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Etag cache

Describes Etag cache pipelines in Optimizely Configured Commerce.


100CacheResourceClientSideDetermines whether to cache a resource on the client side. If the resource equals settings or the resource equals websites and resource child is not crosssells, the result is true, otherwise the result is false. The result is stored in the CacheResourceClientSide property on the result object.


100CacheResourceServerSideDetermines whether to cache a resource on the server side. If the resource is budgetcalendars, budgets, dashboardpanels, messages, orderapprovals, quotes, requisitions, autocomplete or admin, the result is true, otherwise the result is false. The result is stored in the CacheResourceServiceSide property on the result object.


100InvalidateCacheIf theResource property on the parameter object is not blank and etag cacheing is enabled, deletes from theCacheState table where theRoutePattern begins with the value of theResource property on the parameter object.