Theme updates for will-call and store pickup
Describes theme and storefront updates when using will-call and store pickup functionality.
In addition to enabling will-call and store pickup functionality, you also need to update your theme and do some storefront work in the following areas.
Account Settings
Updated the My Account > Account Settings page to allow customers to select either Ship or Pick Up as their default fulfillment method. Customers can also set their default address or warehouse here.
Updated both the Standard and B2C headers to display a location icon and fulfillment method information to the right of the Sign-In or Username button. When customers click this button, the Fulfillment Method window appears.
Fulfillment method window
Added a Fulfillment Method window to allow customers to change their fulfillment method. When customers choose Pick Up, the warehouse information appears with a Change link below. When customers click the Change link, the Select Pick Up Location window appears.
Select pick up location window
Added a Select Pick Up Location window to allow customers to view and select nearby warehouses to pick up their products. Customers can also access this window from the Review and Pay page during checkout.
Cart page
Updated the Cart page to show the selected fulfillment method of Ship or Pick Up.
Checkout pages
The fulfillment method displays on each page of the Checkout process.
Address page
Updated the Address page to show Pick Up Location when customers select Pick Up as their fulfillment method. Customers can click the Change link from here to open the Select Pick Up Location window and select a different warehouse.
Also added an option of Ship to One-Time Address to the Shipping Information drop-down list when the Allow One-Time Addresses setting is YESÂ and customers select Ship as their fulfillment method.
Review and pay page
Updated the Review and Pay page to show Pick Up Location when customers select Pick Up as their fulfillment method. Customers can click the Change link from here to open the Select Pick Up Location window and select a different warehouse. If there's not enough inventory at the selected warehouse, a message appears here.
If the Enable Request Pick Up Date setting is YES and customers select Pick Up as their fulfillment method, they can set a Requested Pick Up Date.
Order confirmation page
Updated the Order Confirmation page to show Pick Up Location when customers selected Pick Up as their fulfillment method.
Order history page
Updated the Order Details page under My Account > Order History to show Pick Up Location when customers selected Pick Up as their fulfillment method.
Updated files
You may still want to do a file compare, as updates to this functionality is ongoing and may impact additional files.
- /Scripts/_typelite/insite.models.d.ts
- /Scripts/_typelite/
- /Scripts/Account/insite.account.directives.ts
- /Scripts/Account/*
- /Scripts/Account/*
- /Scripts/Account/
- /Scripts/Account/
- /Scripts/Account/
- /Scripts/Account/
- /Scripts/Account/insite.session.service.ts
- /Scripts/Cart/insite.cart.controller.ts
- /Scripts/Cart/insite.checkout-address.controller.ts
- /Scripts/Cart/
- /Scripts/Catalog/insite.product-carousel.controller.ts
- /Scripts/Catalog/insite.product-detail.controller.ts
- /Scripts/Catalog/insite.product-list.controller.ts
- /Scripts/Catalog/insite.product.service.ts
- /Scripts/Catalog/insite.warehouse.service.ts*
- /Scripts/Core/insite.core.directives.ts
- /Scripts/Core/insite.core.models.ts
- /Scripts/Core/insite.pickadate.ts
- /Scripts/Layout/insite.header.controller.ts
- /Scripts/Layout/
- /Scripts/Wishlists/
- /Scripts/Wishlists/insite.static-list.controller.ts
- /Styles/base.scss
- /Styles/template/checkout-addresses.scss
- /Styles/template/checkout-cart.scss
- /Styles/template/checkout-order-confirm.scss
- /Styles/template/checkout-review-pay.scss
- /Styles/template/ma-budget-management.scss
- /Styles/template/ma-order-details.scss
- /Styles/template/ma-settings.scss
- /Styles/template/select-pick-up-location.scss*
- /theme.json
- /Views/Directives/Account/DeliveryMethod.cshtml*
- /Views/Directives/Account/DeliveryMethodPopup.cshtml*
- /Views/Directives/Account/FullAddressDisplay.cshtml*
- /Views/Directives/Account/SelectDefaultCustomer.cshtml
- /Views/Directives/Account/SelectPickUpLocationPopup.cshtml*
- /Views/Directives/Account/WarehouseInfo.cshtml*
- /Views/Widgets/BudgetView/Standard.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/CartView/Standard.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/ChangeCustomerView/Standard.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/CheckoutAddressView/Standard.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/HeaderView/B2C.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/HeaderView/Standard.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/OrderConfirmationView/Standard.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/OrderDetailView/Standard.cshtml
- /Views/Widgets/ReviewAndPayView/Standard.cshtml
*These are new files added for will-call and store pickup functionality.
Updated almost 2 years ago