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Service requests

The following services are available by request using the submit request form.


The deployment process article explains how Configured Commerce deployments work in environments and infrastructure.

Database backup

Implementation teams may request a copy of databases with written permission from the customer. Direct access to the database is not available; teams can access only copies.



When requesting a database backup, note in the Description whether you plan to use the backup to import data into another environment. This helps expedite your request as the backup generation process differs depending on use case.

Service Desk provides a download link to a BACPAC file of the database that will be active for up to 5 days.

Import a BACPAC

Database backups are given in the form of .bacpac files. You can import a backup with Sqlpackage or SSMS.


Use SqlPackage to import to your local SQL server with the following steps:

  1. Install Sqlpackage from Microsoft's website. Ensure that you install the .NET 6 version of the tool and not the .NET Framework version as the Framework version due to issues with processing large database tables.
  2. Run the following command from the location of SqlPackage, or add it to PATH:
    SqlPackage /a:Import /tsn:"localhost" /tdn:"[DATABASE_NAME]" /tu:"sa" /tp:"Password1" /sf:"[PATH_TO_BACPAC]" /ttsc:True /p:DisableIndexesForDataPhase=False /p:PreserveIdentityLastValues=True
    tsn – The ip [optionalPort] of your currently running sql server instance. 1433 is the default.
    tu – Database user
    tp – Database password


You can also use SSMS to import a backup. Go to Sql Server Management Studio. Right-click on the Databases folder and select Import Data-Tier Application. A modal displays to guide you through the import process.



Importing with SSMS has known issues surrounding large table sizes and backups of more than 4GB. For workarounds, see the section below.

Known Issues

BACPAC files over 4GB may fail to import.

This is a known issue with SqlPackage.

BACPAC files over 4GB generated from SqlPackage may fail to import from the Azure portal or Azure PowerShell with a "File contains corrupted data" error message. This issue seems to be related to the difference between .NET Framework and the new .NET. Use the SqlPackage command-line utility to import the bacpac file.

Databases with large table sizes may fail to import.

Occasionally, imports with SSMS immediately fail with a corrupted BACPAC error. This can happen when the database you are importing has at least one extremely large table. Use the SqlPackage command line option.

Importing to a local installation of sql-server may fail.

You may have issues restoring a database from a containerized environment to a local installation of sql-server. If this happens, run the following script against master before importing the bacpac:

sp_configure 'contained database authentication', 1;  

"Create master key encryption" script failure.

If you get the following error, see this Stackoverflow article .

*** Error importing database:Could not import package.
Error SQL72014: Core Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 33094, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 An error occurred during Service Master Key decryption
Error SQL72045: Script execution error.  The executed script:

SQL script execution

In the event of a data issue that can not be resolved by a code deployment, Optimizely supports providing a SQL Script to execute against database.

Restart Configured Commerce

Customers and partners can request Configured Commerce instance restarts for v2, v2.5, and v3 environments.



This only restarts the Configured Commerce and Commerce-Integration applications; it does not restart the Spire/CMS application.


  • Changing settings: Several settings require a site restart. When you change a setting, the Admin Console provides an alert if that setting requires a restart. Examples include search provider, storage provider, or site timeout.
  • Stopping hanging/frozen integration jobs.
  • Making a plugin (RTP/RTI/etc.) show in settings.
  • Making a new connection show in the internal WIS.

UserFiles Sync

Customers and partners can request that Configured Commerce UserFiles (Media Library) sync from one environment to another within the same customer/partner instances for v2 and v3 environments.



This is a destructive process where all user files are replaced from the source environment to the target environment.

Learn more about the UserFiles and the Media Library.