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Install and configure Optimizely Graph on your site

How to install and configure content synchronization from Optimizely Content Management System as part of the Optimizely Graph service.

Install Optimizely Graph

Install Optimizely.ContentGraph.CMS in your Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) site to sync content types and content. In Visual Studio, go to Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console. At the console, enter install-package Optimizely.ContentGraph.Cms.



Optimizely supports packages for ASP.NET with the package versions >= 2.0.

Configure Optimizely Graph for your site

Depending on your version of .NET, different methods exist to configure Optimizely Graph. The process for the different versions involves entering settings into configuration files. For that reason, gather the following information before beginning:

  • GatewayAddress – URL for the API gateway. This value should be set to https://cg.optimizely.com for all production environments.
  • AppKey – Sent to you when the account was created and is the public key from your HMAC authentication pair.
  • Secret – Sent to you when the account was created and is the secret key from your HMAC authentication pair.
  • SingleKey – Sent to you when the account was created and is the public key that you can use on the public site.
  • AllowSendingLog – Flag that lets you send errors and warnings to the API gateway. This data helps the Support team investigate when something goes wrong. Defaults to true.



The configuration for Optimizely Graph is only needed when working with the CMS site locally. The configuration is already set in the Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP) site, so do not include the configuration for the CMS site when deploying it to DXP through the PaaS portal.

Configure the synchronization package settings in the .NET Framework

For newer versions of the .NET platform, you can enter the settings into the web.config file in the <appSettings> section:

<add key="optimizely__contentgraph__gatewayaddress" value="" />
<add key="optimizely__contentgraph__appkey" value="" />
<add key="optimizely__contentgraph__secret" value="" />
<add key="optimizely__contentgraph__singlekey" value="" />
<add key="optimizely__contentgraph__allowsendinglog" value="true"/>

The older settings format is still supported but is deprecated:

<add key="optimizely:gatewayaddress" value="" />
<add key="optimizely:query.appkey" value="" />
<add key="optimizely:query.secret" value="" />
<add key="optimizely:query.singlekey" value="" />
<add key="optimizely:allowsendinglog" value="true"/>

Configure the synchronization package settings in ASP.NET Core

Open appsettings.json and add your settings to configure your account.

"Optimizely": {
  "ContentGraph": {
    "GatewayAddress": "",
    "AppKey": "",
    "Secret": "",
    "SingleKey": "",
    "AllowSendingLog": "true"

If you do not use the Content Delivery API in your CMS site, add the following to the ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) method of Startup.cs. Optimizely Graph depends on the Content Delivery API, which is the minimum configuration.

If you want to customize Content Delivery API, see the configure Content Delivery API documentation.

services.ConfigureContentApiOptions(o =>
    o.IncludeInternalContentRoots = true;
    o.IncludeSiteHosts = true;
    //o.EnablePreviewFeatures = true;// optional
services.AddContentDeliveryApi(); // required, for further configurations, see https://docs.developers.optimizely.com/content-cloud/v1.5.0-content-delivery-api/docs/configuration

//the following is obsolete and is kept for compatibility for now

If you are already using Content Delivery API in your application, you only need to add an additional line to register Optimizely Graph services:

//other configurations for Content Delivery API


//the following is obsolete and is kept for compatibility for now

Set the Content Delivery options to true for the data related to site information to be synchronized to Optimizely Graph. Then you can query them through the SiteDefinition content-type:

services.ConfigureContentApiOptions(o =>
    o.IncludeInternalContentRoots = true;
    o.IncludeSiteHosts = true;
    //o.EnablePreviewFeatures = true;//optional
  • IncludeInternalContentRoots and IncludeSiteHosts –Set to true to sync information on content roots and site definitions to Optimizely Graph.
  • EnablePreviewFeatures – Set to true if you want beta features in Content Delivery to be enabled for more data in Optimizely Graph.
  • (Optional) SetValidateTemplateForContentUrl – Set to true to only provide URLs for content with CMS templates. If not, the URL is null.

Property indexing modes

The CMS integration with Optimizely Graph has a feature to set property indexing modes. This can be done by adding an attribute to the property in your content type class. Optimizely supports typed models.

OutputOnly mode

Not all content properties need to be searchable or filterable when indexing Optimizely Graph content. You should disable filtering and searching for these properties to reduce the load to Optimizely Graph and improve query performance.

To disable searching and filtering for a property, set the indexing mode to OutputOnly. With this mode, the property value can still be queried and read from Optimizely Graph, but it is impossible to filter by that property using the where clause. It is also not searchable with full text search.



To improve query performance, you should use OutputOnly mode on properties that you know you will not filter and search on.

public virtual string AStringProperty { get; set; }

Default mode

With Default indexing mode, the property is stored in Optimizely Graph. This means that it can be filtered using the where clause, but it is not searchable with full text search.

public virtual string AStringProperty { get; set; }

Include inheritance

To get results from inherited types when querying a content type, include inheritance in the ContentType list. To enable this, set IncludeInheritanceInContentType to true:

services.AddContentGraph(configureOptions: options =>
    options.IncludeInheritanceInContentType = true;

Enable extract media type

To enable extracting data from the content media type, set ExtractMedia to true. Defaults to true:

services.AddContentGraph(configureOptions: options =>
    options.ExtractMedia = false;

Configure allowlist contents

To set what content can be synchronized to Optimizely Graph and prevent synchronizing content with sensitive data, add the Include section to the appsettings.json file or use the configuration in startup.cs.



Configuration set in startup.cs would override appsettings.json.


"Optimizely": {
  "ContentGraph": {
    "Include": {
      "ContentIds": [],
      "ContentTypes": []
    "OnlySyncContentTypesInWhitelistToSchema": false


services.AddContentGraph(configureOptions: options =>
   options.Include.ContentIds = new int[3] { 1, 2, 3 };
   options.Include.ContentTypes = new string[2] { typeof(StandardPage).Name, typeof(ProductPage).Name };
  • ContentIds – Array of content Ids (an array of integers) that synchronizes contents whose Ids exist in the ContentIds array and the content whose ancestor Ids exist in the ContentIds array.
  • ContentTypes – Array of contentType names (an array of strings) that synchronizes content whose ContentTypes exist in the ContentTypes array.
  • OnlySyncContentTypesInWhitelistToSchema – By default, content types are included in the Optimizely Graph GraphQL schema. If you want only the content types listed in Include.ContentTypes to be in the GraphQL schema, set OnlySyncContentTypesInWhitelistToSchema to true.

Configuration options rules

  • ContentIds = [] and ContentTypes = [] – Content is synchronized as normal.
  • ContentIds = [] and ContentTypes != [] – Only the content whose ContentTypeID matches in the ContentTypes or in the descendants that are inherited directly or indirectly from the ContentTypes are synchronized.



    If the values in ContentTypes do not exist in the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS), you cannot sync content.

  • ContentIds != [] and ContentTypes = [] – Two types of content can be synchronized:
    • Content whose Ids exist in ContentIds are synchronized.
    • Content whose ancestor Ids exist in ContentIds are synchronized.



      You cannot sync content if no content exists in ContentIds.

  • ContentIds != [] and ContentTypes != [] – Two types of content can be synchronized:
    • Content whose Ids exist in ContentIds and ContentTypeID matches in the ContentTypes or in the descendants that are inherited directly or indirectly from the ContentTypes are synchronized.
    • Content whose ancestor Ids exist in ContentIds and whose ContentTypeID matches in the ContentTypes or in the descendants that are inherited directly or indirectly from the ContentTypes are synchronized.



  • When content is synchronized, language versions of that content are available in Optimizely Graph.
  • Content (that is linked to synchronized content) is synchronized within that synchronized content, regardless of any whitelist conditions that otherwise apply.
  • When querying contents in GraphiQL, you can only directly query the content types that exist in the ContentTypes array and their descendants that are inherited directly or indirectly from the ContentTypes array.

Configure sync version content

"Optimizely": {
    "ContentGraph": {
       "ContentVersionSyncMode": "DraftAndPublishedOnly"

To determine which version contents can be synchronized to Optimizely Graph, you have the following options:

  • DraftAndPublishedOnly (Default) – To sync the published content and draft content.
  • PublishedOnly – To sync only the published content.
  • All – To sync all status version content.

Configure resynchronization of referencing contents

When content is referenced by other content using ContentLink, ContentReference, LinkItem or ContentArea, if the content is modified, other referencing content can be resynchronized to Optimizely Graph.

To enable this, set SyncReferencingContents to true in appsettings.json. The default value is false.

If the number of referencing contents is large, resynchronization can take long after the related content is updated. You should set the setting to false and wait for the next time the Optimizely Graph synchronization scheduled job runs again instead.

"Optimizely": {
    "ContentGraph": {
       "SyncReferencingContents": "false"

Configure synchronization of content type when the site starts

Open Startup.cs and add:

services.Configure<EventIndexingOptions>(ops => 
  ops.SyncContentTypesOnInit = true;

Configure to enable preview tokens for On-page editing (OPE) feature

When calling AddContentGraph, you can enable preview tokens for OPE feature by setting EnablePreviewTokens to true.

You can also set the OnGeneratingPreviewUrl event to customize your content preview URL before adding the preview token as a query string parameter.

You can enable preview tokens in your Program.cs,Startup.cs, or appsettings.json.

For more details on OPE, refer to On-page editing and Optimizely Graph.

services.AddContentGraph(options =>
	options.EnablePreviewTokens = true;

  options.Events.OnGeneratingPreviewUrl = ctx =>
    // ctx.UpdateUrl(new Uri("/test?id=" + ctx.ContentReference, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
    return Task.CompletedTask;
"Optimizely": {
    "ContentGraph": {
       "EnablePreviewTokens": "true"

Configure the format for XhtmlString

You can get rich text stored in XhtmlStringin a different structured delivery format than just a raw HTML string.

By default, XhtmlString is returned as a single string containing the raw HTML:

services.Configure<ContentApiOptions>(op =>
    op.RichTextFormat = RichTextFormat.Html;

Optimizely Graph query:

 StandardPage {
    items {

Response example:

 "MainBody": "<p><strong>The weather is very nice !</strong></p>"

To return XhtmlStringas structured HTML:

services.Configure<ContentApiOptions>(op =>
    op.RichTextFormat = RichTextFormat.Structured;

Optimizely Graph query:

 StandardPage {
    items {
      MainBody {

Response example:

  "MainBody": {
    "Structure": "{\"type\":\"richText\",\"children\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"children\":[{\"text\":\"The weather is very nice !\",\"bold\":true}]}]}"

You can return both the raw HTML and the structured HTML:

services.Configure<ContentApiOptions>(op =>
    op.RichTextFormat = RichTextFormat.HtmlAndStructured;

Optimizely Graph query:

 StandardPage {
    items {
      MainBody {

Response example:

  "MainBody": {
    "Structure": "{\"type\":\"richText\",\"children\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"children\":[{\"text\":\"The weather is very nice !\",\"bold\":true}]}]}",
    "Html": "<p><strong>The weather is very nice !</strong></p>"



  • Changing the ContentApiOptions.RichTextFormat configuration requires you to re-run the synchronization job.
  • The HTML elements that Optimizely has seen a mapping for are mapped, but HTML elements that Optimizely has not seen a mapping for are returned unmapped (the HTML element name).

Configuration to retrieve Structure as JSON

By default, this feature is disabled. When enabling this, the structure's response would be like below:

"MainBody": {
  "Structure": {
    "type": "richText",
      "children": [
          "type": "paragraph",
          "children": [
              "text": "Test"
  "Html": "<p>Test</p>"

To enable this feature :

  1. The RichTextFormat configuration must be Structuredor HtmlAndStructured (see above)
  2. Add the RichTextStructAsJson setting:
    "Optimizely": {
        "ContentGraph": {
           "RichTextStructAsJson": true
  3. Run the indexing job.



As the default type for structure is string, but when utilizing this feature, its type changes to object, we need to update the frontend site to handle both types for the structure field of the XhtmlString in order to avoid any disruptions to our frontend sites.

Configure Date to DateTime

By default, the datetime type in the GraphQL schema is Date. You can change the type to DateTime by setting UseDateTimeGQLType to true:

"Optimizely": {
    "ContentGraph": {
       "UseDateTimeGQLType": true



This configuration is not applied for the _modified field. It is always Date.

Configuration to prevent field collision

By default, this feature is disabled. To enable it:

  1. Change the PreventFieldCollision setting:
    "Optimizely": {
        "ContentGraph": {
           "PreventFieldCollision": true
  2. Reset the account and run the indexing job. See Reset account functionality.



This feature only works from version >= 3.7.0.

When this feature is enabled and you want to change the datetime type (from Date to DateTime or vice versa), you must run the indexing job again. While the job is running, the datetime fields may return null.