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Class configuration

Extend Optimizely's classes to add functionality to your app.

The Optimizely Configured Commerce Mobile SDK relies on GetIt for the service locator. To add a new service, follow these steps:

  1. Define your interface with the new methods.
  2. Implement your interface.
  3. Add your class to the GetIt Service Locator in lib/core/injection/injection_container.dart.
  4. (Optional) Add your class to the CoreServiceProvider: lib/features/domain/service/interfaces/core_service_provider_interface.dart and lib/features/domain/service/core_service_provider.dart

When added in injection_container.dart, you can access your service from anywhere using CoreServiceProvider or with sl<YourInterfaceName>().yourProperty.


After customizing the SDK, you can deploy your application to the app stores.