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Sales representatives

Describes sales representatives in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

Sales Representatives are company employees who manage one or many customer accounts, and work with them to purchase company goods and services. Manage Sales Reps in the Admin Console in Optimizely Configured Commerceunder Sales > Sales Representatives.

The Sales Representatives +Sales Rep screen displays the following fields:

Sales Rep NumberRequired field uniquely identifying the salesperson
NameSales Rep's full name
DescriptionAn internal description of the user
TitleThe Sales Rep's title
PhonePrimary telephone number
EmailPrimary email address
User ProfileConnect the Sales Rep to a user profile to allow them to access the website and place orders
Image PathBrowse for an image and add it to the Sales Rep's profile
Sales ManagerAssign the Sales Rep another user to act as Sales Manager. Sales Managers may have additional discount permissions, and can see all quotes and related information for their team of Sales Reps.
Min Margin AllowedThis is the minimum percent margin the sales representative must make on the sale of a product, based off the product cost
Max Discount PercentThis is the maximum percentage a product can be discounted by the sales representative

Reveal additional fields using the Application Dictionary.

Use case: Hero Tools and Hansen Construction

Hero Tools employs myriad sales representatives to provide their customers with reliable resources, product experts, and an easy way to reorder. Hero just hired Jack Jones as one of their reps and need to add him to Configured Commerce. Jack's main client is Hansen Construction, one of Hero's best customers. The ISC_Admin creates a user and Sales Rep profile for Jack in the Admin Console, then assigns him as Hansen Construction's Primary Sales Rep. This provides Jack with access to Hansen's order history, allows him to place orders for Hansen, and ensures he can receive and respond to quote requests. Once Jack becomes comfortable with Hero's products and processes, the ISC_Admin can assign him additional customers to increase sales.

Create a sales rep

Create a Sales Rep manually or import several reps into the console at once using File Import.

To create a Sales Rep, begin by creating and activating a corresponding Website User profile. If a Sales Rep is not assigned a user role, the Sales Rep will have the same permissions as a Buyer 3. For a Sales Rep to add users to the Website, the user should be assigned the Administrator role. Whatever role you assign here also applies to the Configured Commerce Mobile App.

Create a Sales Rep Manually

  1. Go to Admin Console > Sales > Sales Representatives.

  2. Click Add Sales Rep.

  3. Enter the Sales Rep Number and Name, and attach the appropriate User Profile so the Sales Rep may log in to the website.



    As a best practice, the Email, Min Margin Allowed, and Max Discount Percent fields are also populated.

  4. Click Save.

Create a sales rep through file import

To create multiple Sales Rep records at once, export the existing Sales Rep list to create an import template. This can be done even if the current Sales Rep list is empty. Once the Excel file has been downloaded, populate it with the new Sales Reps, then import the file into the Admin Console.

  1. Go to Admin Console > Sales > Sales Representatives.

  2. Click Export.

  3. Open the exported Excel file and populate the necessary information:

    • Name

    • Salesperson Number

      These are the only two fields that are necessary for the Sales Rep records to be accepted when imported. As a best practice, Insite recommends exporting the Email, Max Discount Percent, Min Margin Allowed, and User Profile fields also.

  4. Save the Excel file.

  5. Click Import.

  6. Select the file using Choose File.

  7. Adjust any of the Import Options.

  8. Click Import.

Assign a sales rep to a customer

When a Sales Rep's Website User profile is created, the creator should assign the Sales Rep's customers to their profile. However, for a Sales Rep to receive Request for Quote notifications, they must be assigned to the customer as the customer's primary sales rep.

  1. Go to Admin Console > Customers.
  2. Select Edit next to a customer.
  3. At the bottom of the Details tab, select a Sales Rep from the Primary Sales Rep drop-down.
  4. Click Save.

View sales rep quotes as a sales manager

Sales Managers can view, update and propose quotes for RFQs submitted by customers to their assigned Sales Reps.

  1. Log into your website and go to My Account > My Quotes.

  2. Click Search Quotes.

  3. Select a Sales Rep from the Sales Rep drop-down list.

  4. Click Search to view that Sales Rep's quotes.