sequence | Default customer sequence used when creating new customers. | |
CustomerServiceEmailAddress | Customer Service Email Address | Shipment confirmation emails will be sent to this address as well as the customer. | |
Default_CustomerType | Customer Type | Default customer type used when creating new customers. | |
N/A | Days Inactive Before Deactivation - Console Security | The number of days users can be inactive before their account is deactivated. Enter 0 to disable feature. Default value: 90. Version added:?4.3.0 | |
N/A | Days Inactive Before Deactivation - Website Security | The number of days users can be inactive before their account is deactivated. Enter 0 to disable feature. Default value: 0. Version added:?4.3.0 | |
RFQ_QuoteExpireDays | Days to Quote Expiration | The number of days that a buyer has to accept a quote proposal before it expires. | |
N/A | Days to Retain User | The number of days that a user session is retained for Remember Me. After this number of days, the user's session cookie will be cleared and they will need to sign in to browse the site as the user and access their cart. Default value: 30. Version added:?4.3.1 | |
AllowNegativeQtyOnHand | Decrement Quantity Below Zero | If Yes, the quantity on hand is decremented on every order. Otherwise it is only decremented if there is sufficient quantity to prevent issues with the ERP. | |
Default_CreditLimit | Default Credit Limit | Default credit limit used when creating new customers. | |
DefaultEmailAddress | Default Email Address | The "From" address used for sending emails. This address will be used when no "from" address has been defined for an email in Marketing > Email Lists. Default value: | |
DealerLocator_DefaultLatitude | Default Latitude | Default latitude to use for point to find dealers if a user doesn't provide a location. | |
DealerLocator_DefaultLongitude | Default Longitude | Default longitude to use for point to find dealers if a user doesn't provide a location. | |
DefaultPackageHeight | Default Package Height | If no specific package is defined for a carrier, this value will be used for rate calculations. | |
DefaultPackageLength | Default Package Length | If no specific package is defined for a carrier, this value will be used for rate calculations. | |
DefaultPackageWidth | Default Package Width | If no specific package is defined for a carrier, this value will be used for rate calculations. | |
DefaultGridListTableView | Default Product List View | Determines which version of the product list will display by default on the website. | |
Web_DefaultPageSize | Default Products Per Page | Number of products that display per page on the product list by default. | |
PageTitleDelimiter | Delimiter | Delimiter to be used between the short description and the site name. Note: Blank spaces may be added to this field to achieve desired spacing between the title and description. | |
Search_Suggestions_DidYouMean_Threshold | DidYouMean Threshold | DidYouMean is used to suggest alternate terms for mistyped search queries and this value is the threshold at which a suggestion is made. With 1 meaning a better suggestion than the original phrase. This should be lower than or equal to the AutoCorrect Threshold | |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_DiscountFreightOnOrder | Discount Freight On Order | Indicates if discounts are applied to freight for tax calculation purposes. | |
RFQ_DisplayCustomerPrice | Display Customer Price | If Yes, sales reps are able to see the product customer price within the quote calculator. | |
N/A | Display Inventory Per Warehouse | If Yes, a text link will display below product availability messages that opens a pop up with the exact inventory per warehouse. Default value: No. (Added in 4.4.8.) | |
RFQ_DisplayListPrice | Display List Price | If Yes, sales reps are able to see the product list price within the quote calculator. | |
RFQ_DisplayUnitCost | Display Unit Cost | If Yes, Unit Cost and Margin will display for sales reps and the above margin calculation can be applied using the quote calculator. | |
FieldSize_Email | Email Max Length | Maximum length of the Email field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
N/A | Emailed Password Link Valid For Days - Console Security | The number of days an activation or reset password email link will be valid for. Default value: 2. Version added:?4.3.0 | |
N/A | Emailed Password Link Valid For Days - Website Security | The number of days an activation or reset password email link will be valid for. Default value: 2. Version added:?4.3.0 | |
N/A | Enable Billtrust SSO for Invoice History | If Yes, users going to invoice history will be redirected and automatically signed in to Billtrust. Added in version 4.4.1 | |
AllowCreditcardPaymentMethod | Enable Credit Card as Payment Method | If Yes, credit card will be available as a payment option in the drop down menu on the Review and Pay page. | |
Integration_EnableDataConnect | Enable Data Connect | Integration_EnableDataConnect | |
N/A | Enable Email Confirmations | If Yes, an ACH/CC email notification will be sent to the end user when a payment is initiated for settlement. Note - this setting value will be ignored by Billtrust if your implementation is setup to allow user controlled customer preferences. Added in version 4.4.1 | |
N/A | Enable Email Notify | If Yes, an ebill notification is sent to users by email. Note - this setting value will be ignored by Billtrust if your implementation is setup to allow user controlled customer preferences. Added in version 4.4.1 | |
AllowGuestCheckout | Enable Guest Checkout | If Yes, the Checkout as Guest button will be displayed in the sign in page - allowing purchases to be made without signing into a user account. | |
N/A | Enable Paper Bill | If Yes, a paper bill will continue to be sent to the end user after enrollment in Billtrust's eInvoice Connect or Online Billing. Note - this setting value will be ignored by Billtrust if your implementation is setup to allow user controlled customer preferences. Added in version 4.4.1 | |
AllowPONumbers | Enable Purchase Orders | If Yes, the PO Number field and payment terms options will be available in the payment method drop-down on Review and Pay page. | |
N/A | Enable Request Delivery Date | If Yes, customers will be able to request a delivery date during checkout. Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
N/A | Enable Request Pickup Date | If yes, when customers choose pickup as their fulfillment method they will be able to indicate a pickup date during checkout. Default value: No (Added 4.4.7) | |
Search_Suggestions_Enabled | Enable Search Suggestions | If On, autocorrect and DidYouMean will be active on the site. | |
N/A | Enable Warehouse Pickup | If Yes, a selected warehouse on the storefront will be set as the pickup location for the order. Default value: No (Added 4.4.7) | |
UserAdministration_Enabled | Enable Website User Administration | Determines if the User Administration feature is enabled. | |
N/A | Encryption Key | An encryption key provided by Billtrust. If no value is entered, data will be passed to Billtrust unencrypted. Highly recommended. Version added: 4.4.1 | |
N/A | Encryption Key | An encryption key provided by Billtrust. If no value is entered data will be passed to Billtrust unencrypted. Highly recommended. | |
Default_EndUserType | End User Type | Default end user type used when creating new customers. | |
ERP_ShipToFormat | ERP Customer Sequence Format | Format for new Ship To Numbers (should be 0 for Syteline Integration | |
ERP_ShipToPrefix | ERP Customer Sequence Prefix | Prefix for new Ship To Numbers (should be blank for Syteline Integration | |
N/A | Exclude Part Number from AutoCorrect | If Yes, an exact match on a part number will redirect to the product detail page. This will require an index rebuild to take effect. Version added: 4.5 | |
SEO_ExcludeProductPagesFromSearchEngines | Exclude Product Pages From Search Engines | If Yes, will exclude product pages from the sitemap and add a noindex tag to the product pages. | |
ExternalProvider_Facebook_AppId | Facebook App ID | The app ID identified by your facebook application used for facebook login. | |
ExternalProvider_Facebook_AppSecret | Facebook App Secret | The app secret identified by your facebook application used for facebook login. | |
N/A | Failed Order Email / PunchoutFailedOrderEmail | Enter a list of email addresses to be alerted when a PunchOut order request fails. Version added: 4.3.0 / 4.2.0 SP 10-16 | |
FieldSize_FirstName | First Name Max Length | Maximum length of the First Name field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_FreightTaxCode | Freight Tax Code | The tax code used by Avalara for freight charges. | |
Search_FuzzySearch_Enabled | Fuzzy Search | If On, fuzzy search is enabled on the site. | |
Geocoder_FreeGeoipApiUrl | Geo IP Geocoder API URL | URL to use for FreeGeoIp's Geocoding API. | |
N/A | Git Repository Branch | The specific branch in the repository that will be used for this site. For example, if this is the Sandbox site, it will likely have a different branch than the Production site. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
N/A | Git Repository Location | Location of the Git repository used to store code to be applied to the site. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
N/A | Git Repository Password | The password is used along with the username to gain access to the repository. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
N/A | Git Repository User Name | The name entered here, along with the password, will allow access to the repository to pull down the code to include in the build process. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
ExternalProvider_Google_ClientId | Google Client ID | The client ID identified by your google application used for google login. | |
ExternalProvider_Google_ClientSecret | Google Client Secret | The client secret identified by your google application used for google login. | |
Geocoder_GoogleApiUrl | Google Geocoder API URL | URL to use for Google's Geocoding API. | |
N/A | Guest ERP Customer | If a customer is selected the property values from that customer will be copied to customer records created during guest checkout. This can be used to drive guest pricing by selecting the default ERP customer record and to set up customer defaults for guests that differ from those that are used for creating new customers. Version added: 4.4.0 | |
N/A | Handling Amount | The amount of handling that will be charged for each order. This can be configured to be either a percent or an amount using the Handling Calculation setting. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
N/A | Handling Calculation | Determines if the handling amount is a flat amount or a percentage of the order total. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
PaymentGateway_PayflowPro_Host | Host | The URL of the Payflow webservice. Deprecated in 4.3.1- replaced bySend Live Transactions | |
SslMode | Https Mode | Determines if all requests are redirected to https or redirected to http. (Setting only available to ISC_System users.) | |
PageTitleIncludesSiteName | Include Site Name in Page Title | If Yes, the site name will be included in the page title. If No, the site name will not be included. | |
N/A | Enable inRiver Integration | To activate inRiver integration, set this to true. Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
N/A | inventory Service | The Inventory Service to use for this website. If Generic, it will use the data stored within the Admin Console. Otherwise it will retrieve the data using the plug-in, typically to an ERP endpoint. Default value: Generic. Version Added: 4.4.0 and backbuilt to 4.3.2. | |
Invoices_Enabled | Invoice History | If On, users will be able to access invoice history within my account. | |
ERP_LookBackDays | Invoice History Lookback Days | Determines how many days of data are retrieved for the invoice history page. Invoices more than this many days old will not be included. | |
N/A | Job Log Max Message Size | The maximum size for job log messages. Default value: 5000. (Setting only available to ISC_System users.) | |
NotFoundLargeImagePath | Large Default Product Image | The image to be used when a large image is not found. | |
FieldSize_LastName | Last Name Max Length | Maximum length of the Last Name field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_TaxServiceLicense | License Key | The license key required to connect to Avalara. This will be a 16 character string. | |
N/A | Limit to Product Detail Page | If Yes, the text link for availability by warehouse will only display on the product detail page. Default value: No. (Added in 4.4.8.) | |
N/A | Live | If Yes, the live URL will be used for transactions and charges will be processed. Set to 'No' to have transactions use the Moneris sandbox URL for testing. Default value: No. Added in 4.4.7. | |
PayPal_Live | Live | If Yes, the live URL will be used for transactions and charges will be processed. Set to 'No' to have transactions use the PayPal sandbox URL for testing. | |
N/A | Live | Indicates if the Luve or Sandbox URL is being used. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Live - Vantiv | If Yes, the live URL will be used for transactions and charges will be processed. Set to 'No' to have transactions use the Vantiv sandbox URL for testing. Default value: No | |
N/A | Live URL | The endpoint to call for production use (when Live is true). Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
PayPal_LiveUrl | Live URL | The Live URL used for PayPal transactions. | |
N/A | Live URL - Vantiv | The Live URL used for Vantiv transactions. | |
ERP_ChunkStoragePath | Local Chunk Storage Path | The physical path on the file system to store chunks in until all data is acquired. | |
CurrentLocationProvider | Location Provider | Determines if the user's location is determined by bill to address, ship to address or IP address. | |
N/A | Lockout Enabled | Determines if a user can be locked out for failing to log in successfully Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Lockout Enabled | Determines if a user can be locked out for failing to log in successfully Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Lockout Time In Minutes | Determines how many minutes a user will be locked out for. Default value: 5. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Lockout Time In Minutes | Determines how many minutes a user will be locked out for. Default value: 5. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Log Debug Messages | If enabled, debug messages will be logged. Default value: No. (Setting only available to ISC_System users.) | |
N/A | Log Transactions | If enabled, transaction logs will be saved to the application log to assist with troubleshooting. To prevent large numbers of application logs this should only be used for debugging purposes. Version added: 4.4.0 | |
Web_InventoryLowStockQuantity | Low Stock Threshold | If less than this quantity of a product is in stock, the Low Stock message will display. | |
ApplicationLog_MaxMessageSize | Max Application Log Size | Controls the size of the message when writing to the database. (Setting only available to ISC_System users.) | |
Search_FuzzySearch_MaxEdits | Max Edits | The maximum number of character edits that can be made to a search string to return a match. This can be either a character swapped for a different character or a character being added or removed. | |
Search_Suggestions_MaxEdits | Max Edits | The maximum number of character edits that can be made to a search string to return a match. This can be either a character swapped for a different character or a character being added or removed. | |
Search_Suggestions_MaxErrors | Max Errors | The maximum number of errors that can be corrected when generating suggestions. If a decimal between 0 and 1 this indicates a percentage of words that can be corrected. Whole numbers greater than or equal to 1 can be used to specify the exact number of words that can be corrected. Numbers higher than 2 may have a negative impact on performance. | |
N/A | Max Failed Attempts Before Lockout | Determines how many unsuccessful signin attempts are allowed before a user is locked out. Default value: 5. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Max Failed Attempts Before Lockout | Determines how many unsuccessful signin attempts are allowed before a user is locked out. Default value: 5. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Maximum Delivery Period | The maximum number of days ahead that a customer can request a delivery. Default value: 90. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
Search_MaximumFacets | Maximum Facets | The maximum number of attribute values or category check boxes that will display for each section in the left nav of the product list. | |
SEO_SitemapMaximumUrlNumber | Maximum URLs Per Site | Maximum number of URLs per site (before splitting into multiple sitemaps) | |
NotFoundMediumImagePath | Medium Default Product Image | The image to be used when a medium image is not found. | |
N/A | Merchant Id | This, along with the 3 settings below, allow for standard integration with the Chase Paymentech Orbital payment gateway. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.1) | |
N/A | Merchant ID | Identifier for the gateway to identify the company the transactions are being processed for. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
TaxCalculator_CyberSource_Merchant_Id | Merchant ID | The merchant ID for the Authorize DotNet account. | |
PaymentGateway_CyberSource_MerchantID_enc | Merchant ID | The merchant ID for the Authorize DotNet account. | |
PaymentGateway_Cenpos_MerchantId | Merchant ID | The merchant ID for the Authorize DotNet account. | |
PaymentGateway_AuthorizeDotNet_MerchantID_enc | Merchant ID | The merchant ID for the Authorize DotNet account. | |
N/A | Merchant ID - Vantiv | Gateway merchant account number. | |
TaxCalculator_CyberSource_MerchantReferencecode | Merchant Reference Code | The Merchant Reference Code used for your Cybersource account. | |
SEO_MicrositeCanonicalProducts | Microsite Canonical Products | If Yes, products on microsites will have their own canonical URLs. If No, they will point to products on the root domain site when they exist there. | |
CartTotalDisplay | Mini-Cart Quantity Display | Determines what number appears in the website mini-cart. If TotalItemQty, the total of all items on all lines displays. If LineItemCount the number of lines will display (50 quantity of a single product will display as 1) | |
Search_MinimumMatchCount | Minimum Match Count | The minimum number of words that must match to return a result. Negative numbers indicate the number of optional words. Works in conjunction with Minimum Match Percent. | |
Search_MinimumMatchPercent | Minimum Match Percent | The percentage of optional words in a search term that must match to return a result. Negative numbers indicate the percent of optional words that can be missing. This works in conjunction with Minimum Match Count. | |
HandlingAmount_MultiplyByQtyOrdered | Multiply Handling by Quantity Ordered | If Yes, the handling amount will be applied once per order, otherwise it will be applied for each quantity ordered. | |
ShoppingCartRetentionDays | Number of Days to Retain Items in Cart | Number of days to retain abandoned cart data. If this is set to '0' the cart will be cleared when the user browses away from the site. If the setting holds any other value the cart should be retained for that number of days. | |
DealerLocator_PageSize | Number of Locations Shown Per Page | Number of locations to show a user per page. | |
N/A | Number of Minutes Before Repricing Cart |
| |
N/A | Number of Warehouses Shown Per Page | Number of pickup locations to show per page. Default value: 5 (Added in 4.4.7) | |
ERP_LookBackDays | Order History Lookback Days | Determines how many days of data are retrieved for the order history page. Orders more than this many days old will not be included. | |
OrderNotificationEmail | Order Notification Email Address | This address will be the recipient of all order confirmation emails. Additionally, if there is an error sending email, this address will receive a notification email along with the SystemAdminEmail recipient. | |
N/A | Order Number Format | Order numbers will be formatted according to the number of zeroes entered in this setting. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
N/A | Order Number Prefix | The prefix that will be added to all order numbers. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
OrderUpload_Enable | Orderpad Upload | If On, users can access order upload via an Upload an Order link that will display in the Quick Order widget and Quick Order page. | |
PaymentGateway_PayflowPro_Partner_enc | Partner | Partner ID provided by the VeriSign reseller. If the customer signed up themselves, "VeriSign" should be used. | |
PaymentGateway_PayflowPro_Password_enc | Password | The password for the Cenpos account. | |
PaymentGateway_Cenpos_Password | Password | The password for the Cenpos account. | |
N/A | Password Minimum Required Length | The minimum required length for a password. Default value: 7. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Minimum Required Length | The minimum required length for a password. Default value: 7. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Digit | Determines if a digit is required in a password Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Digit | Determines if a digit is required in a password Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Lowercase | Determines if a lowercase letter is required in a password Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Lowercase | Determines if a lowercase letter is required in a password Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Special Character | Determines if a special character is required in a password Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Special Characters | Determines if a special character is required in a password Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Uppercase | Determines if an uppercase letter is required in a password Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Password Requires Uppercase | Determines if an uppercase letter is required in a password Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
FieldSize_Phone | Phone Max Length | Maximum length of the Phone field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
PaymentGateway_PayflowPro_Port | Port | The port ID used to connect to the PayFlow system. Typically, the port number is 443. Deprecated in 4.3.1- replaced bySend Live Transactions | |
FieldSize_PostalCode | Postal Code Max Length | Maximum length of the Postal Code field. Can be used to ensure data matches ERP constraints. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
Search_FuzzySearch_PrefixLength | Prefix Length | The number of initial characters that must match and will not be fuzzified. A value below 2 will result in performance issues. | |
Search_PriceSortMaximum | Price Sort Maximum | If search returns fewer products than this value, users can sort results by price. If search returns a greater number of products than this value, price sorting does not appear in the sort drop-down list for products. Choose the smallest value possible, because the larger the value, the greater the impact on site performance. Default value: 25. Maximum value: 100. | |
N/A | Processing Batch Size | Number of records to process before writing results to database. Default value: 100. (Setting only available to ISC_System users.) | |
N/A | Processing Country Code | Country code of processing server. Related to Moneris. Default value: US. Added in 4.4.7. | |
Search_EnableProductBoost | Product Boosting | If On, specific products can be boosted to display higher or lower in search results. If No, product boosting values are ignored. | |
EnableProductComparisons | Product Comparisons | If On, the product comparison feature will be enabled on the product list. | |
Search_Autocomplete_Product_Limit | Product Limit | The maximum number of product autocomplete results that display. Maximum value: 10 | |
N/A | Production URL | The production URL for integration with Billtrust. Used when test mode is turned off. Version added: 4.4.1 | |
PromotionDiscountRoundingLevel | Promotion Rounding Level | Determines if promotion discounts are rounded at the Order, Orderline or Unit Price level. | |
Punchout_NotOnFileProductName | PunchOut Default Product | Default product for products not found in a PunchOut order request. This setting assumes that the value entered is a valid product number. | |
N/A | Real Time Pricing Service | The real-time pricing service name. Default value: Insite. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
N/A | Real Time Service Timeout Seconds (Pricing) | Time to wait for real time pricing service to return pricing information. Default value: 10. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
N/A | Real Time Service Cache Minutes (Pricing) | Number of minutes that prices from a real-time service will be cached. Default value: 60. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
N/A | Real Time Service Unavailable Retry Minutes (Pricing) | Number of minutes to wait if the real time service timed out before trying again. Default value: 5 | |
N/A | Real Time Service Delay Seconds (Pricing) | Number of seconds to delay the real time pricing. This is used for testing and should be set to 0 in a production environment. Default value: 0. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Real Time Inventory Service | The real time inventory service name. Default value: Insite | |
N/A | Real Time Service Timeout Seconds (Inventory) | Time to wait for real time inventory service to return inventory data. Default value: 10 If the real time service does not respond within the stated number of seconds, the system will wait until the retry minutes time elapses before trying again. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Real Time Service Cache Minutes (Inventory) | Number of minutes that inventory from a real time service will be cached. Default value: 15 It should match that of the pricing cache minutes if inventory is returned with a real-time pricing call. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Real Time Service Unavailable Retry Minutes (Inventory) | If the timeout occurs, this is the number of minutes that must elapse before it will try again to reach the endpoint. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Real Time Service Delay Seconds (Inventory) | Number of seconds to delay the real time inventory. This is used for testing and should be set to 0 in a production environment. Default value: 0 | |
N/A | Real Time Order History | If Yes, real time order history calls will be used. Default: No. | |
? | Recently Viewed - Simplified | This setting was removed as of 4.4.4 with the introduction of the Product Carousel widget. | |
N/A | Recently Viewed - Days to Retain Products | The number of days that previously viewed products will display in the Recently Viewed widget. Version added: 4.4.0 | |
N/A | Recently Viewed - Products to Display | The maximum number of products that will display in the Recently Viewed widget. Version added: 4.4.0 | |
N/A | Remember Me | If on, users will be given the option to have their user session retained. When returning to the site in the same browser they will be able to access their cart, lists, and saved orders and browse the site as the user without signing in. Users will be required to authenticate when accessing account information or proceeding to checkout. Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
Reorder_Enable | Reorder from Order History | If Yes, users will be able to reorder products within order history detail pages. | |
Web_ReplaceOnAddToCart | Replace Total Quantity on Duplicate Add to Cart | If Yes, adding the same product to cart multiple times will replace it with the quantity from the last add to cart action. (5 of product in cart; 1 of product added to cart; Qty in cart = 1) If No, the quantity in cart will increment when the same product is added multiple times. (5 of product in cart; 1 of product added to cart; Qty in cart = 6) | |
N/A | Report Group | Identifies how the transactions are grouped within Vantiv. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
N/A | Report Group - Vantiv | Specific report group name. Default value: Default Report Group | |
N/A | Report Group (Vantiv) | Identifies how the transactions are grouped within Vantiv.?Version added:?4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
RFQ_Enabled | Request for Quote | If On, the RFQ feature will be enabled and buyers will be able to submit quotes. | |
BillToStateRequired | Require Bill To State | If Yes, bill to state is a required field on the address page. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
BillToCompanyNameRequired | Require Company Name for Bill To | If Yes Bill To Company Name is a required field on the address page. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
RequireSelectCustomerOnSignIn | Require Customer Selection on Sign In | If Yes, require selecting BillTo and ShipTo on Sign in. | |
BillToFirstNameRequired | Require First Name for Bill To | If Yes, Bill To First Name is a required field on the address page. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
BillToLastNameRequired | Require Last Name for Bill To | If Yes, Bill To Last Name is a required field on the address page. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
PONumberRequired | Require Purchase Order Number | If Yes, a purchase order number will be required to submit an order. | |
ShipToCompanyNameRequired | Require Ship To Company Name | If Yes, Ship To Company Name is required. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
ShipToFirstNameRequired | Require Ship To First Name | If Yes, Ship To First Name is required. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
ShipToLastNameRequired | Require Ship To Last Name | If Yes, Ship To Last Name is required. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
ShipToStateRequired | Require Ship To State | If Yes, Ship To State is required. Deprecated as of version: 4.3.1- Setting functionality moved to configurable customer fields page. | |
N/A | Require Unique Email | Determines if more than one account may use the same email address. Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Require Unique Email | Determines if more than one account may use the same email address. Default value: No. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Restrict Users to Assigned Websites | If Yes, website users are unable to sign into websites that they are not assigned to. Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
WebsiteSignInRestrictedToAssignedUsersOnly | Restrict Users to Assigned Websites | If Yes, website users are unable to sign into websites that they are not assigned to. | |
RestrictionsByItem | Restrictions By Item | If Yes, you will be able to manage production permissions using restriction groups. | |
RMA_Enabled | Return Merchandise Authorization | If On, users will be able to request a Return Merchandise Authorization for orders in status of complete from the order history detail page. Deprecated-This setting was removed for 4.2 and below in the July 2017 Service Pack- Ability to toggle RMA on and off for each order status was added. See the Order status mapping article for more information. | |
RevertableOrderStatuses | Revertable Order Statuses | Order statuses that will enable the revert to saved order option within the Admin Console Cart History page. For multiple order statuses separate values with commas. | |
RMA_DestinationEmail | RMA Destination Email | The destination email address for Return Merchandise Authorization requests. | |
Default_Salesman | Sales Representative | Default salesman used when creating new customers. | |
N/A | Sandbox - Vantiv | The Sandbox URL for testing Vantiv transactions. Default value: | |
N/A | Sandbox URL | The endpoint to call when testing and not using the live, production instance of the gateway. Version added: 4.4.0 (backbuilt to 4.3.2) | |
PayPal_SandboxUrl | Sandbox URL | The Sandbox URL for testing PayPal transactions. | |
FedExSaveXML | Save XML | If Yes, the XML of the FedEx registration and rating services is saved. Only set to 'Yes' if troubleshooting. | |
SavedOrders_Enabled | Saved Orders | If On, users will be able to use the save order feature in the cart. Saved orders will be accessible within My Account and can be converted to orders and checked out. | |
Search_History_Enabled | Search History | If On, users will see their previous searches when they click the search box and nothing is in it. | |
Search_History_Limit | Search History Limit | The number of previous searches that will display to the user when they click the search box and nothing is in it. | |
N/A | Search Non Alphanumeric Characters | If On, non-alphanumeric characters will be preserved and whitespace will be used to split words. Of Off, non-alphanumeric characters will be ignored. Default value: Off. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
DealerLocator_SearchRadius | Search Radius - Locations | Radius in miles to look for locations. Default value: 50 | |
N/A | Search Radius - Pickup | Radius in miles to look for pickup locations. Default value: 50 (Added in 4.4.7) | |
N/A | Search_NonAlphanumericCharacters | If On, non-alphanumeric characters will be preserved and whitespace will be used to split words. If Off, non-alphanumeric characters will be ignored. Default value: Off. Version added: 4.2.0 | |
TaxCalculator_CyberSource_Seller_Registration | Seller Registration | The Seller Registration Number used for CyberSource transactions. | |
N/A | Send Live Transactions | Determines if tax will be calculated using the development server or the live server. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
N/A | Send Live Transactions | Determines if the transactions will be sent as live transactions or test transactions. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
N/A | Send Live Transactions | Determines if the transactions will be sent as live transactions or test transactions. Default value: No The URL for the live and test transaction URLs are embedded within the code, eliminating the need to know or find the correct URL- simply choose "Yes" for Live and "No" for Test. This Setting is associated with both the Avalara Tax Calculator and PayflowPro. | |
N/A | Send Order Confirmation To | Determines which email addresses the order confirmation email will be sent to. Default value: UserEmail. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Send to Production | CyberSource payment gateway must first be selected- Determines if the transaction is sent to the production cybersource server or the test cybersource server Default value: No | |
N/A | Send To Production | Determines if the transaction is sent to the production CyberSource server or the test CyberSource server. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
Default_ShipCode | Ship Code | Default ship code used when creating new customers. | |
ShowAddToCartConfirmationDialog | Show Add To Cart Confirmation pop-up | If Yes, a modal will display each time a product is added to the cart. | |
Search_FilterOnSearch | Show Attributes On Search | If Yes, attribute facets will appear for search results, not just category pages. | |
Search_Autocomplete_Category_Enabled | Show Categories | If On, category autocomplete results will show up as the user starts typing in the search box. | |
ShowCostCode | Show Cost Codes | If Yes, cost codes will be displayed and available for use on the website. | |
OrderHistory_ShowErpOrderNumber | Show ERP Order Number | If Yes, show the ERP order number column in the website order history table. | |
Web_ShowInventoryAvailability | Show Inventory Availablility | If Yes, product availability will be displayed throughout the site. When this setting is set to "Secure", users not signed in get a message called "Inventory_SignInForAvailability". The default message value is blank. (Version 4.4.6) | |
InvoiceHistory_ShowErpInvoiceNumber | Show Invoice Number | If Yes, the invoice number from the ERP will display on the invoice history and invoice history detail pages. Deprecated in 4.3.1, as the invoice value is now always displayed. | |
Cart_ShowOrderLineNotes | Show Order Line Notes | If Yes, display the order line notes field on the cart page. | |
N/A | Show Order Status | If Yes, the order status will display on the order history details page. Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.1 | |
ShowPayPal | Show PayPal | If Yes, PayPal will be available on the Review and Pay page. | |
ShowPONumber | Show PO Number | If Yes, the PO Number will display on the order history and order history detail pages. | |
Search_Autocomplete_Product_Enabled | Show Products | If On, product autocomplete results will show up as the user starts typing in the search box. | |
N/A | Show Savings Amount | If Yes, pricing for discounted products will include the amount saved in the selected currency. Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
N/A | Show Savings Percent | If Yes, pricing for discounted products will include the percentage off the base price. Default value: Yes. Version added: 4.3.0 | |
Cart_ShowNewsletterSignup | Show Subscription Signup During Checkout | If Yes, a checkbox for subscribing to a newsletter will be displayed on the checkout address page. | |
ShowTaxAndShippingInCart | Show Tax & Shipping Amount in Cart | If Yes, tax and shipping charges will display in the cart. | |
ShowTermsCode | Show Terms Code | If Yes, the terms code will display on the order history and order history detail pages. | |
Search_Autocomplete_Content_Enabled | Show Website Pages | If On, CMS pages will show up as autocomplete results as the user is typing in the search box. | |
PageTitleSiteNameAfterTitle | Site Name After Title | If Yes, the site name will appear after the short description in the page title. If No, the Site name will appear before. | |
 | Site Timeout Minutes | Enter the number of minutes of inactivity after which the user must sign back into the site. Default value: 15. Activity is defined as anytime the page changes. Added in version 4.4.3 | |
NotFoundSmallImagePath | Small Default Product Image | The image to be used when a small image is not found. | |
Search_SponsoredSearch_Enabled | Sponsored Search | If On, specific products can be flagged as sponsored and boosted to the top of search results. Sponsored flag is set for individual products in the product boosting screen. | |
Search_SponsoredSearch_Limit | Sponsored Search Limit | The maximum number of sponsored products matching the search query that will be displayed at the top of search results. | |
Search_StopwordMode | Stopword Mode | Determines what list of common words to exclude from search queries. If Custom, the list from Search - Stopwords in the Admin Console is used. If default, the internal list of English Lucene stopwords is used. If None, no stop words will be used. | |
N/A | Store ID | Enter the Store ID assigned to the merchant by Moneris. Added 4.4.7. | |
StorageProvider | Storage Provider | Determines which storage provider to use to get user files. Default value: FileSystem. Additional options are AmazonS3 and Azure. | |
SubmitAllPaymentInfo | Submit All Payment Info | Parameter for Epicor order submit integration jobs. If true, include all credit card transactions - otherwise only includes those with transaction types of sale, delayed capture, credit, and void . | |
ERP_SubmitOrders | Submit Orders to ERP | If Yes, orders are submitted to the ERP by the integration service. If No, orders will not be submitted via integration. | |
N/A | Tax Amount | The sales tax rate that will be used for orders. Used in conjunction with Tax Calculation to determine how this rate is calculated. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
N/A | Tax Calculation | If None, sales tax will not be charged. If Percent, the defined percentage of the order total will be charged as sales tax for all orders. If Calculate, sales tax will be calculated using the configured tax rates based on the customer order. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
TaxCalculator | Tax Calculator | Determines which tax calculator is used for calculating taxes. When this setting is changed, a website restart will be required. | |
N/A | Tax Free Tax Code | Products with this tax code will be exempted from sales tax when using the standard tax calculator. Version added: 4.3.2 | |
Default_TermsCode | Terms Code | Default order terms code used when creating new customers. | |
Email_TestEmailAddress | Test Email Address | If this value is set, all emails will be delivered here instead of their intended recipient. This should be used for testing emails. | |
N/A | Test Mode | If On, the test URL will be used to test integration with Billtrust. Version added: 4.4.1 | |
PaymentGateway_AuthorizeDotNet_TestMode | Test Mode | If On Authorize DotNet will be in test mode and no actual transactions will take place. | |
N/A | Test URL | The test URL for testing integration with Billtrust. Used in test mode. Version added: 4.4.1 | |
ThirdPartyPersonalization | Third Party Personalization | Set to None, Monetate or Certona | |
PaymentGateway_Cenpos_PaymentTokenizationEnabled | Tokenize Payments | If Yes, payment data will be tokenized. | |
PaymentGateway_AuthorizeDotNet_PaymentTokenizationEnabled | Tokenize Payments | If Yes, payment data will be tokenized. | |
PaymentGateway_CyberSource_PaymentTokenizationEnabled | Tokenize Payments | If Yes, payment data will be tokenized. | |
PaymentGateway_AuthorizeDotNet_TransactionKey_enc | Transaction Key | The transaction key for Authorize DotNet. | |
PaymentGateway_CyberSource_TransactionKey_enc | Transaction Key | The transaction key for Authorize DotNet. | |
UpdatePricingOnApproval | Update Pricing on Approval | If Yes, update order line pricing when an order is approved. | |
PaymentGateway_CyberSource_Url | URL | The web service URL for CyberSource. Deprecated in 4.3.1- replaced bySend to Production | |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_TaxServiceURL | URL | The web service URL for CyberSource. Deprecated in 4.3.1- replaced by Send Live Transactions | |
RatingService_ImperialUnits | Use Imperial Units for Rating Service | If Yes, Imperial units of measurement will be used (pounds and inches). If No, metric will be used. | |
TaxCalculator_UseOrderWarehouseForOriginAddress | Use Order Warehouse for Tax Origin Address | If Yes, the address of the default warehouse will be used to determine the tax rate for the order. | |
UPSUseResidentialShipping | Use Residential Shipping Address | If Yes, sets the residential flag when rating UPS shipments. Note: This is a global setting for all calls to UPS and is currently not customer or address specific. | |
PaymentGateway_PayflowPro_User_enc | User | Username assigned by PayFlow. This along with the Payflow_Partner and Payflow_Password help define who the transaction request is coming from. There may be multiple users within a vendor account. | |
PaymentGateway_Cenpos_UserId | User ID | The user ID for the Cenpos account. | |
N/A | Vantiv | Payment Gateway for Vantiv | |
PaymentGateway_PayflowPro_Vendor_enc | Vendor | The vendor code assigned by PayFlow to identify the selling company. | |
WebsiteNavigation | Website Access | Determines what guests will be able to access before being prompted to sign in. Options are NoSignInRequired, SignInRequiredToBrowse, SignInRequiredToAddToCart, SignInRequiredToAddToCartOrSeePrices. When this setting is set to "Sign In Required to Add Cart or See Prices", users not signed in get a message called "Pricing_SignInForPrice". The default message value is blank. (Version 4.4.6) | |
Search_Autocomplete_Content_Limit | Website Pages Limit | The maximum number of CMS page autocomplete results that display. Maximum value: 10 | |
Wishlists_ByCustomer | Wishlists by Customer | Determines if wishlists are by customer bill to or by user. Deprecated in version 4.4.0. All lists are now tied to users, in alignment with the new List Management capabilities. |
Environmental settings for Configured Commerce self-hosted and Configured Commerce Cloud developers
Roles: ISC_System and ISC_Implementer
The following settings are strictly meant for technical implementers that affect the technical ISC environment. Changes to these settings can have negative performance issues or functional impacts on your site, which could include bringing down the site.
*Table is sorted by 4.3. Setting Name column
Setting Name for 4.2 and Prior | Setting Name for 4.3 and Beyond | Description |
CkFinderAdditionalExtensions | Additional CK FinderMedia Manager Extensions | Additional extensions (file types) to be added to the list of already approved CK Finder Media Manager extensions. References to CK Finder were changed to Media Manager in version 4.4.0. |
AllowCancellationRequest | Allow Cancellation Requests | If Yes, this will allow a user to cancel orders. Deprecated in version 4.3.1. No longer needed as the new order status mapping page allows for toggling cancellation off/on for each status. Related new setting: Cancellable Order Statuses |
N/A | Automatically Apply Themes | When set to Yes, then when themes are posted to the Github repository, they will be applied automatically. Default value: Yes (Limited to ISC_System role only) Added in version 4.4.4 |
Search_IndexingBatchSize | Batch Size for Indexing | The number of records to send to Elasticsearch in each request during indexing. In version 4.3 and beyond, reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect. Additionally, prior to 2/2017, this setting was specific to Products, whereas now it is more generic. Note: Prior to the 2/2017 Service Pack, the setting names were changed:
CategoryMenuCacheEnable | Cache Category Menu | If On, improves performance by caching the navigation menu and categories. It is highly recommended that this setting be set to On. |
Cache_CmsContent | Cache CMS Content | If Yes, CMS content will be cached. Switching this to false will have performance implications. |
Caching_EnableEtags | Cache Etags | If On, Etag caching is enabled. (requires website restart) |
OrderCancelStatuses | Cancellable Order Statuses | Order statuses that will enable the cancel order option within the Admin Console Cart and Order History pages. For multiple order statuses separate values with commas. |
Search_IndexingConcurrentRequests | Concurrent Requests for Indexing | The number of concurrent requests to make to Elasticsearch during product indexing. In version 4.3 and beyond, reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect. Additionally, prior to 2/2017, this setting was specific to Products, whereas now it is more generic. Note: Prior to the 2/2017 Service Pack, the setting names were changed:
? | CORS Origin | The domain URL of the website for which web API requests will be made. |
CreditCardOrderCancelLogic | Credit Card Cancel Logic | Determines logic when canceling a credit card order from the Admin Console. If set to cancel, a cancel authorization will be processed for the credit card transaction. If set to refund, a sale refund will be processed. |
CurrencyConverter | Currency Converter | External service that will get currency exchange rates. |
CustomerProductsInclude | Customer Specific Product Restrictions | If Show the website will only show the products that are assigned to the user's customer record. If Hide, the website will not show any products that are assigned to the user's customer record. If Ignore, ignore all customer product rules. All items assigned to categories will show up on the site. |
CurrencyRatePurgeDaysBack | Days to Retain Currency Rates | Number of days back to purge CurrencyRate records from the database. |
N/A | Enable APlus Integration | If Yes, the Infor APlus integration connectors will be enabled and the job definitions will be created. Default value: No. Enabling this integration also will expose additional APlus setting fields:?APlus Version, APlus Company, APlus Refresh Warehouse, APlus?History Lookback Days and APlus Integration Connection. Refer to in the app tool-tips for more information on these APlus-dependent settings. (Added version 4.4.5) |
N/A | Enable SXe10 Integration | If Yes, the Infor SX.e version 10 integration connectors will be enabled and the job definitions will be created. Default value: No. Enabling this integration also will expose additional SX.e setting fields:?SX.e Version, SX.e Company, SX.e Web Order Number Field, SX.e Refresh Warehouse, SX.e Starting Order Number and SX.e Integration Connection. Refer to in the app tool-tips for more information on these SX.e dependent settings. (Added version 4.4.4) |
ERP_PricingStoredProcedure | Epicor Pricing Stored Procedure | The name of the stored procedure to run in the Epicor Commerce database to calculate pricing using the price matrix. |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_IncludeCustomerFieldValue | Exempt Customer Tax Code | If Tax Code 1 is not equal to this value, the customer will not be taxed. |
GoogleApiKey | Google Geocoder API Key | Defines the API Key used for Google's Geocoder Provider. |
GiftCard_IgnoreTransactions | Ignore Gift Card Transactions | If Yes, gift card transactions will not be created. No is the default. |
BazaarVoiceJavascriptUrl | Javascript URL | The URL entered in this field allows <> and BazaarVoice to communicate. The proper URL is provided by BazaarVoice. |
LogRatingServiceCall | Log Rating Service Call | If Yes, UPS rating service calls will be saved to the dataset folder. |
RealTimeWaitSeconds | Maximum Seconds for Real Time Calls | Amount of seconds to wait for a real time task to return data before timing out |
MiniProfiler_Enabled | Mini Profiler | If On, show client side mini profiler for performance testing. |
EtagCacheClientDuration | Number of Minutes to Retain Client Etags | Duration in minutes to allow browsers to cache Web API requests. (requires website restart) |
EtagCacheServerDuration | Number of Minutes to Retain Server Etags | Duration in minutes for Etags to be valid on the server. (requires website restart) |
N/A | Order Submit Service | Select the appropriate integration service to submit orders. Default value: Generic, which uses a real-time job running on the WIS as an integration processor. Dependent on Real Time Order Submit being Yes. |
ShippingRating_FedEx_PassThruResidentialFlag | Pass Residential Flag | If Yes, sets the residential flag on the Fed Ex rating request from the customer order. |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_TaxServicePassword | Password | The password for your Avalara account. |
PaymentGateway | Payment Gateway | Defines which payment gateway is used for credit card transactions. Changes to this setting requires the website to be restarted. Note:?This setting is only accesible to the ISC_System role. |
TaxCalculator_PostTaxes | Post Taxes on Order Submit | If Yes, taxes will be posted to Avalara on order submit. |
UseBasicPricing | Pricing Service | If List Price is selected, the Basic List Price or the Basic Sale Price is used to determine the order total. If Generic is selected, the pricing service with C# code for price matrix calculations is used. If RealTime is selected, a realtime call to an external service is used. |
PricingService | Pricing Service | The pricing service to use for this Website. If Default, the legacy pricing service with SQL stored procedures. If Generic, the new pricing service with C# code for calculations. |
Web_UseRealTimeInvoiceHistory | Real Time Invoice History | If Yes, real time invoice history calls will be used |
UseRealTimeOrderSubmit | Real Time Order Submit | If On, the use of Real Time Order Submit is enabled. A realtime job will be used for integration order submit, otherwise scheduled job for integration order submit will be used. This also opens up the Order Submit Service drop-down. |
SendShipmentConfirmationWithoutShipmentPackageLine | Send Shipment Confirmation Without Shipment Package Line | If Yes, <> will only send shipment confirmation emails if there are actual package lines with quantities shipped. |
TaxCalculator_StorePickupShipCode | Ship Code for Store Pickup Calculations | The ship via code defined here will determine if the order is a store pickup. If it is, taxes will be based on the store's address rather than the ship to address. (Deprecated in version 4.4.7) |
ShowPriceFilter | Show Price Filter | If Yes, price filters will display on product list pages. These filters only work with list pricing. |
N/A | Site Timeout Minutes | Enter the number of minutes of inactivity after which the user must sign back into the site. Default value: 15. Note: Making changes to this value could impact PCI compliancy. |
N/A | Starting Order Number | This global setting is dependent on the SX.e 10 connector being enabled. Enter the starting SX.e order number for history refreshes. Use the oldest number that would have changes made to it. This is designed to improve refresh performance and is not required. Default value is 0. (Added in version 4.4.4) |
TaxCalculator_StorePickupStateAbbreviation | State for Store Pickup Calculations | If the order is being picked up at a store, as defined by the ship via code, this is used to determine which state that will be used to calculate state tax. (Deprecated in version 4.4.7) |
TaxCalculator_StorePickupZipCode | Store Pickup Postal Code | If the order is being picked up at a store, as defined by the ship via code, this is used to determine which tax locality to use to calculate local tax. (Deprecated in version 4.4.7) |
N/A | SX.e Refresh Warehouse | This global setting is dependent on the SX.e 10 connector being enabled. Enter the SX.e default warehouse to use for the product refresh. Default value is blank. (Added in version 4.4.4) |
Theme | Theme | Name of the current theme. Deprecated in version 4.3.1. Theme engine is no longer supported. |
ThirdPartyReviews | Third Party Reviews | Use to enable or disable BazaarVoice reviews. |
Shipping_UseOrderWarehouseForOriginAddress | Use Order Warehouse for Shipping Origin Address | If Yes, the order warehouse address will be used as the ship from address |
ShippingRating_FedEx_UseOwnPackage | Use Own Packaging Information | Drives whether we specify our own packaging information or not. Default value: No |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_TaxServiceUserName | UserName | The User Name for your Avalara account. |
Search_WebsiteSpecificAttributes | Website Specific Attributes | If On, website and category attribute faceting is enabled. |
Hosting settings for Configured Commerce self-managed developers
Roles: ISC_Implementer
The following settings impact the hosting environment in which ISC is implemented. Changes to these settings can have negative performance issues or functional impacts on your site, which could include bringing down the site. These settings are hidden within Configured Commerce Cloud (SaaS only). These settings should only be changed by the hosting provider.
*Sorted by 4.3 Setting Name column
Setting Name 4.2 and Prior | Setting Name 4.3 and Beyond | Description |
CkFinderAdditionalExtensions | Additional CK FinderMedia Manager Extensions | Additional extensions (file types) to be added to the list of already approved CK Finder Media Manager extensions. |
UseBasicPricing | Basic Pricing | If Yes, the Basic List Price or the Basic Sale Price will be used to determine the order total. If No, the Price Matrix will be used to determine pricing. Deprecated in 4.3.1. 'BasicPricing' is now an option in the 'Pricing Service' setting drop-down. |
Search_IndexingBatchSize | Batch Size for Indexing | The number of records to send to Elasticsearch in each request during indexing. In version 4.3 and beyond, reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect. Additionally, prior to 2/2017, this setting was specific to Products, whereas now it is more generic. Prior to the 2/2017 Service Pack, the setting names were changed:
CategoryMenuCacheEnable | Cache Category Menu | If On, improves performance by caching the navigation menu and categories. It is highly recommended that this setting be set to On. |
Cache_CmsContent | Cache CMS Content | If Yes, CMS content will be cached. Switching this to false will have performance implications. |
Caching_EnableEtags | Cache Etags | If On, Etag caching is enabled. (requires website restart) |
OrderCancelStatuses | Cancellable Order Statuses | Order statuses that will enable the cancel order option within the Admin Console Cart and Order History pages. For multiple order statuses separate values with commas. |
Search_IndexingConcurrentRequests | Concurrent Requests for Indexing | The number of concurrent requests to make to Elasticsearch during product indexing. In version 4.3 and beyond, reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect. Additionally, prior to 2/2017, this setting was specific to Products, whereas now it is more generic. Prior to the 2/2017 Service Pack, the setting names were changed:
CreditCardOrderCancelLogic | Credit Card Cancel Logic | Determines logic when canceling a credit card order from the Admin Console. If set to cancel, a cancel authorization will be processed for the credit card transaction. If set to refund, a sale refund will processed. |
CurrencyConverter | Currency Converter | External service that will get currency exchange rates. |
CustomerProductsInclude | Customer Specific Product Restrictions | If Show the website will only show the products that are assigned to the user's customer record. If Hide, the website will not show any products that are assigned to the user's customer record. If Ignore, ignore all customer product rules. All items assigned to categories will show up on the site. |
CurrencyRatePurgeDaysBack | Days to Retain Currency Rates | Number of days back to purge CurrencyRate records from the database. |
ERP_PricingStoredProcedure | Epicor Pricing Stored Procedure | The name of the stored procedure to run in the Epicor Commerce database to calculate pricing using the price matrix. |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_IncludeCustomerFieldValue | Exempt Customer Tax Code | If Tax Code 1 is not equal to this value, the customer will not be taxed. |
GoogleApiKey | Google Geocoder API Key | Defines the API Key used for Google's Geocoder Provider. |
GiftCard_IgnoreTransactions | Ignore Gift Card Transactions | If Yes, gift card transactions will not be created. |
BazaarVoiceJavascriptUrl | Javascript URL | The URL entered in this field allows <> and BazaarVoice to communicate. The proper URL is provided by BazaarVoice. |
LogRatingServiceCall | Log Rating Service Call | If Yes, UPS rating service calls will be saved to the dataset folder. |
RealTimeWaitSeconds | Maximum Seconds for Real Time Calls | Amount of seconds to wait for a real time task to return data before timing out |
MiniProfiler_Enabled | Mini Profiler | If On, show client side mini profiler for performance testing. |
EtagCacheClientDuration | Number of Minutes to Retain Client Etags | Duration in minutes to allow browsers to cache Web Api requests. (requires website restart) |
EtagCacheServerDuration | Number of Minutes to Retain Server Etags | Duration in minutes for Etags to be valid on the server. (requires website restart) |
N/A | Order Submit Service | Select the appropriate integration service to submit orders. Default value: Generic, which uses a real-time job running on the WIS as an integration processor. Dependent on Real Time Order Submit being Yes. |
ShippingRating_FedEx_PassThruResidentialFlag | Pass Residential Flag | If Yes, sets the residential flag on the Fed Ex rating request from the customer order. |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_TaxServicePassword | Password | The password for your Avalara account. |
TaxCalculator_PostTaxes | Post Taxes on Order Submit | If Yes, taxes will be posted to Avalara on order submit. |
PricingService | Pricing Service | The pricing service to use for this Website. If Default, the legacy pricing service with SQL stored procedures. If Generic, the new pricing service with C# code for calculations. |
Web_UseRealTimeInvoiceHistory | Real Time Invoice History | If Yes, real time invoice history calls will be used |
UseRealTimeOrderSubmit | Real Time Order Submit | If On, the use of Real Time Order Submit is enabled. A realtime job will be used for integration order submit, otherwise scheduled job for integration order submit will be used. This also opens up the Order Submit Service drop-down. |
SendShipmentConfirmationWithoutShipmentPackageLine | Send Shipment Confirmation Without Shipment Package Line | If Yes, <> will only send shipment confirmation emails if there are actual package lines with quantities shipped. |
TaxCalculator_StorePickupShipCode | Ship Code for Store Pickup Calculations | The ship via code defined here will determine if the order is a store pickup. If it is, taxes will be based on the store's address rather than the ship to address. |
ShowPriceFilter | Show Price Filter | If Yes, price filters will display on product list pages. These filters only work with basic pricing. |
TaxCalculator_StorePickupStateAbbreviation | State for Store Pickup Calculations | If the order is being picked up at a store, as defined by the ship via code, this is used to determine which state that will be used to calculate state tax. |
TaxCalculator_StorePickupZipCode | Store Pickup Postal Code | If the order is being picked up at a store, as defined by the ship via code, this is used to determine which tax locality to use to calculate local tax. |
ThirdPartyReviews | Third Party Reviews | Use to enable or disable BazaarVoice reviews. |
ShippingRating_FedEx_UseOwnPackage | Use Own Packaging Information | Drives whether we specify our own packaging information or not. Default value: No |
TaxCalculator_Avalara_TaxServiceUserName | UserName | The User Name for your Avalara account. |
Search_WebsiteSpecificAttributes | Website Specific Attributes | If On, website and category attribute faceting is enabled. |
Updated over 1 year ago