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Application settings

Describes the name, description, and accepted values of base-level application settings in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

Application Settings define behavior and parameters for entire application. The following list provides the name, description and accepted values of all base level Application Settings. This list does not include Application Settings that are only exposed after enabling additional features or functionality. Application Settings are found in the Admin Console > Administration > System > Application Settings.


Description – This setting determines whether or not credit cards can be used for payment.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – When set to True, the quantity on hand is decremented on every order; otherwise, to prevent issues with the ERP, it is only decremented if there is sufficient quantity.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If analytics installed, this is the URL to the customer analytics site
Accepted Values – EXAMPLE:


Description – If set to True, debug messages will be stored in the application log. This setting should only be set to "True" if the during development or to track/troubleshoot issues.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Controls the size of the message when writing to the database. Default is limited to 10000 characters.


Description – If set to False, promotions are not automatically applied to orders.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Windows Azure Blob Container for Lucene Index must be in all lower case
Accepted Values – lucene-index


Description – Windows Azure Storage Account
Accepted Values – String (Account Name)


Description – Windows Azure Storage Access Key
Accepted Values – String (Storage Key)


Description – Indicates the bank account the funds will be entered into with a cash receipt during integration. Generally, this code would represent the ERP's bank code in most instances, although a specific payment gateway may use this field for a different purpose.
Accepted Values – String


Description – The URL entered in this field allows Configured Commerce and BazaarVoice to communicate. The proper URL is provided by BazaarVoice. This setting works closely with a Website Setting called ThirdPartyReviews. The ThirdPartyReviews setting can be set to None or BazaarVoice.
Accepted Values – Example: //


Description – This setting is used to calculate the budget spent from either the customer order table or from the order history table. The customer order table ONLY shows orders that are placed online. The order history table returns ALL orders on the selected customer, including both orders online and orders placed directly in the ERP.
Accepted Values – TRUE/FALSE; Where TRUE = from CustomerOrder, FALSE = from OrderHistory


Description – Defines what stored procedure is used to build the product search index
Accepted Values – String


Description – Determines if CMS content will be cached, switching this to false will have performance implications.
Accepted Values – TRUE


Description – Determines which cache manager to use
Accepted Values – Memory


Description – Set to True to enable Etag caching (requires website restart)
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If set to true, promotion codes are case-sensitive
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Allows a site admin, as needed, to add additional extensions to the list of already approved extensions.
Accepted Values – Comma separated list, and ".extension name".



The following are the default extensions supported by the CK Finder: "7z", "aiff", "asf", "avi", "bmp", "csv", "doc", "docx", "fla", "flv", "gif", "gz", "gzip", "ico", "jpeg", "jpg", "mid", "mov", "mp3", "mp4", "mpc", "mpeg", "mpg", "ods", "odt", "pdf", "png", "ppt", "pptx", "pxd", "qt", "ram", "rar", "rm", "rmi", "rmvb", "rtf", "sdc", "sitd", "swf", "sxc", "sxw", "tar", "tgz", "tif", "tiff", "txt", "vsd", "wav", "wma", "wmv", "xls", "xlsx", "zip"

Version Added – 4.1 (Version 4.4.0, name changed to Media Manager)



Additional file extensions can be added using the CKFinderAdditionalExtensions setting. New extensions should not include the preceding period.


Description – The domain URL of the website for which web API requests will be made.
Accepted Values – URL


Description – Name of the Currency Conversion Service to use
Accepted Values – String


Description – The number of days back to purge currency conversion rates
Accepted Values – Integer (In Days)


Description – Customer service representative email address - If Emails_SendToTestAddress is set to "False," shipment confirmation emails will be sent to this address as well as the customer.
Accepted Values – String - Email address


Description – Default bank code used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – General


Description – Default credit limit used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – Default currency code used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – String


Description – Default Customer Sequence
Accepted Values – String


Description – Default customer type used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – String


Description – Default end-user type used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – String


Description – Default salesman used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – String


Description – Default ship code used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – String


Description – Default order terms code used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – String


Description – Name of the warehouse that will be chosen by default.
Accepted Values – Name of desired default warehouse.


Description – Default country code used when creating new customers
Accepted Values – String


Description: From address used for sending emails - This address will be used when no "from" address has been defined for an email in Global Management > Emails.
Accepted Values – String - Email address


Description – If no specific package is defined for a carrier, this value will be used for rate calculations.
Accepted Values – Integer (In Inches)


Description – If no specific package is defined for a carrier, this value will be used for rate calculations.
Accepted Values – Integer (In inches)


Description – If no specific package is defined for a carrier, this value will be used for rate calculations.
Accepted Values – Integer (In inches)


Description – If no specific package is defined for a carrier, this value will be used for rate calculations.
Accepted Values – Integer (in pounds)


Description – When adding a new bill or ship to, if a state is not provided, this is the value that will be used.
Accepted Values – MN


Description – Used to determine if Configured Commerce should send order and shipment emails to the actual recipients or the recipients in the Application Setting _EmailTestAddress_.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.7.1


Description – If Emails_SendToTestAddress is set to True, this address will be used as the recipient of shipment confirmation and order confirmation emails.
Accepted Values – String - Email address
Version Added – 4.1


Description – The location on the web server file system to store incoming temporary integration data
Accepted Values – String (File Path)


Description – Delete obsolete salespersons on integration salesperson refresh
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – Case-sensitive, comma-separated list of machine names that are allowed to call the integration service. If an unidentified machine attempts to call the integration service, an entry is created in the Application Logs.
Accepted Values – String


Description – Number of days to look back during historical refreshes (including Refresh Shipments, Orders and Invoices). This setting prevents the system from reprocessing old data.
Accepted Values – Integer (Number of Days)


Description – The name of the stored procedure to run in the Epicor Commerce database to calculate pricing using the price matrix
Accepted Values – String


Description – Enable/disable salesperson integration refresh
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – Specifies the format to use when creating a new Ship To
Accepted Values – String


Description – Specifies the prefix to use when creating a new Ship To
Accepted Values – String


Description – If set to "True," orders are submitted to the ERP by the integration service.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Specifies the ERP system used for integration
Accepted Values – String


Description – If set to True, Refreshes will use the new integration (which creates IntegrationJobs)
Accepted Value – True/False


Description – If set to True, Submits will use the new integration (which creates IntegrationJobs)
Accepted Value – True/False


Description – Identifies the warehouse to be used for inventory and pricing
Accepted Value – String


Description – Duration in minutes to allow browsers to cache Web Api requests (requires website restart)
Accepted Value – Number
Version Added – 4.1


Description – Duration in minutes for Etags to be valid on the server (requires website restart)
Accepted Value – Number
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If set to "True," the FedEx Rating Service XML data will be saved. Note: This setting should be set to "False" unless FedEx rating is being actively debugged.
Accepted Values – none


Description – If set to true, this adds a timestamp to the xml filename - this setting is used in conjunction with FedExSaveXML
Accepted Values – none


Description – Maximum length for field
Accepted Values – 40


Description – Maximum length for field
Accepted Values – 40


Description – max length of the City field on bill to/ ship to page.
Accepted Values – Integer (Number of characters)


Description – Maximum length for field
Accepted Values – 40


Description – Deprecated
Accepted Values – 0


Description – Max length of the email field on the bill to ship to page
Accepted Values – Integer (Number of characters)


Description – Max length of the firstname field on the bill to ship to page.
Accepted Values – Integer (Number of characters)


Description – Max length of the last name field on the bill to ship to page.
Accepted Values – Integer (Number of characters)


Description – Max length of the phone field on the bill to ship to page
Accepted Values – Integer (Number of characters)


Description – Max length of the Postalcode field on the bill to ship to page
Accepted Values – Integer (Number of characters)


Description – Deprecated
Accepted Values – 0


Description – URL to use for Google's Geocoding API
Accepted Values –


Description – When set to True, Commerce will not create gift card transactions
Accepted Values – True/Flase


Description – Automatically sets the expiration date of gift cards created by the system to the specified number of years in the future
Accepted Values – Integer - Number of years


Description – Defines the API Key used for Google Translations
Accepted Values – String


Description – Web URL to access Google Translate. Used with the App Setting GoogleApiKey
Accepted Values – Web URL - use


Description – Used to determine if the handling amount define should be applied once, or applied per each quantity ordered.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Controls the verification of whether or not the IdentityServerURL matches any of the domain names defined in the websites table. Setting this to true will bypass the check. If set to False, and if the IdentityServerURL does not match any of the domain names, an exception will be thrown on the sign-in page.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Number of threads to use to process refreshes for JobPostprocessorFieldMap
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – If True, datasets from integrations will be saved
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Set to True to use SignalR for Real-Time Integration
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Controls the size of the message when writing to the database. Default is limited to a max of 5000 characters.


Description – Log shipping rating service calls to c:\\temp\\
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Deprecated
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Your Microsoft Client Id


Description – Your Microsoft Client Secret


Description – Url for the Microsoft Translate Api
Accepted Values –

MiniProfiler_Enabled (Also known as MiniProfiler)

Description – If Ture then Show client side mini profiler for performance testing.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – The image to be used when a large image is not found
Accepted Values – String


Description – The image to be used when a medium image is not found
Accepted Values – String


Description – The image to be used when a small image is not found
Accepted Values – String


Description – If Emails_SendToTestAddress is set to False, in addition to the customer, this address will be the recipient of all order confirmation emails. Additionally, if there is an error sending email, this address will receive a notification email along with the SystemAdminEmail recipient.
Accepted Values – String - Email address


Description – URL of the Payflow webservice
Accepted Values –
Version – 3.7.1 and prior


Description – URL of the Payflow webservice
Accepted Values –
Version – 4.1


Description – Partner ID provided by the VeriSign reseller. If the customer signed up themselves, "VeriSign" should be used.
Accepted Values – String
Version – 3.7.1 and prior


Description – Partner ID provided by the VeriSign reseller. If the customer signed up themselves, "VeriSign" should be used.
Accepted Values – String
Version – 4.1


Description – Password assigned by PayFlowPro
Accepted Values – String
Version – 3.7.1 and prior


Description – Password assigned by PayFlowPro
Accepted Values – String
Version – 4.1


Description – Port ID used to connect to the PayFlow system. Typically, the port number is 443.
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – Port ID used to connect to the PayFlow system. Typically, the port number is 443.
Accepted Values – Integer
Version – 4.1


Description – Username assigned by PayFlow. This along with the Payflow_Partner and Payflow_Password help define who the transaction request is coming from. There may be multiple users within a vendor account.
Accepted Values – String
Version – 3.7.1 and prior


Description – Username assigned by PayFlow. This along with the Payflow_Partner and Payflow_Password help define who the transaction request is coming from. There may be multiple users within a vendor account.
Accepted Values – String
Version – 4.1


Description – Vendor code assigned by PayFlow to identify the selling company
Accepted Values – String
Version – 3.7.1 and prior


Description – Vendor code assigned by PayFlow to identify the selling company
Accepted Values – String
Version – 4.1


Description – Defines which payment gateway is used for credit card transactions



There will be several application settings relative to the payment gateway defined here, these application settings must be configured separately. Changes to this setting require the website to be restarted.

Accepted Values – AuthorizeNet, CyberSource, Dummy, Epicor, ESelect, PayflowPro, PCCharge or Vantage


Description – This is the unique transaction key for Authorize.Net. This will be supplied by the client. For information on how to get the transaction key, follow the directions provided by Authorize.Net.


Description – Setting the value to True will put Payment Gateway Authorize.Net into test mode, and no actual transactions will take place.
Accepted Values – True/False.

PaymentGateway_AuthorizeDotNet_MerchantID (This setting replaced thePaymentGateway_Authorize.net_login setting in 4.1)

Description – This setting provides the API Login ID.
Accepted Values – String


Description – Setting the value to TRUE will enable the Payment Gateway Authorize.Net token.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Merchant ID for the Cenpos Payment gateway
Accepted Values – String (Numerical)


Description – Password for Cenpos Account
Accepted Values – String


Description – USER ID for Cenpos
Accepted Values – String


Description – ID assigned to the selling company
Accepted Values – String


Description – Setting the value to True enables Payment Gateway Authorize DotNet tokenization
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – Web service URL - Test URL: Production URL:
Accepted Values – String


Description – Determines which price calculator will be used. Changing this value will require a website restart to take effect.
Accepted Values – String


Description – Determines which Product Search Provider to use
Accepted Values – Lucene/Solr


Description – Sets the rounding level for a promotion discount
Accepted Values – Order, Orderline, or UnitPrice


Description – Default product for products not found in a punchout order request. This setting requires that product exists in the products table with the same name as the value used for this setting
Accepted Values – String (Product Name)


Description – If set to True, tasks such as Inventory Inquiry will be processed in real-time. Note: This may have implications on site speed
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Amount of seconds to wait for a real-time task to return data before timing out
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – Defines the Domain to use for Remote Active Directory.
Accepted Values – String


Description – Defines the Email Domain for Remote Active Directory.
Accepted Values – String


Description – Defines the URL for the Remote API.
Accepted Values – String


Description – The destination email address for Return Merchandise Authorization
Accepted Values – Email address
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True the number of assets on a given product will be computed and displayed as filters. The default is True, but it can be set to False to conserve RAM or to disable the feature.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True and the current pricing model supports it, search will include price filters. The default is set to True, but it can be set to False to conserve RAM or to disable the feature.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – True to do filtering on searches, not just category queries.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Number of seconds between automatic Lucene index reload from disk. 0 to deactivate. On a webcluster we may replicate the app_data folder where the Lucene index files are stored, and setting up a periodic reload will ensure that all servers reload the index data into memory.
Accepted Values – Integer (Minimum 0)


Description – This setting prevents the index table from locking out. If the amount of time since the product search index was last rebuilt is greater than the value of this setting (default is 30 min), the ability to request another build is allowed. This is true for both full and incremental rebuilds.
Accepted Values – Integer (Default is 30)
Version Added – 3.7.1


Description – Logs search queries to the Application Logs.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.7.1


Description – When search results return the value of this app setting (default is 100) or less amount of products, you can then sort by calculated price. If it is above the value of this app setting, then it uses basic price.
Accepted Values – Integer
Version Added – 3.5


Description – Number of concurrent requests to make to Elasticsearch during product indexing.
Accepted Values – Integer (Default is set to 1000)
Version Added – 4.2



Prior to the 2/2017 Service Pack, this setting was previously called Search_ProductIndexingBatchSize


Description – Number of concurrent requests to make to Elasticsearch during product indexing.
Accepted Values – Integer (Default is set to 8)
Version Added – 4.2



Prior to the 2/2017 Service Pack, this setting was previously called Search_ProductIndexingConcurrentRequests


Description – The url of the solr server (requires website restart)
Accepted Values – http://localhost:8080/solr


Description – Full path on the Solr server which contains the Insite schema.xml and solrconfig.xml files.
Accepted Values – C:/solr/collection1/conf


Description – Load Lucene search index into RAM. If false, index is read from disk on every search.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Enables web site and category Attribute faceting
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If set to True, Insite Commerce will only send shipment confirmation emails if there are actual package lines with quantities shipped.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If the only line on the order is a gift card, Commerce will use this ship via. If there are additional lines, the normal rules for shipping will apply.
Accepted Values – String - Valid ship via code


Description – Use order warehouse address for ship from address
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – FedEx, needs to know whether or not this is residential
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Drives whether we specify our own packaging information or not
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Number of days to retain abandoned cart data. If this is set to '0' the cart will be cleared when the user browses away from the site. If the setting holds any other value the cart should be retained for the number of days defined in the setting.
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – Determines which storage provider to use to get user files
Accepted Values – FileSystem, AmazonS3, or Azure


Description – Parameter needed by provider to identify where files are stored
Accepted Values – [provided by Amazon]


Description – Parameter needed by provider to identify where files are stored
Accepted Values – userfiles


Description – Parameter needed by provider to identify where files are stored
Accepted Values – [provided by Amazon]


Description – Public host name override for the Azure Storage Container, do NOT include https://
Accepted Values –


Description – Parameter needed by provider to identify where files are stored
Accepted Values – [provided by Azure]


Description – Parameter needed by provider to identify where files are stored
Accepted Values – [provided by Azure]


Description – Parameter needed by provider to identify where files are stored
Accepted Values – UserFiles


Description – Azure Default End Points Protocol http/https
Accepted Values – https


Description – Parameter needed by provider to identify where files are stored
Accepted Values – [provided by Azure]


Description – Parameter for Epicor order submit integration jobs.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If set to True, a sale transaction and payment will be submitted to the ERP. If set to "False," an authorization will be captured against the credit card. Note: Additional configuration is required for submitting sale transactions to the ERP
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Defines tax calculator system to use for calculating taxes. There may be many other settings to configure based on your tax calculator. these will be automatically generated when you add the tax calculator. Additionally, when this setting is changed, a website restart will be required.
Accepted Values – Avalara, Cybersource, Generic, SX


Description – Company Code needed to identify the company to Avalara- this would be found in the documentation provided by Avalara
Accepted Values – Insite


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to Avalara
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to Avalara
Accepted Values – Freight


Description – If filled in, the field name and value used to conditionally INCLUDE a given Order from the Tax Calculation. Ex. TaxCode1,EXTRNL. Any customer with the Tax Code of EXTRNL will not get taxed.
Accepted Values – TaxCode1, [tax code] where the tax code is anything the user identifies


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to Avalara
Accepted Values – [provided by Avalara]


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to Avalara
Accepted Values – [provided by Avalara]


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to Avalara
Accepted Values – [provided by Avalara]


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to Avalara
Accepted Values –


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to Avalara
Accepted Values – [provided by Avalara]


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to CyberSource
Accepted Values – insite


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to CyberSource
Accepted Values – 3.33705564420213E+21


Description – Parameter needed by provider for external service calls to CyberSource
Accepted Values – 339072747


Description – If set to True, taxes will be posted with order
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If the order is going to be picked up at the store (only single store supported for now) then the taxes applied need to be calculated based on the store's location, not the ship-to address. The ship via code defined here will trigger this behavior.
Accepted Values – String - ShipVia code


Description – If the order is being picked up at a store, as defined by the ship via code (TaxCalculator_StorePickupShipCode), this is used to determine which state that will be used to calculate state tax.
Accepted Values – String - State code


Description – If the order is being picked up at a store, as defined by the ship via code (TaxCalculator_StorePickupShipCode), this is used to determine which tax locality to use to calculate local tax.
Accepted Values – String - Zip code


Description – Local/state tax override value, must have a tax calculation percent applied to entire site
Accepted Values – String


Description – When setting ship from address for an order, this determines if you want to use the address of the default warehouse to determine the tax rate
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – TrackJs is an external service used to record JavaScript errors that occur on the web browser. This is the security token to allow communication with TrackJs
Accepted Values – Encrypted Key


Description – Defines which machine translation service to use.
Accepted Values – Microsoft/Google


Description – Sets the residential flag when rating UPS shipments
Accepted Values – True/False



UPSUseResidentialShipping is a global setting for all calls to UPS and is not customer or address specific. This setting is set to True by default.


Description – If this setting is set to True, then the Basic List Price or the Basic Sale Price will be used to determine the order total. If this setting is set to False, the Price Matrix will be used to determine pricing.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Configured Commerce will use Log4Net for debug messages. The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Setting the field to TRUE enables the use of Real-Time Order Submit which do real-time job for integration order submit, otherwise use scheduled job for integration order submit
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If set to "True," the carriers associated with the website will be used for calculating shipping costs and customer carrier information is not consulted. If set to False, the settings of the individual customer will control which shipping options are available.



Every customer must have shipping options established if set to False.

Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Allows/Disallows Back Orders. Back Orders are defined as ordering a product that currently has 0 or lower inventory in stock.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Default page size for product list page
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – Defines the inventory quantity to show the Low Stock message
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – Determines if additional quantities of the same product are added to the cart are incremented or replaced. (Example: You have 1 of product A in your cart. If this setting is True and you add 2, it will change the quantity to 2. If False, it will increment and add 2, leading to a total quantity of 3)
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – List of payment types for review and pay page
Accepted Values – Separated String


Description – Show Inventory Availability
Accepted Values – True/False/ or Always/Never


Description – If set to True, real time invoice history calls will be used
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If set to True, real time order history calls will be used
Accepted Values – True/False