Mobile SDK
Overview of the Optimizely Configured Commerce Mobile SDK
The Optimizely Configured Commerce Mobile SDK lets you build a customizable, native mobile app for Configured Commerce. Optimizely provides the base code repository and updates for the corresponding SDKs, and you work directly with your partner to configure, develop, customize, and deploy your app.
The Mobile SDK has two parts: Mobile API SDK and Mobile UI SDK.
There are two API SDKS: Dart and C#. Both Dart and C# SDKs can be used by any platform that supports it and used to customise.
Optimizely also provides an out-of-the-box UI SDK that utilizes these API SDKs. The UI SDK is a fully-developed app that you can use to release apps without doing any customizations. See Enable the Configured Commerce Mobile SDK for information.
The Xamarin UI SDK was built using the C# SDK. Because Microsoft discontinued Xamarin, Optimizely no longer uses the Xamarin UI SDK but uses a more modern SDK based on Flutter using the Dart SDK.
Optimizely will ensure the code repository is appropriately initialized and that settings and configuration are correctly transferred. You and/or your partner must download, configure, and test the SDKs to prepare the app for production deployment. This includes customizations that differ from the base code, such as branding assets and personalization. When you are satisfied with the application, upload it to the Android Play Store and iOS App Store for public distribution.
Updated 5 months ago