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Database definitions

Defines database table schema, name, and context in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

The following table provides the database definitions for Configured Commerce.

Table SchemaTable NameContextDescription
AppDictAdminActionConfigurationSecurity/ConfigurationStores configurations for actions available in the Admin Console, which require specific permissions by role. For example, only users with the ISC_Admin, ISC_ContentAdmin, ISC_ContentApprover, or ISC_System role can approve and publish content revisions.
AppDictAdminActionPermissionSecurity/ConfigurationIndicates which roles are allowed or disallowed to take the actions in the [dbo].[AdminActionConfiguration] table.
AppDictEntityConfigurationSecurity/ConfigurationThe Application Dictionary controls field names, field labels, language options, field length, and security access based on assigned User Roles. Only make changes in this area if you are confident and understand the implications of the change.
AppDictEntityPermissionSecurity/ConfigurationEntities are the top-level data constructs in the system and loosely relate to a SQL table. This permission table is used override the default entity permissions established by Configured Commerce.
AppDictPropertyAttributeConfigurationSecurity/ConfigurationThis table allows implementers to override specific behaviors or constraints on properties available in the Admin Console forms. For example, you can change the default value, display width, or maximum value of a form field.
AppDictPropertyConfigurationSecurity/ConfigurationProperties are the fields within a given entity. This table holds property configurations that override the default configurations provided by Configured Commerce.
AppDictPropertyPermissionSecurity/ConfigurationPermissions may be overridden by the implementer by role so that a given field (entity property) may be set as read-only or hidden.
dbo__MigrationHistoryEntity Framework MigrationsThis is a .NET table for handling Entity Framework migrations. This table is not managed by Configured Commerce.
dboAdminUserProfileSecurityUsers have roles assigned to them and are able to interact with the Admin Console.
dboAdminUserProfilePasswordSecurityThis is used for keeping track of the last several passwords used for PCI compliance.
dboAdminUserProfilePreferenceSystemThis table is used to store various user preferences within the Admin Console, such as column order on a grid.
dboAffiliateMarketingAffiliates are used to connect with third-party affiliate online marketing programs. Custom development is required to leverage this feature.
dboApplicationDictionaryApplicationOBSOLETE - These configurations have been moved to the [AppDict].[EntityConfiguration], [AppDict].[PropertyConfiguration], and other related tables in the [AppDict] schema.
dboApplicationLogApplicationThe Application Logs are used to research application issues. When errors arise in the application, they are generally persisted to this log.
dboApplicationMessageApplicationApplication Messages allow you to view existing site messages and/or create new messages, which are used to communicate with all or a specific set of customers. The messages can be delivered on all websites or a specific website. Messages are configured to be sent automatically when an action is required.
dboAspNetRolesSecurityPart of ASP.NET Identity services which is used for all of our authentication. The roles table holds the specific roles defined in the application, both system-defined (such as ISC_Admin, ISC_Integration) and user-defined. These roles can be used in either the website through extension or the Admin Console through security configuration in the Application Dictionary.
dboAspNetUserClaimsSecurityPart of ASP.NET Identity used for SSO/login through another provider, such as Facebook.
dboAspNetUserLoginsSecurityPart of ASP.NET Identity used for SSO/login through another provider, such as Facebook.
dboAspNetUserRolesSecurityPart of ASP.NET Identity used to associate users to their assigned roles.
dboAspNetUsersSecurityPart of ASP.NET Identity used to identify users in the system. This table holds information associated with their login name, password, and email. Additional information that is Configured Commerce-specific is contained in the [dbo.UserProfile] and [dbo.AdminUserProfile] tables.
dboAttributeTypeProductsAttributes are used to assign search, facet, and comparison values for products. The attribute type is the category of the attribute, such as "Color" or "Size", where the attribute values are the specific values available within an attribute type.
dboAttributeValueProductsThe list of possible values is for an Attribute Type, such as "Red", "Green", and "Blue" for the "Color" attribute.
dboAuditSystemThis table is used to capture certain events on the Storefront and Admin Console for auditing and PCI-compliance. It will contain successful and failed login information, application settings being changed, password change requests, integration job definition changes, role assignment, and user creation.
dboBudgetCalendarBudgetBudget calendars are periods defined by a customer within which the budgets are enforced and on which budget reporting is based.
dboCacheKeySuffixCacheThis table is used as part of the caching strategy and is shared by web servers in a farm so that caching can be invalidated and reloaded. This is primarily used for Content Management System (CMS) caching.
dboCacheStateCacheThis table is used as part of the caching strategy and is used to implement e-tag caching.
dboCarrierShippingThese records are shipping carriers available within the website, such as FedEx, UPS, or company truck. Carriers contain information like shipping services or package information used to calculate shipping charges for an order.
dboCarrierPackageShippingThis is a set of predefined packages for parcel shipping calculations which are used by the OrderPackager plug-in. The standard packager uses maximum weight to "pack up the order" and emulate the packages to send into a parcel carrier to obtain shipping rates.
dboCarrierZoneShippingFor carriers where the rate table will be entered directly into Configured Commerce, the CarrierZone* tables are used to define delivery zones by postal code range and rates by zone and weight. This can be used for truck/LTL carriers or local parcel services that do no use an API to calculate the rates.
dboCarrierZonePostalCodeRangeShippingUsed by the system to determine which zone a given postal code range is in from the source shipping location to help calculate rates.
dboCarrierZoneRateShippingUsed by the system to determine the rates by zone and weight for carriers, where Configured Commerce is calculating the shipping charges.
dboCategoryCategoriesCategories are a site-specific product classification and grouping mechanism that drives a website's navigation. As products are created, they need to be assigned to a Category. Dynamic Categories allow for the same types of classification and grouping, but they automatically add products to a category based on a set of criteria and rules specified by the user.
dboCategoryAttributeTypeCategoriesBy assigning AttributeTypes to a category, it will expose the attributes to products in those categories. For those attribute types that are filterable, the filters for that category will be presented when you go to that category.
dboCategoryAttributeValueCategoriesThis construct is a hook that requires custom development to use and is not guaranteed to be in future releases. The intent is to allow the user to assign specific values to a given category for faceting.
dboCategoryProductCategoriesThis table defines the products that are assigned to a given category.
dboCategoryRelatedProductCategoriesThis table is used to establish category cross sells, but is more flexible. The data contains the category and any products related to it in addition to the type of relationship, as defined in the System List named "ProductRelationship".
dboCategoryTaxExemptionCategoriesUsed to define entire categories of product which are tax exempt while using the internal Configured Commerce tax engine.
dboConfigurationAdvanced ConfigurationInitial table that defines an advanced, rules-based configuration for products.
dboConfigurationConditionFilterAdvanced ConfigurationThis table is not currently used by the application and should not be used.
dboConfigurationOptionAdvanced ConfigurationDefines the specific input values (options) for an advanced configuration.
dboConfigurationOptionConditionAdvanced ConfigurationDefines a specific condition for which different values will be available for a given option.
dboConfigurationPageAdvanced ConfigurationDefines a page of inputs (options) for an advanced configuration.
dboConfigurationQueryResultAdvanced ConfigurationQuery results are currently only accessible through integration and are used to store a table/spreadsheet of values from which selections may be conditioned and filtered.
dboConfigurationQueryResultFieldAdvanced ConfigurationThis table defines the different fields in a query, analogous to the columns in a spreadsheet.
dboConfigurationQueryResultValueAdvanced ConfigurationThis table stores the actual values for each row of a query result, in XML format.
dboContentContent ManagementContent stores the embedded content entries for Products, Categories, Specifications, and so on. This content is anchored to a parent entity through a ContentManager.
dboContentItemContent ManagementThis is the primary CMS entry for a content item managed through the CMS. This describes on which page the item lives, where on the page the item lives, and workflow information.
dboContentItemFieldContent ManagementContentItemField stores the actual content or content item property for CMS.
dboContentManagerContent ManagementThe content managers associate the parent of the content to all of the current and pending content revisions and variations for the parent. For example, the Product Content control will display all of the Content items that have the same ContentManager.
dboContentPageStateContent ManagementUsed by CMS to know the current state of a given content-managed page. This table also helps manage future published content.
dboCountrySystemA list of valid countries that are used for address validation, state/province management for a country and which countries are available on a given website.
dboCreditCardTransactionOrdersWhen a credit card is processed, a transaction is recorded for audit and history purposes.
dboCurrencyMulti-CurrencyCurrencies provide the flexibility of having different currencies that can be assigned to websites.
dboCurrencyRateMulti-CurrencyUsed by the pricing system to determine the current exchange rate to the base currency to allow for price conversions.
dboCustomerCustomersRecords that represent the customer Bill To and Ship To instances for a given customer. Users are assigned to the customer records and purchase on their behalf.
dboCustomerBudgetCustomersAllows for capturing the specific budget by period for a customer, Ship To, or user, which is then applied to budget restrictions and workflow.
dboCustomerCarrierCustomersAllows assigning customers to specific carriers. This is not currently used by the system in a standard way and we do not advise using it.
dboCustomerCostCodeCustomersUsed by the order system to allow for a customer to establish specific cost codes to be assigned to individual order lines for tracking purposes. These can often represent a project or department and is available to the order submission process to capture the data in the ERP order.
dboCustomerOrderOrdersThe primary order/cart construct in the system. This is used for carts, completed orders, orders in workflow, saved orders, and quotes.
dboCustomerOrderTaxTaxesWhen dual tax jurisdictions are configured, this table will store each of the tax jurisdictions that are applied to a customer order.
dboCustomerOrderGiftCardCUSTOMThe intent of this table is to associate a gift card purchased to a specific customer order.
dboCustomerOrderPromotionOrdersCaptures the promotions processed against a given customer order.
dboCustomerProductCustomersDefines the customer-specific name of a given product so that they can order by their internal product identifiers. This also captures a default unit of measure with which a customer orders a specific product.
dboCustomerProductSetCustomers/CustomThis construct allows the Configured Commerce administrator to establish a group of products to a named set. This is a custom extension to allow for things like "Customer Favorites".
dboCustomerProductSetProductCustomersRepresents the specific products that belong to a CustomerProductSet.
dboCustomerRestrictionGroupCustomersPart of the restriction group functionality to include/exclude certain products by customer. The entry here defines an override to the default behavior defined in the Restriction Group.
dboCustomerRestrictionGroupProductCustomersAllows for refining the override behavior of a restriction group to specific products within the group. If no products exist, the entire group acts as the override. If any products are listed, only those products are part of the override.
dboCustomerSalespersonCustomers/CustomAllows a many-to-many relationship between customers and sales reps. This is not currently used in the system for any standard behavior.
dboCustomerUserProfileCustomersUsed to assign Users to Customers and to establish a default customer and cost code for the user.
dboCustomPropertyExtensionsThis table stores all of the custom properties in the system. The [ParentId] and [ParentTable] indicate to which other table and record this property belongs.
dboDashboardPanelPositionStorefrontStores user preferences related to the order of the panels displayed on the Storefront dashboard.
dboDatabaseScriptSystemThis table mimics the idea behind the Entity Framework [dbo].[__MigrationHistory] table. On startup, Configured Commerce executes database scripts to allow for data migrations and schema changes. A script will only ever be executed once because this table keeps track of if and when a script was executed.
dboDealerDealersThis represents the different locations where the products are sold and is used in the Store Locator control.
dboDealerCategoryDealersDefines the categories of products that a specific location carries. Useful to either display the brands a location carries or the locations that carry a given brand.
dboDealerProductDealers/CustomCreates the ability to assign individual products to a dealer as opposed to a category. Requires customization to use.
dboDocumentProductsList of document paths associated with a product.
dboELMAH_ErrorSystemUsed by a third-party error-tracking system to record system errors that are not specifically coded for within the application. This table includes valuable debugging information and can be used for troubleshooting site problems. See https://elmah.github.io/ for additional information.
dboEmailListCommunicationEmail Lists contain the names and email addresses which are used to send out Email Templates. This table defines a name for an email list to which email addresses are subscribed.
dboEmailMessageCommunicationThis table stores attempts made by Configured Commerce to send outbound email messages.
dboEmailMessageAddressCommunicationStores the sender and recipient email addresses used for a given email message.
dboEmailMessageDeliveryAttemptCommunicationWorks with the email system to help ensure that email messages are sent. This controls the retry queue to make sure sending an email message is attempted several times before giving up.
dboEmailSubscriberCommunicationThis is a list of email addresses that can be assigned to different email lists.
dboEmailSubscriberEmailListCommunicationContains the list of specific subscribers and the email lists to which they are subscribed.
dboEmailTemplateCommunicationEmail Templates are reusable emails that can be sent to customers, informing them of notices such as product updates or special pricing opportunities. These Email Templates are sent out using recipient lists created in the Email Lists, which can be found Marketing > Communication section in the Admin Console.
dboGiftCardCUSTOM DEVGift cards are an extension construct within the system, but have some built-in functionality. This table stores the actual gift cards in the system, whether or not they have been sold, and what remains of their balance.
dboGiftCardTransactionCUSTOM DEVThis table stores all of transactions made with a gift card until the balance reaches zero or the card expires.
dboGlobalSynonymPunchOutThis is used to map certain values for constructs, such as Currency or UnitOfMeasure, for incoming documents in PunchOut. The list of types is defined by the System List named "GlobalSynonymType".
dboHtmlRedirectSiteUse URL Redirects when it is necessary to redirect from a legacy URL to a new URL.
dboIntegrationConnectionIntegrationContains configuration data for all of the remote data source connections for the integration architecture, if it is being used. An Internal connection is defined automatically for import/export functions.
dboIntegrationJobIntegrationContains a history of jobs that have been run using the Configured Commerce Integration Architecture.
dboIntegrationJobLogIntegrationProvides a detailed list of information, warning, error, and debugging messages for a specific integration job.
dboIntegrationJobParameterIntegrationDetails the parameters used when an integration job is executed.
dboInvoiceHistoryHistoryHeader of an invoice used for presentation on the Storefront.
dboInvoiceHistoryLineHistoryDetail of an invoice for Invoice History.
dboInvoiceHistoryTaxTaxesWhen dual tax jurisdictions are configured, this table will store each of the tax jurisdictions that were applied to an invoice.
dboJobDefinitionIntegrationThe Job Definitions table and associated tables define the integration process for a given integration using metadata.
dboJobDefinitionParameterIntegrationDefines the job-level parameters used for an integration job.
dboJobDefinitionStepIntegrationDefines each step within an integration job definition.
dboJobDefinitionStepFieldMapIntegrationDefines the field mapping for a refresh or submit job.
dboJobDefinitionStepParameterIntegrationDefines the step-level parameters used for an integration job.
dboLanguageSystemSystem list of languages that can be used by the system. This list is used for defining which languages are used by a website to display all content and messages.
dboLocalTaxRateTaxesIdentifies specific tax rates by zip code and controls whether or not freight is included when using the Configured Commerce tax engine.
dboLocalTaxRateTaxExemptionTaxesDefines the tax exemptions that apply for a specific local tax jurisdiction when using the Configured Commerce tax engine.
dboMessageCommunicationDashboard Messages are displayed on the website to users in their Account Dashboard. They can be used to notify users about events such as planned downtime for the site due to maintenance.
dboMessageAuditCommunicationCaptures messages that have been generated by system processes, such as RFQ, and can expose the message log/history.
dboMessageStatusCommunicationUses the MessageTarget to expose the message to all of the expected recipients and track if the message has been read or not.
dboMessageTargetCommunicationDefines the different target audiences for a message.
dboOrderHistoryHistoryThis table is used for displaying order history on the site and is initially populated from web orders being placed. It is then augmented and updated using integration refresh jobs.
dboOrderHistoryLineHistoryThe order lines that go along with the order history records.
dboOrderHistoryTaxTaxesWhen dual tax jurisdictions are configured, this table will store each of the tax jurisdictions that were applied to a customer order.
dboOrderLineOrdersThe order lines that are part of a CustomerOrder.
dboOrderLineConfigurationValueOrdersUsed as part of the Advanced Configuration capability of the system. This table holds the actual values selected for a specific configuration option.
dboOrderLineRequisitionOrdersThis table facilitates the detailed requisitions made by requisitioners. These are aggregated to a requisition order, but this provides the detail of the quantity and use making the request.
dboOrderLineRfqOrdersHolds the quantity breaks and quotes prices for a price quote.
dboOrderPromotionCodeOrdersDefines the specific promotions applied against an order.
dboPaymentMethodSystemPayment Methods are one of the ways in which Configured Commerce captures and secures funds for the items or services sold on a website. The two primary types of payment methods are credit cards and purchase orders. These can be configured in the Sales > Payment Methods section of the Admin Console.
dboPersonaPersonasPersonas are used to define groups of users that can be targeted with specific content.
dboPluginSystemThis is an internal table used primarily to support the integration architecture by injecting the available integration processors from a given Integration Connection.
dboPriceMatrixPricingA Price Matrix is a way to create unique pricing rules for specific products, customers, product groups, or customer groups.
dboProductProductsProducts are the items sold on a website and is a primary construct in the E-commerce ecosystem. Many other tables reference or are children of this table.
dboProductAttributeValueProductsUsed to assign specific values of attributes to a product. The list is generated based on the attribute types assigned to a category and the categories to which a product is assigned.
dboProductKitSectionProductsFor products that are configured but do not use the Advanced Configuration option (kits and bundles), this defines the options groups for which to promt. By way of example, if we are configuring a Computer, the sections may be "Case", "Motherboard", and "Memory".
dboProductKitSectionOptionProductsThese are the available options within a section for a kit.
dboProductRelatedProductProductsThis table is the generic version of cross sells and accessories. It can be used for any relationship between different products, such as BOM list or replacement parts. The relationships available are defined by the System List named "ProductRelationship".
dboProductTaxExemptionProductsIndicates the products that are subject to a specific tax exemption when using the Configured Commerce tax engine.
dboProductUnitOfMeasureProductsUsed to define the alternate units of measure for a product and the conversion factors to state in stocking units.
dboProductWarehouseProductsThis table holds the current inventory by warehouse and product.
dboPromotionPromotionsPromotions are used to incentivize customers by offering discounts on orders or shipping or giving away free/promotional products. Promotions are configurable using a rules engine.
dboPromotionResultPromotionsThe results part of the promotion indicates how the promotion is applied. Examples include free shipping, % off order, and amount off order.
dboPromotionRulePromotionsOBSOLETE - This has been replaced by the generic rules engine, specifically [dbo].[RuleClause].
dboPunchOutCustomerUserProfileMapPunchOutUsed by PunchOut to connect a User Profile in the request cXML to a specific customer.
dboPunchOutOrderRequestPunchOutRecords the actual cXML request during a punchout session and helps with auditing the process.
dboPunchOutOrderRequestExtrinsicPunchOutEnumerates the extrinsic (custom) fields defined by the order information in the cXML and persists them for future reference and audit.
dboPunchOutOrderRequestItemOutPunchOutOrder details that are sent with the request.
dboPunchOutOrderRequestItemOutExtrinsicPunchOutDescribes the extrinsic (custom) fields included in the order detail lines that are sent with the request and persists them for future reference and audit.
dboPunchOutOrderRequestMessagePunchOutThis is a collection of messages that are sent back to the caller for issues found on the received order, such as invalid unit of measure or invalid product.
dboPunchOutSessionPunchOutRecords key information about a specific PunchOut session, including the order within Configured Commerce that was created or modified during the session.
dboPunchOutSessionAccessPunchOutThis is an audit of the requests coming in during a PunchOut session. This records the date/time of the request and IP address from which the request originated.
dboPunchOutSessionExtrinsicPunchOutEnumerates the extrinsic (custom) fields defined by the session information in the cXML request.
dboPunchOutSessionItemInPunchOutThis is used specifically for inspect/edit modes to recall the cart back into the session.
dboPunchOutSetupRequestPunchOutRecords an audit of the PunchOut setup request as provided by the trading partner.
dboReportOrderHistoryLineViewAnalyticsThis is a view used for analytics exports.
dboReportOrderHistoryViewAnalyticsThis is a view used for analytics exports.
dboRestrictionGroupCategoriesRestriction Groups are used to classify sets of products that have restricted access and can be defined as "EVERYBODY except" as a default (include by default) or "NOBODY except" (exclude by default). This is used in conjunction with [dbo].[CustomerRestrictionGroup] to allow overriding the default behavior by customer.
dboRuleClauseRulesUsed by the rules manager to define the specific implementation of a set of rules contained within a rule manager. For example, Persona uses a rules manager to define a persona and its specific parameters.
dboRuleManagerRulesThe rule manager is the parent of the rule clauses and is associated with the parent item such as Carrier, Persona, or Promotion.
dboRuleTypeRulesRule Types are the top-level construct of the rules engine and defines the entities that can use specific rules. Except for the built-in rule types (dynamic categories, promotions, personas, and shipping rules), it can be extended for generic use elsewhere in the system where a set of rules defines a true/false answer.
dboRuleTypeOptionRulesThese are the specific rules that are set up and made available for constructing rule clauses. These options have some generic entries (Object, Custom Properties) or specific implementations using the CriteriaTypes, which have the actual server-side evaluation code in them along with certain display rules.
dboSalespersonCustomerSales Representatives are used primarily when working with the Request for Quote (RFQ) feature. When a quote is submitted, the Sales Representative can enter a quote or a calculate value, which is then provided back to the user for acceptance. Sales representatives can also be set up as users. When they log in, all of the customers associated with the sales rep are available for selection. This allows the sales representative to place orders on behalf of the customer.
dboSeqContentKeySystemUsed to track the next available sequence for a ContentItem.
dboSeqCustomerNumberSystemUsed by the system to assign the next automatically assigned customer number.
dboSeqOrderNumberSystemUsed by the system to assign the next automatically assigned order number.
dboShipChargeShippingUsed by the carrier/shipping engine to add additional charges to a carrier or service.
dboShipmentHistoryThis table is created through integration and tracks the shipments that have been made against orders. This represents the shipment header.
dboShipmentPackageHistoryThis table contains one or more individual packages that were sent with a shipment, along with the tracking number.
dboShipmentPackageLineHistoryThis table records the shipped contents of each package, which is entirely optional in the system.
dboShippingRestrictionOrdersUsed to define specific products that cannot be sold in specific jurisdictions. Currently this is only supported at the state level. For example, liquor cannot be shipped to Kentucky, so this product will be excluded from the cart.
dboShipRateShippingThis is used as part of the shipping engine when the shipping charges are maintained within Configured Commerce based on the order value vs. weight.
dboShipRuleShippingOBSOLETE - This has been replaced with the rules engine, specifically [dbo].[RuleClause].
dboShipViaShippingRepresents the carrier service. For example, if the carrier is FedEx, the ShipVia could be "Express" or "2nd Day AM".
dboSpecificationProductsSpecifications are a set of content-managed additional information associated with a product. Typically, each specification is shown as a separate tab on the product detail page.
dboStateSystemStates is a standardized table that is associated with specific countries. This table is used throughout address capture, including on the order address page.
dboStateTaxExemptionTaxesThis associates specific states with being tax exempt if using the Configured Commerce tax engine.
dboStyleClassProductsUsed to define a group of similar items that have the same traits. An example would be t-shirts that have Color and Size as traits or pants Waist, Inseam, and Color as traits.
dboStyleTraitProductsThese are analogous to attribute types and represent the groups of values that will ultimately help resolve a set of attributes to a specific product. As stated above, Color and Size are examples of StyleTraits.
dboStyleTraitValueProductsThese are the actual values that are available within a style trait, such as the valid list of Colors within the Color style trait.
dboStyleTraitValueProductProductsThis table associates the specific StyleTrait values to a specific product.
dboSubscriptionCUSTOM DEVSubscriptions are designed to allow a customer to purchase a set of products that are shipped on a regular basis. Some of this is available in the standard site, but much of it will require additional development. Fortunately, there are many constructs that enable subscriptions. This table represents the subscription order and includes the start/end date of the subscription, who purchased the product, where the product should be shipped, the cycle and the subscription parent product associated with the subscription.
dboSubscriptionLineCUSTOM DEVDefines the specific products and quantities to ship at a given price.
dboSubscriptionProductCUSTOM DEVThis defines a list of shippable products within a subscription product. For example, the subscribed product may be "Oil Change Kit" and the products would include 4 cans of oil, a drain pan, and an oil filter.
dboSystemListSystemSystem Lists allow you to customize the predefined lists, such as RMA codes and devices types. You can also create your own lists to extend platform capabilities.
dboSystemListValueSystemThe specific values associated with a system list, such as "CrossSells" or "Accessories" within the "ProductRelationship" system list.
dboTaxExemptionTaxesTax Exemptions allow the user to create specific exemptions from tax and then associate them with products, categories, and customers, if using the Configured Commerce tax engine.
dboTranslationDictionaryMulti-LanguageSingle word or short phrase translation records for text, such as Product Attributes, Payment Terms, and Units of Measure.
dboTranslationPropertyMulti-LanguageTranslation records for fields such as Product Name, Application Messages, and Page titles. This is used for longer, unique strings.
dboUserPaymentProfileOrdersThis is not currently implemented in the site, but will be used to store credit card tokens so that a buyer can re-use a credit card. Credit card numbers are not stored.
dboUserProfileSecurityUsers have roles assigned to them and are able to interact with the Storefront based on the assigned roles. Users must be assigned to a customer before they have access to the Storefront.
dboUserProfileWebsite Keeps track of which Storefront users have access to specific WebSites. This acts as a mapping between [dbo].[UserProfile] and [dbo].[WebSite].
dboVendorProductsThis represents the list of providers for the product table. Each record could be a manufacturer or supplier. A product can be associated with a vendor.
dboWarehouseProductsWarehouses are used to define the location of a given inventory site, calculate shipping costs, and define product/warehouse inventory.
dboWarehouseAlternateProductsThis is a list of alternate warehouses from which inventory should be aggregated when determining the available inventory. For example, if I have a warehouse in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Chicago, I may want to have Milwaukee act as an alternate for both Minneapolis and Chicago. Then we can aggregate inventory from it to those other locations when determining how we show inventory availability on the site.
dboWebPageContent ManagementOBSOLETE - This was replaced by the CMS.
dboWebPageContentContent ManagementOBSOLETE - This was replaced by the CMS.
dboWebSiteWebsitesWebsites are a primary construct in the application to define the URLs that point to a given site and the unique category structure within the site. Alternate sites and microsites are all defined here.
dboWebSiteAllowedCustomersWebsitesAssigns websites to customers when restricted access to the website is in place.
dboWebSiteCarrierWebsitesAssigns carriers to websites. Only these carriers will be available to the website.
dboWebSiteCountryWebsitesAssigns countries to websites. Only addresses within these countries will be allowed.
dboWebSiteCurrencyWebsitesAssigns currencies to websites. Only the currencies selected will be available on the site.
dboWebSiteDealerWebsitesAssigns dealers/locations to websites and is used within the dealer locator.
dboWebSiteLanguageWebsitesAssigns languages to websites. Only the languages selected will be available on the site.
dboWebSiteProductCrossSellWebsitesThis is a set of specific products set up as cross sells and shown in the website cross-sell carrousel on the home page.
dboWebSitePromotionWebsitesAssigns promotions to websites. Only these promotions will be available on the site.
dboWebsiteSitemapWebsitesThis table is generated from an integration processor and contains the actual sitemap along with related data based on some configuration options.
dboWebSiteStateWebsitesAssigns states to websites. Only the states assigned will be available for Ship To addresses on the site.
dboWishListWish ListsWishLists are lists of products associated to either a customer or a user that acts as a holding place for buyers to set aside a set of products in which they are interested. Buyers can have multiple wishlists, which can be used for "favorite products" or commonly re-ordered products, as if it were a template order.
dboWishListProductWish ListsThis is the specific list of products associated with a wish list.
identityClientClaimsSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientCorsOriginsSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientCustomGrantTypesSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientIdPRestrictionsSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientPostLogoutRedirectUrisSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientRedirectUrisSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientsSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientScopesSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityClientSecretsSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityConsentsSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityScopeClaimsSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityScopesSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
identityTokensSecurity/SSOPart of Identity Server 3 - additional information at https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.
searchSearchBoostSearchSearch Boosting increases or decreases the visibility of a particular field within a search query. Category Boosting increases or decreases the visibility of a Category within a search query. Product Boosting increases or decreases the visibility of a Product within a search query.
searchSearchStopwordSearchStopwords are common words that are ignored when they are included within a search query. The most common stopwords are already included in the platform. To improve search results, it may be helpful to add additional stopwords, such as "cheap" or "quality", as these can introduce unnecessary noise into a search query.
searchSearchSynonymSearchSynonyms are used to manage alternate word forms that may be entered in a search query. For example, connect keywords such as "sofa" and "couch" to help search queries find relevant products.
searchSearchTermRedirectSearchRedirects link a specific search term to a specific URL.