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Website settings

Describes the name, description, and accepted values of base-level website settings in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

Website Settings define behavior and parameters for specific web sites. Before modifying a Website Setting verify that the desired web site has been selected from the site selector menu. The following list provides the name, description and accepted values of all base level Website Settings. This list is not inclusive of Website Settings that are exposed after enabling additional features or functionality.


Description – If True, redirect user to ReviewAndPay page bypassing Address page as long as specified required fields are filled
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, ship to addresses can be edited on the Bill To/Ship To page Note: Empty address fields will be editable
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, allow the bill to address to be used for the shipping address.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, the website is allowed to display the Budget Management option in My Account, and use budgets on the website.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4
Version Updated – 4.0- renamed BudgetManagement_Enabled



Used in conjunction with the WebsiteConfiguration settings ShowCostCode and AllowCostCodeEdit


Description – If True, this will allow a user/customer cancel orders in the submitted, reviewed or processing status.
Accepted Values – True/False



When True, a cancel button will appear on valid order. When clicked, the button will add the text Cancellation Requested to the Order Details header


Description – If True, this will allow a user/customer to view their contract items
Accepted Values – True/False



The contract items will require custom development and is not a base product feature.


Description – If True, budget cost codes editable
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4



Used in conjunction with AllowBudgetManagement and ShowCostCode


Description – Set True to allow creating new accounts.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True, new Ship To addresses can be created during checkout process. Create New option becomes available on the Ship To address selection drop-down menu.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – When True credit card will be available as a payment option in the drop down menu on the review and pay page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, customers can checkout as "guest" - checkout option is available on checkout sign in page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, site will prompt customer to choose wishlist or create new. View Wishlists page will have a drop-down menu to select wishlist
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.5


Description – If False, Purchase order option is not available from payment options drop-down on Review and Pay page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Requisitions will be enabled on the website
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4


Description – If True, Request Return button displays on order history detail page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Save Order button is displayed on the View Cart and Review and Pay page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, ship to addresses can be edited on the Bill To/Ship To page Note: Empty address fields will be editable
Accepted Values – True/False



This will only create a new address if it does not exist. If the address is edited on the website, it will not be updated in Epicor 9, and will be overwritten by whatever is in Epicor 9 during a customer refresh.


Description – Set True to allow subscribing to news letter.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True, requisitions are enabled on the site.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, enable the user administration pages
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4


Description – If True, the website will use logic and display a selector for units of measure if alternate units have been defined for the product. If False, the website will skip all logic associated with an alternate Unit of Measure.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Bill To Comapny Name is a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Bill To First Name is a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Bill To Last Name is a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Bill ToState Requiredis a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Deprecated – 3.6


Description – If True, the website is allowed to display the Budget Management option in My Account, and use budgets on the website.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1
Note – This setting, previous to 4.1, was named AllowBudgetManagement. Used in conjunction with the WebsiteConfiguration settings ShowCostCode and AllowCostCodeEdit.


Description – If True, display the order line notes field on Cart2
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4


Description – Determines what number appears in the website mini-cart. Enter either TotalItemQty or LineItemCount. TotalItemQty displays the total of all items on all order lines that have been added to the Shopping Cart.LineItemCount display the number of lines with orders in the Shopping Cart (such as if you order ten plain green hats, size medium, that order line will increase the number displayed in the mini-cart by only one, not by ten.)
Accepted Values – TotalItemQty / LineItemCount
Version Added:4.0


Description – Determines if the cart is specific to the user(Generic), bill to(ByCustomer), or ship to(ByShipTo). Setting this to ByCustomer or ByShipTo should only be used when NavigationSecure is also enabled. Otherwise, when you sign in and select your customer, the cart will be replaced with a new one.
Accepted Values – Generic ByCustomer ByShipTo



Generic: Cart will not change when the Customer or Ship To are changed. ByCustomer: Cart will change when you change your customer, but not when you change your ship to. ByShipTo: Cart will change if your Ship To changes (there's an implied Ship To change also when you change customers) Setting this to ByCustomer or ByShipTo should only be used when NavigationSecure is also enabled. Otherwise, when you sign in and select your customer, the cart will be replaced with a new one


Description – Determines if a checkbox for subscribing to a newsletter will be displayed.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – Set to TotalItemQty or LineItemCount.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True, improves performance by caching the navigation menu and categories. It is highly recommended that this setting be set to True.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Depth for Category/Sub-Category 2 = Parent category/sub-category 3 = Parent/sub/sub
Accepted Values – Integer


Description – Address used for newsletter.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True: the website will ONLY show the products that are assigned to the user's customer record. If False: the website will NOT show any products that are assigned to the users customer record. If Ignore: ignore all customer product rules. All items assigned to categories will show up on the site.
Accepted Values – True/False/Ignore


Description – If this website has a desktop version, this should be the url of it
Accepted Values – URL
Version Added – 3.4.2
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – If False, the website will NOT include news articles
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Product Comparisons are enabled on Product List 4
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4


Description – Connection string for Navison or Great Plains integration ONLY. Connection strings for all other sites are in Application Settings.
Accepted Values – String
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – If True, attempts to improve performance by caching.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Target webpage of Powered By link in footer
Accepted Values – URL
Version Deprecated: 3.7


Description – Powered By text displayed in footer
Accepted Values – String of text
Version Deprecated: 3.7


Description – This setting is used for the Google Maps used on the Location Finder page for making the maps api calls.
Accepted Vaule – Enter your Google Javascript API key.
Default Value – Blank


Description – Header items per column
Accepted Values – Intergers > 0



It defines the number of menu items where the header makes extra columns. But the header always makes the number of items is in each column as equal as possible.


Description – Path for logo image in the header - Only applies to Connect/Express and Header 1
Accepted Values – URL or image path
Version Deprecated: 3.7


Description – True will allow the invoice history ERP invoice number to display.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – True: Will display subscribe to newletter functionality on the site on the appropriate templates (footer1, footer3, signin1, settings1) False: Will hide subscribe to newletter functionality on the site on the appropriate templates (footer1, footer3, signin1, settings1)
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – If True, navigation on the site will include a link to the invoice page
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – This setting is used to define which theme should be used for the mobile website. Themes are created/maintained in the Configured Commerce.Web/Themes directory
Accepted Values – String
Version Added – 3.4.2


Description – If this website has a mobile version, this should be the url of it. Redirection to this site will happen for mobile devices
Accepted Values – URL
Version Added – 3.4.2
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – If True, navigation on the site will include a link to the invoice page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, site navigation will include a link to the request a quote page
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – If True, the ERP number column will appear on the order history page and display ERP numbers for orders that have been sent to the ERP.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Upload Order link will display, if False, order upload link will not display on Quick Order widget or Quick Order page.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Delimiter to be used between the short description and the site name Note: Blank spaces may be added to this field to achieve desired spacing between the title and description.
Accepted Values – String
Version Added – 3.5



Converted from Application to Website Setting. For all versions before 3.5, see listing in Application Settings


Description – If set to True, the site name will be included in the page title
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.5



Converted from Application to Website Setting. For all versions before 3.5, see listing in Application Settings


Description – If set to True, the site name will appear after the short description in the page title.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.5



Converted from Application to Website Setting. For all versions before 3.5, see listing in Application Settings


Description – If True, when PO is selected as the payment type, an order may not be submitted with a blank PO Number value.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Determines the Pricing Service to use for the website. Default= Uses the legacy pricing service with SQL Stored Procedures Generic= Uses the new pricing service with C# code for calculations
Accepted Values – Default/Generic (These are case-sensitive)



This setting needs to be set to "Generic" in order to use multi-currency conversions


Description – If Base: Primary, secondary, tertiary and background colors can be applied/changed via Website Settings ThemedSites_PrimaryColor, ThemedSites_SecondaryColor, ThemedSites_TertiaryColor, ThemedSites_BodyBackgroundImageColor, ThemedSites_BodyBackgroundImagePath.
Accepted Values – Advanced or Base


Description – If POPUP, Quick View Windows will appear in a fancybox pop-up. If NEWWINDOW, the Product Detail page will open in a new window/tab in the browser. PopUp/NewWindow
Version Added – 3.4
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – Defines name of Quick Order page displayed on Navigation Bar
Accepted Values – String of text


Description – Controls the currency type for the Rating Service functionality. This is a boolean setting, where True equals Imperial and False equals Metric.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – May 2016 Service pack. Added for versions 4.1 and beyond.


Description – If set to True, requires the selection of a BillTo and ShipTo on Sign in.
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, requisitions are enabled on the site.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True, you will be able to manage product permissions using restriction groups.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4


Description – Applies specifically to the quote calculator used by sales reps. If False, Unit Cost and Margin will not display and cannot perform "Above Margin" calculation.
Accepted Values – True/False



The Sales Rep User does not need to be assigned the Requisitioner Role.


Description – If True, the Request for Quote functionality will be available on the site.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True, the Request for Quote functionality will be available on the site.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – If True, Request Return button displays on order history detail page
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True, Save Order button is displayed on the View Cart and Review and Pay page
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True will exclude product pages from the sitemap and add a noindex tag to the product pages.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True products on microsites will have their own canonical urls. If False they point to products on the root domain site when they exist there.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – Maximum number of URLs per site before the Sitemap is split into multiple files.
Accepted Values – Number
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True will use canonical links for products in sitemap. If False use category prdoduct paths.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 4.1


Description – If True, Ship To Company Name is a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Ship To First Name is a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Ship To Last Name is a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True,Ship To Stateis a required field on Bill To/Ship To page
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Deprecated – 3.6


Description – If True, the Add to Cart Confirmation Dialog will display
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, Budget Cost Codes will be displayed and available for use on the website
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4


Description – Determines if the dashboard will be displayed
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.5
Version Removed – 4.1



Dashboards are only visable to Users with the Administrator Role. Components within the Dashboard are controlled by their respective website settings (e.g., ShowRequisitions)


Description – If True, PayPal may be used to tender orders on the checkout page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, purchase order number will be displayed on the order history page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – Show or hide price filtering options on the left navigation menu
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4


Description – If True, product Quick View will appear in product listings
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.4
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – If True, text to allow subscription to email lists will be displayed in the footer.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.7
Version Removed – 4.1


Description – When set to False, we will not display tax and shipping charges on the cart views.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.6


Description – If True, the order's terms code will be displayed on the order history and order history detail page
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – If True, users must sign in before browsing the website
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Added – 3.5
Version Removed – 4.1



Version 3.5+, reference the website setting WebSiteNavigation


Description – This parameter enables data encryption for the website (using https protocol). Works only if https was set up for the respective website.
Accepted Values – Always, Never
Version Added – 3.7.1



A third Accepted Value, Conditional, exists for backwards compatibility- it functions the same as Always.


Description – This setting is used to define which theme should be used for the website. Themes are created/maintained in the Configured Commerce.Web/Themes directory
Accepted Values – String
Version Added – 3.4.2


Description – If themed site, enter a hex value or color name in the value field for thetertiary color of the site.
Accepted Values – Hex value or Color name


Description – If themed website, the background image is capable of being set to any compatible Web Color.
Accepted Values – Hex value or Color name


Description – If themed site, the background is capable of being set to an image path. Image must firts be uploaded into the File Manager and the path must be an exact match.
Accepted Values – String


Description – If set to Repeat, the background image will repeat to cover the entire background area.
Accepted Values – Repeat/No-Repeat


Description – If themed site, enter a hex value or color name in the value field for the primary color of the site.
Accepted Values – Hex value or Color name


Description – If themed site, enter a hex value or color name in the value field for the secondary color of the site.
Accepted Values – Hex value or Color name


Description – This setting allows the use of BazaarVoice for third party reviews and is closely related to the Application Setting named BazaarVoiceJavascriptURL .
Accepted Values – None or BazaarVoice


Description – If True, order line pricing will be updated when an order is approved.
Accepted Values – True/False



This is meant to accomodate changes in pricing during the time it takes for an order to be approved.


Description – If True, the mini cart will display in the header.
Accepted Values – True/False
Version Removed – 3.6.1


Description – Controls what pages on the website can be viewed by a user not currently signed in
Accepted Values: (Versions 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.1, 3.7.1)

  • NavigationUnsecure - Product prices are displayed and cart is available
  • NavigationSecure - Requires user to log in to view products
  • NavigationSecureHideCartAndPrice - Product list and detail are visible, however, prices and cart are not (unless logged in)
  • NavigationSecureHideCartOnly - Product list, detail and prices are visible, however, cart is not (unless logged in)

Accepted Values: (Version 4.1)

  • NoSignInRequired (default)
  • SignInRequiredToBrowse
  • SignInRequiredToAddToCart
  • SignInRequiredToAddToCartOrSeePrices


Description – If True, enable the user administration pages
Accepted Values – True/False


Description – This value is a list of URL's that are allowed to view even if the website is set to NavigationSecure. The URL's need to be listed in the value field seperated by commas.
Accepted Values – String
Version Removed – 4.1



In version 4.1, in order to setup a page as unsecure, go to the CMS page editor (ISC_ContentAdmin role required), select the page to edit, check the "Exclude From Sign In Required" option, save changes and then publish the page.


Description – Determines the type of the website (Mobile or Desktop)
Accepted Values – This is used in conjunction with the Website Settings DesktopVersionURL and MobileVersionURL to help guide users to the correct website type
Version Added – 3.4.2
Version Removed – 4.1



This is used in conjunction with the Website Settings DesktopVersionURL and MobileVersionURL to help guide users to the correct website type


Description – Setting controls whether Wish Lists are shared among all customer users or isolated to the individual user
Accepted Values – True: Wish Lists are shared among all customer users, False: Wish Lists are isolated to the specific user
Version Added – 3.7.1



Default value is False. This only applies to Customer/Bill To; wishlists will not be shared by BIll To in 4.0.

Attribute Types1,000 
Attribute Values50,000 
Content10 variant homepages 
Content Item50,000 records 
Customer52,000shipto 100 shiptos assigned to a single customer
Custom Property720,00010 each for customer and  products
Customers -Salesperson1,000 customers to a Sales person 
Dealer50 in the same geographical location 
Document25 assigned to a product 
Global Synonyms250 
HTML Redirects250 
Images25 Images assigned to a product 
Invoice History100 for a single customer 
Invoice History Line100 for a single order 
Order History100 for a single customer 
Order History Line100 for a single order 
Persona10Customer Segments
Product Unit of MeasureUnits of Measure 10 UoM assigned to a product 
Product Attribute Values25 attributes for a single product 
Product Cross Sells100 for a product 
Restriction Groups5,000 
Restriction Group Customer6,900 
Restriction Group Product190,000 
Section10 sections with 10 options per sectionsUse for configured products
Specifications10 for a productÂ