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Custom prefix and format for order and customer numbers

Describes how to create a Custom prefix and format for order and customer numbers in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

Optimizely Configured Commerce provides the option to customize the prefix and format of the auto-generated Order and Customer numbers. The default settings for Order Number and Customer Number Prefix are set to "WEB" and the respective number formats are both set to "000000".



You must use the "000000" format. These zeroes are the format mask, number of zeroes to match the number of digits, not starting numbers. If you want to start at a certain number, you have to update the seqordernumber table, where the seqordernumber is an identity field.

In the scenario where a user wants the Order Number to start with the company name abbreviation and start the iterative numbering sequence with a specific number, for example "INSFT500000", the Order Number Prefix should be set to "INSFT" and the Order Number Format should be set to "500000".

To customize the settings:

  1. Go to Admin Console> Administration >System > Settings.
  2. Search for Order Number Prefix. This appears under Order Management in the General section.
  3. Update the following fields:
    • Order Number Prefix - The prefix that will be added to all order numbers. Default value: Z.
    • Order Number Format - Order numbers will be formatted according to the number of zeroes entered in this setting. Default value: 000000.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Search for Customer Number Prefix. This appears under Account Management in the General section.
  6. Update the following fields:
    • Customer Number Prefix - The prefix that will be added to all automatically generated customer numbers. Default value: C.
    • Customer Number Format - Automatically generated customer numbers will be formatted using the number of zeroes entered in this setting. Default value: 000000.
  7. Click Save.