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Verification and debugging

Describes where to find theme sources to verify and debug issues in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

At a certain point while provisioning and configuring a new Optimizely Configured Commerce environment, Configured Commerce creates a link between the cloud application and the Github repository that houses your server-side extensions and themes. This link is called a Theme Source and can be viewed in the Admin Console. To view your theme sources in the Admin Console, go to Themes & Content > Theme Library > Theme Sources. When the Configured Commerce application is configured with a theme source, it will periodically check for changes in the Github repository and pull in new themes and existing theme changes and load them into the Configured Commerce database.

The theme source detail page contains information about the source, including information about when the linked Github repository was last polled for changes and whether or not any new changes were pulled in and consumed by Configured Commerce. This information can be useful for debugging the link between Configured Commerce and your theme source.

When debugging the link made by a theme source, the Last Checked For Changes Status field can be especially helpful. This field will either indicate a success or failed status. If the status is failed, you can check the Application Logs in the Admin Console for further diagnostic information, located at Administration > System > Application Logs.

If your themes have been pulled into Configured Commerce successfully, you can verify by heading over to Themes & Content > Theme Library > Themes and checking that your theme exists and the related theme resources are up to date. The theme resource detail page includes a finger tab that displays the current code for that resource.