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Rule type options

Describes how to customize the rules applied to dynamic categories, promotions, personas, shipping rules, along with defining custom rule types in Optimizely Configured Commerce.

Optimizely Configured Commerce contains four collections of rule types. However, other collections of can be created to meet specific business needs.

Configured Commerce has four basic rule types by default:

  • Categories
  • Personas
  • Promotions
  • Shipping
  • Page Variants (4.3.1+)
  • Restriction Groups (4.3.2+)

Each rule type has a combination of rule type options. These options define the "IF" statement of the rule. New rule types and rule type options are created in the Admin Console, and require custom development in order to assign the rule types to the entity.



To use custom properties in the rules engine, you have to add a Rule Type option of Custom Property for the desired rule type in Administration > System > Rule Types.

Valid rule type options

Below is a list of valid rule type options. Although other rule type options may be visible, they will not create valid rule type option without custom development.


  • Product Custom Properties
  • Product Fields


  • Authenticated
  • Current Persona
  • Customer Custom Properties
  • Customer Order Custom Properties
  • Customer Fields
  • Customer Order Fields
  • Order Bill To
  • Order Carrier Services
  • Order Currency
  • Order Product
  • Order Product From Category
  • Order Product With Product Code
  • Order Product From Vendor
  • Order Line Count
  • Order Product Total
  • Order Contains/ Does Not Contain a Promotion
  • Order Shipping Weight
  • Order Ship To Country
  • Order Ship To State/Provence
  • Order Total
  • Promotion Maximum Times Used Per Customer
  • Promotion Maximum Times Used
  • Requested Ship Date Is Day of Week


  • Current Persona
  • Customer Custom Properties
  • Customer Order Custom Properties
  • Customer Fields
  • Customer Order Fields
  • Order Products
  • Order Products From Category
  • Order Product From Product Code
  • Order Product from Vendor
  • Order Line Count
  • Order Product Total
  • Order Ship Weight
  • Order Ship To Country
  • Order Ship To State/Province
  • Requested Ship Date is Day of Week


  • Customer Fields
  • Customer Custom Properties
  • User Custom Properties
  • Distance From a Point
  • Current Location
  • Authenticated

Page Variants

  • Authenticated
  • Category Fields
  • Current Persona
  • Customer Custom Properties
  • Customer Fields
  • Product Custom Properties
  • Product Fields
  • User Custom Properties
  • User Fields

Restriction Groups

  • Customer Bill To Fields
  • Customer Ship To Fields
  • Product Fields
  • Product from Vendor
  • Product in Category
  • Product in Warehouse