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Add AppInsights in .NET

Describes how to implement AppInsights in the .NET backend for Optimizely Configured Commerce.


  • Optimizely Configured Commerce 5.2.2312 or later.
  • Application Insights Connection String



    Optimizely does not provide the Application Insights Connection String You or your partner must provide them.

Implementing Application Insights


The Application Insights connection string can be added to the System Setting at System - Developer - Application Insights Connection String

After adding or changing the connection string, the site must be restarted.

5.2.2312 - 5.2.2410

There are two options for setting your connection string.

Adding an assembly attribute sets the same connection string across all environments your code is deployed.

[assembly: EnableApplicationInsights("application_insights_connection_string")]  

For more customization, you can define a method that is called on application start and set the connection string there. This lets the connection string vary between production and sandbox.

using Insite.Common.Providers;
using Insite.Core;

// this attribute is required, it tells dotnet what method to call at startup.
[assembly: System.Web.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Extensions.WebStart), nameof(Extensions.WebStart.Initialize))]

namespace Extensions;

public static class WebStart
    // this method can contain any logic to determine the connection string, however it happens before the application is fully ready. IOC is not available.
    public static void Initialize()
        if (AppSettingProvider.Current["Environment"] == "Production")
            ApplicationInsights.ConnectionString = "application_insights_connection_string"

Customizing Application Insights

Your Extensions.dll can define any number of ITelemetryInitializer classes. You can use them to customize data such as RoleName and RoleInstance.

public class CustomTelemetryInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
    public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
        telemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleName = "CustomRole";
        telemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance = "CustomInstance";

See Enable a framework extension for Application Insights JavaScript SDK. For Spire, partners can implement as much of this as needed.

Ensure to match environment keys with C# code. This can be swapped with the JS build constant IS_PRODUCTION to change keys. See Microsoft's applicationinsights-react-js repository for information.