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Describes a variety of uses for GetBrand handlers.

500FindBrandsWithSearchCheck Randomize parameter is true, execute next handler.

Check for BrandIds contains values, set result.BrandIds to BrandIds parameter.

If nether parameters valid, execute product facets search for Brand, based on BrandId, WebsiteId, StartsWith, Sort, and Manufacturer parameter's.
550FindRandomBrandsCheck Randomize parameter is true, using Brand Repository request list of BrandIds. If not true, Execute next handler.
600GetBrandQueryCreate BrandQuery query.
800ExecuteQueryExecutes the BrandQuery, order by result.BrandIds.
900GetTopSellersCheck GetTopSellers or BrandId parameter is false, then execute next handler.

Check GetTopSellers and BrandId parameter is true, TopSellersProduct result will be filled with GetTopSellerProduct for BrandId parameter.
1000GetCustomPropertiesCheck GetCustomProperties parameter is false, then execute next handler.

If GetCustomProperties parameter is true, fill CustomProperties with Brands result and Entity Brand, BuiltInRoles.ISC_StoreFrontApi role, and entity IsCustomProperty properties.
1100CreateGetBrandResultsIterates over Brands result and call CreateGetBrandResultParameter brandPipeline per each brand.