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Describes ICookieManager in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

protected virtual CustomerOrder GetCustomerOrderForNotLoggedUser()
    var customerOrderId = this.CookieManager.Get(this.CartCookieName);
    return customerOrderId.IsBlank()
        ? null
        : this.UnitOfWork.GetRepository<CustomerOrder>().Get(customerOrderId);

The example below is an excerpt from the CartOrderProviderByUser. For non-authenticated users, the cart is stored in a cookie. The example attempts to retrieve the customerOrderId from the cookie in order to retrieve the cart for the user.


  • name – The name of the cookie to remove.


void Remove(string name)

Removes a cookie from the HTTP request. Also, adds an expired cookie of the same name to the HTTP response.


  • name – The name of the cookie to add.
  • value – The value to store inside the cookie.
  • expires – The date and time that the cookie should expire.


void Add(string name, string value, DateTimeOffset? expires = null)

Adds a cookie to the HTTP response and sets the expiration date and time.

Add(string, string, DateTimeOffset)

If the cookie is found, this returns the value of the cookie.


  • name – The name of the cookie for which to search.


string Get(string name)

Returns the value of a cookie in the HTTP request.



This is a wrapper class that lets you more manipulate HTTP cookies on the server.
