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Customer pipeline


100CreateGetBillToResultThe BillTo property on the parameter object is transformed into a GetBillToResult. The result is stored in the GetBillToResult property on the result object.
200CopyCustomPropertiesToResultUses theHandlerBase to copy custom properties from theBillTo property on the parameter object to theGetBillToResult property on the result object.


100CreateGetShipToResultTheShipTo property on the parameter object is transformed into aGetShipToResult. The result is stored in theGetShipToResult property on the result object.
200CopyCustomPropertiesToResultUses theHandlerBase to copy custom properties from theShipTo property on the parameter object to theGetShipToResult property on the result object.


100FormatLabelThe Customer property on the parameter object is transformed into a text value. The result is stored in the Label property on the result object.


100GetBillToFieldPropertiesRetrieves the bill-to address fields for the current website. Uses the address fields and the BillToId property on the parameter object to determine disabled and required fields. The values are stored in the DisabledFields and RequiredFields properties on the result object.


100GetNextCustomerNumberDetermines the next availableCustomer.CustomerNumber. If thePrefix andFormat properties on the parameter object have values, it will determine the next available customer number using the provided values. If thePrefix andFormat properties on the parameter object DO NOT have values,AccountGeneralSettings.CustomerNumberPrefix andAccountGeneralSettings.CustomerNumberFormat are used to determine the next available customer number.


100GetNextCustomerSequenceDetermines the next available Customer.CustomerSequence. Uses the CustomerNumber property on the parameter object, CustomerDefaultSettings.ErpShipToPrefix, and CustomerDefaultSettings.ErpShipToFormat to determine the next available customer sequence.


100GetShipToFieldPropertiesRetrieves the ship-to address fields for the current website. Uses the address fields and the BillToId and ShipToId properties on the parameter object to determine disabled and required fields. The values are stored in the DisabledFields and RequiredFields properties on the result object.


100SetBillToInitialValuesUpdates the BillTo property on the parameter object with a set of default properties.
  • If the AssignCustomerNumber property on the parameter object is true, uses the GetNextCustomerNumber pipeline to populate the Customer.CustomerNumber property.
  • If the BillTo.IsGuest property on the parameter object is true, uses the CustomerDefaultSettings.GuestErpCustomerId to populate the Customer.PricingCustomer and Customer.PricingCustomerId properties.


100SetShipToInitialValuesUpdates the ShipTo property on the parameter object with a set of default properties.
  • If the AssignCustomerSequence property on the parameter object is true, uses the GetNextCustomerSequence pipeline to populate the Customer.CustomerSequence property.
  • If the BillTo.IsGuest property on the parameter object is true, copies the BillTo.ErpSequence, BillTo.PricingCustomerId, and BillTo.PricingCustomer properties to the respective ShipTo properties.


100GetAssignedBillTosQuerySet result.AssignedBillTos collection.
200ApplyExpandsApply expands to result.AssignedBillTos.
300GetSalespersonIdsCall GetSalespersonIds pipeline and assign result.SalespersonIds.
400ApplyBillToFilteringApply filter IsBillToand & IsActive to result.AssignedBillTos.
500ApplySalespersonFilteringIf result.SalespersonIds is set do filtering by PrimarySalespersonId for result.AssignedBillTos.
600ApplyUserProfileFilteringIf result.SalespersonIds is not set filter result.AssignedBillTos by parameter.UserProfileId.