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Describes the DateTimeProvider with an example.


A provider that returns the current DateTimeOffset for the application. This provider should be used whenever you need to get the current date or time, rather than using the standard DateTime or DateTimeOffset classes. Using this provider also gives the additional benefit of making unit testing much easier. Before your test harness runs, you can change the current DateTimeProvider to a provider that returns the same DateTimeOffset no matter what. This makes testing for specific dates and times much easier to predict rather than using the system clock, which is always changing.



Holds the current DateTimeProvider. You can also set a different DateTimeProvider. The default provider is DefaultDateTimeProvider.

DateTimeProvider Current { get; set; } = new DefaultDateTimeProvider()


This property should be used whenever you need to get the current DateTimeOffset.


The example below sets the order date of the customer order to the current date and time.

Code Sample:

private void SetCustomerOrderInfo(CustomerOrder customerOrder)
  if (customerOrder.PlacedByUserProfile == null)
      customerOrder.PlacedByUserProfile = SiteContext.Current.UserProfile;
      customerOrder.PlacedByUserName = SiteContext.Current.UserProfile.UserName;
  customerOrder.OrderDate = DateTimeProvider.Current.Now;
  if (customerOrder.RequestedShipDate == null)
      customerOrder.RequestedShipDate = customerOrder.OrderDate;
  if (customerOrder.CurrencyId == null && SiteContext.Current.CurrencyDto != null)
      this.customerOrderUtilities.SetCurrency(customerOrder, SiteContext.Current.CurrencyDto.Id);


Gets the now.

abstract DateTimeOffset Now { get; }



Resets the current DateTimeProvider to the default, which is DefaultDateTimeProvider.

static void ResetToDefault()