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iOS quickstart

Quickstart guide for Optimizely's Configured Commerce Mobile SDK targeting iOS. Follow the steps in this guide to configure and deploy the app locally.



Verify you have completed quickstart for Mobile SDK before completing the iOS quickstart.

Configure the following before deploying your Configured Commerce App to the Apple App Store:

  • Update version in pubspec.yaml. For example: version: 1.0.2+1
  • Create and install necessary provisioning profiles for your app's bundle ID.
  • Update the bundle ID.
    1. Open ios/Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode.
    2. Select Runner for Project Navigator.
    3. Select Runner for Targets.
    4. Update the bundle identifier from com.dxp.commerce to your desired bundle ID.
    5. Select the appropriate provisioning profile (development or adhoc or appstore) for Signing & Capabilities.
  • Update Info.plist.
    1. Open ios/Runner/Info.plist.
    2. Modify the CFBundleDisplayName value to update the text that displays after the app is installed.
  • Go to ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset to update the iOS app icons.
  • Update assets/images/logo.png to update the logo inside the app.