Pricing pipeline
Order | Pipe | Description |
100 | CalculateOrderLines | If the CalculateOrderLines property on the parameter object is true or the Cart LastPricingOn is null, gets all CartLines that are:
Calls IPricingPipeline.GetProductPricing setting the OrderLine of the parameter to get the pricing of the CartLines. |
150 | CalculateCartRealTimePricing | If IPricingService is RealTime and the CalculateOrderLines property on the parameter object is true, calls IRealTimePricingService.GetPricing and sets the CartLine pricing equal to the result from the call. |
200 | CalculateShipping | If the user is signed in or a remembered user and theCalculateShipping property on the parameter object is true, callsICartPipeline.CalculateHandling andIShippingEngine.ProcessShipping on the Cart. If this changes the Cart ShipVia, it setsCart.RecalculatePromotions andCart.RecalculateTax to true. |
300 | CalculatePromotions | If the Cart Type is not Quote and the Cart Type is not Job, callsIPromotionEngine.ApplyPromotion on the Cart. |
400 | CalculateTaxes | If the user is signed in or a remembered user that has set their address and theCalculateTaxes property on the parameter object is true, callsITaxEngine.CalculateTax on the Cart. |
500 | CalculateOrderTotal | If theCalculateOrderTotal property on the parameter object is true and there are CartLines, calculates the order total and setsCart.OrderTotal and setsCart.LastPricingOn to the current date time. |
Order | Pipe | Description |
100 | CalculatePrice | For eachPricingServiceParameter in the parameter, callsIPricingService.CalculatePrice and add the result to the resultProductPriceDtos collection. |
150 | CalculateProductRealTimePricing | If IPricingService is RealTime and parameter PerformRealTimePricing is true, calls IRealTimePricingService.GetPricing and sets result ProductPriceDtos equal to the result from the call. |
Updated almost 2 years ago