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Set Elasticsearch options

Describes Elasticsearch settings in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

Elasticsearch in Optimizely Configured Commerce uses several settings for tuning and improving search performance. Below are a list of search settings commonly used in an Elasticsearch implementation.

Common settings

Setting NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_UrlSets the Elasticsearch search url. Reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect.Apphttp://localhost:9200url
Search_LogQueriesLog all queries sent to the search engineAppFalseBoolean
ProductSearchProvider AppElasticsearch 
Search_PriceSortMaximumMaximum number of items that can be sorted by price.App100 
Search_MaximumFacetsSets the maximum number of search facets that can be displayed.App1000 
Search_FilterOnSearchTrue to do filtering on searches, not just category queries. FalseTrue/False
Search_EnablePriceFiltersIf true and the current pricing model supports it, the search will include price filters. TrueTrue/False
Search_EnableAttributeFilters  TrueTrue/False

Partial Match

Setting NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_MinimumMatchCountMinimum number of words which all must matchApp2-10 - 10 (integer)
Search_MinimumMatchPercentPercentage of all words that must match (rounded down)App75-100 - 100 (integer)

Search suggestions

Internal NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_Suggestions_EnabledIf true, spelling suggestions will be retrieved with search and displayed to the user if foundAppTrueTrue/False
Search_Suggestions_MaxErrorsEnforces the maximum number of errors that can be corrected when generating suggestions. If a decimal between 0 and 1 is used it will use the fraction as a percentage of words that can be corrected. Whole numbers greater than 1 can also be used to specify the exact number of words that can be corrected.App0.30 - 1 (decimal), 1 - 5 (integer)
Search_Suggestions_MaxEditsNumber of characters that can be changed on a word to generate a new suggestion.App21 , 2
Search_DidYouMean_ThresholdUsed as the confidence level when retrieving suggestions. A value of 1 means a better suggestion than the original phrase. This should be lower than or equal to the Search_AutoCorrect_Threshold.App10 - 5 (decimal)
Search_AutoCorrect_ThresholdUsed as the confidence level when retrieving suggestions. Value of 1 means a better suggestion than the original phrase. This should be higher than or equal to the Search_DidYouMean_ThresoldApp20 - 5 (decimal)

Misspellings/Fuzzy search

Internal NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_FuzzySearch_MaxEditsNumber of errors a word can have and still match.App11, 2
Search_FuzzySearch_PrefixLengthNumber of characters at start words which must matchApp21 - 10 (integer)
Search_FuzzySearch_EnabledFuzzy search is enabled or notAppTrueTrue/False


Internal NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_StopwordModeNone would pass none for the stopwords, default would pass english and custom would pass the list from SQL.AppCustomNone | Default | Custom

Sponsored search

Internal NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_SponsoredSearch_EnabledIf true, spelling suggestions are retrieved with search and displayed to the user if found.AppTrueTrue/False
Search_SponsoredSearch_LimitThe maximum number of sponsored results to display in search results. Valid settings are 1 - 5.App31 - 5

Product boost

Setting NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_EnableProductBoostEnable product level boosting.AppTrueTrue/False


Setting NameDescriptionTypeDefaultPossible Values
Search_Autocomplete_EnabledIf true users will see the autocomplete drop-down as they type in the search boxWebsiteTrueTrue/False
Search_Autocomplete_Category_LimitThe maximum number of category autocomplete results that display. A number between 1 and 10.Website10Between 1-10
Search_Autocomplete_Content_EnabledIf true, content autocomplete results will show up as the user starts typing in the search box.WebsiteTrueTrue/False
Search_Autocomplete_Content_LimitThe maximum number of content autocomplete results that display. A number between 1 and 10.Website10Between 1-10
Search_Autocomplete_Product_EnabledIf true, product autocomplete results will show up as the user starts typing in the search box.WebsiteTrueTrue/False
Search_Autocomplete_Product_LimitIf true, product autocomplete results will show up as the user starts typing in the search box.Website10Between 1-10

Search History

Setting NameDescription
AutocompleteIf On, users will see the autocomplete drop-down as they type in the search box.
Category LimitThe maximum number of category autocomplete results that display. Maximum value: 10
Product LimitThe maximum number of product autocomplete results that display. Maximum value: 10
Show CategoriesIf On, category autocomplete results will show up as the user starts typing in the search box.
Show ProductsIf On, product autocomplete results will show up as the user starts typing in the search box.
Show Website PagesIf On, CMS pages will show up as autocomplete results as the user is typing in the search box.
Website Pages LimitThe maximum number of CMS page autocomplete results that display. Maximum value: 10
Fuzzy Search
Setting NameDescription
Fuzzy SearchIf On, fuzzy search is enabled on the site.
Max EditsThe maximum number of character edits that can be made to a search string to return a match. This can be either a character swapped for a different character or a character being added or removed.
Prefix LengthThe number of initial characters that must match and will not be fuzzified. A value below 2 will result in performance issues.
General Settings
Setting NameDescription
Attribute FiltersIf On, attributes (attribute values grouped by attribute type) will be facted on the left nav of the product list to be used as filters. This does not control category or price faceting. Reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect.
Elasticsearch URL

The Elasticsearch search URL.

This setting has been removed and is now configured in the appSettings.config file of the project.

Log Product Search QueriesIf Yes, product search queries will be included in the Application Logs. This should only be used by developers and will result in a lot of data if enabled.
Maximum FacetsThe maximum number of attribute values or category check boxes that will display for each section in the left nav of the product list.
Price Sort MaximumIf less than this number of products are returned in search results, users will be able to sort by price. If more than this number are returned price sorting will not be presented in the product list sort drop-down.
Product BoostingIf On, specific products can be boosted to display higher or lower in search results. If No, product boosting values are ignored.
Search HistoryIf On, users will see their previous searches when they click the search box and nothing is in it.
Search History LimitThe number of previous searches that will display to the user when they click the search box and nothing is in it.
Show Attributes On SearchIf Yes, attribute facets will appear for search results, not just category pages.
Stopword ModeDetermines what list of common words to exclude from search queries. If Custom, the list from Search - Stopwords in the Admin Console is used. If default, the internal list of English Lucene stopwords is used. If None, no stop words will be used. Reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect.
Website Specific AttributesIf On, website and category attribute faceting is enabled.
Partial Matching
Setting NameDescription
Minimum Match CountThe minimum number of words that must match to return a result. Negative numbers indicate the number of optional words. Works in conjunction with Minimum Match Percent. Default is 2.
Minimum Match PercentThe percentage of all words that must match to return a result (rounded down). Negative numbers indicate the percent of optional words that can be missing. This works in conjunction with Minimum Match Count. Deafult is 75.
Product Search Index
Setting NameDescription
Batch Size for Product IndexingThe number of products to send to Elasticsearch in each request during indexing. Reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect.
Concurrent Requests for Product IndexingThe number of concurrent requests to make to Elasticsearch during product indexing. Reindexing is required for changes to this setting to take effect.
Search Suggestions
Setting NameDescription
AutoCorrect ThresholdAutocorrect is used to return corrected results for mistyped search queries automatically and this value is the threshold to determine what will be automatically fixed. The lower the number the more errors will be tolerated without autocorrect being used. This should be higher than or equal to the DidYouMean Threshold.
DidYouMean ThresholdDidYouMean is used to suggest alternate terms for mistyped search queries and this value is the threshold at which a suggestion is made. With 1 meaning a better suggestion than the original phrase. This should be lower than or equal to the AutoCorrect Threshold
Enable Search SuggestionsIf On, autocorrect and DidYouMean will be active on the site.
Max EditsThe maximum number of characters that can be changed on a word to be considered as a suggestion.
Max ErrorsThe maximum number of errors that can be corrected when generating suggestions. If a decimal between 0 and 1 this indicates a percentage of words that can be corrected. Whole numbers greater than or equal to 1 can be used to specify the exact number of words that can be corrected. Numbers higher than 2 may have a negative impact on performance.
Sponsored Search
Setting NameDescription
Sponsored SearchIf On, specific products can be flagged as sponsored and boosted to the top of search results. Sponsored flag is set for individual products in the product boosting screen.
Sponsored Search LimitThe maximum number of sponsored products matching the search query that will be displayed at the top of search results.


{ "BuildProductSearchIndexStoredProcedure", new DefaultEntry 

{ Value = "BuildProductSearchIndex", 
            Description = string.Empty } },
        { "Search_WebsiteSpecificAttributes", new DefaultEntry 

{ Value = "false", Description = "Allows different attributes on 

products per website, but uses more system RAM." } },