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Browser compatibility

Describes information about which web browsers Optimizely Configured Commerce supports.

General browser compatibility

Optimizely Configured Commerce supports the current versions of these browsers: Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox and Chrome for the following Configured Commerce versions and Optimizely Content Management System (CMS):

  • 4.2 - Website and CMS
  • 4.3 - Website and CMS
  • 4.4 - Website and CMS
  • Cloud - Website and CMS

Configured Commerce supports Internet Explorer 11 for all versions websites, but due to browser limitations, we do not support CMS for this browser.

Configured Commerce does not officially support the following browser versions:

  • Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10

Additional information on compatibility and hosting

OS Compatibility - Hosting

Performance and Scaling Guide

OS Compatibility - Client Side Browsing

Client side renderings are not relevant as they are not dictated by operating system but rather the client browser.

Client Side Browser Compatibility

Configured Commerce is built using the CSS Framework, Foundation version 5.4.6. This means any browser requirements are dictated primarily by Zurbs Foundation CSS. Functionality implemented using AJAX or JavaScript also aligns with the browser compatibility requirements of Foundation 5.4.6.


The following information is from Zurb:

Consider this: most of today's popular browsers automatically upgrade > themselves including Chrome, Firefox and Explorer (starting with 9). > IE 8 is the last IE supported on Windows XP, which Microsoft has > officially stopped > supporting > a couple years ago.

Besides that, since Foundation 4, our framework is built mobile-first, > meaning it relies on media queries to layer in more complex layouts > and components. Browsers or devices that don't support media queries > will be restricted to a simple, single-column layout. In some ways, > Foundation 4 better supports IE6-7 in so much as it provides a mobile > but not entirely broken experience

People have been able to get IE8 to play nice with Foundation. See Getting Foundation 5 to work in IE8 by Cornelius Weidmann