Order Approvals API handler
Return the carts awaiting approval for the logged in user.
URL – /api/v1/orderapprovals - * really same as /api/v1/carts
Description – Returns all of the carts awaiting approval for the logged in user.
Base – HandlerBase<GetCartCollectionParameter, GetCartCollectionResult>
Handlers –
Order | Handler | Description |
500 | GetCartCollectionHandler | Gets collection of carts with a status of AwaitingApproval. If requester is not signed in then handler return error result. If BillToId parameter not specified then handler return carts for current bill to. If current user doesn't have any bill to then handler return error result. |
URL – /api/v1/orderapprovals/{cartId} - * really same as /api/v1/carts/{cartId}
Description – Return a single shopping cart awaiting approval
Base – HandlerBase<GetCartParameter, GetCartResult>
Handlers –
Order | Handler | Description |
500 | GetCartHandler | Gets cart. If CartId parameter not specified then handler create new cart using current context. |
600 | GetCartApprovalHandler | Set information for Order Approval. If user not signed in then cart doesn't require approval. If user role is Requisitioner or Buyer1 then cart requires approval. If OrdertTotal more than available budget then cart requires approval. |
800 | GetCartPunchOutHandler | If the current session is a punchout session then user can't request quote and can't see line notes. If punchout session mode is Inspect then link 'Continue shopping' doesn't show. |
Updated almost 2 years ago