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Shared cache manager

Describes how to minimize the number of calls to the ERP for pricing and inventory in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

Use the Shared Cache Manager and table in the database to help minimize the number of expensive calls to the ERP for pricing and inventory. This ensures that the system does not have to go back to the ERP when requests come in from different web servers.

The Shared Cache Manager uses the memory cache manager and the setting toggle is set to None by default.

Enable the shared cache manager

  1. Go to Administration > System> Settings.
  2. Search for Shared Cache Manager in the Admin Console.
  3. Select your Shared Cache Manager from the drop-down list, whether SqlServer or Redis. Default value: SqlServer.
  4. Click Save.

To use the Redis version of the shared cache manager, you must specify the Redis URL in a web.config or appSettings.config entry named RedisUrl. The simplest option is to specify the URL to the Redis server, but all of the available options for the connection string can be found here: https://stackexchange.github.io/StackExchange.Redis/Configuration

Clear shared cache storage

  1. Click the Debugging Tools icon in the top menu bar of the Admin Console.
  2. Select Clear Shared Cache Storage.