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PowerSlice for Optimizely Content Management System

Describes PowerSlice for Optimizely Content Management System (CMS), which provides fast content filtering when working in edit view, suitable for sites with large numbers of pages and blocks.

PowerSlice is useful for content that does not naturally fit into a hierarchical structure, such as news articles and blog posts.

PowerSlice for Optimizely Content Management System


  • No additional license fee for the add-on.
  • An Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) installation with Optimizely Search & Navigation.
  • See Add-ons platform compatibility for package and version information. 

Install PowerSlice .NET 5

  1. Install Episerver.Find 14+.

  2. Install Episerver.Find.Cms 14+.

  3. Install PowerSlice.

  4. Add to appsettings.json.

      "EPiServer": {
        "Find": {
          "ServiceUrl": "https://demo02.find.episerver.net/XCgOgr0kIUsWbB9iE6PQnEo4uJGMoNf4/",
          "DefaultIndex": "mh.nguyen_defaultindex"
  5. Add to startup.cs.

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
  6. Add example slice.

    [ServiceConfiguration(typeof (IContentQuery)), ServiceConfiguration(typeof (IContentSlice))]
    public class EverythingSlice: ContentSliceBase<IContent> {
      public override string Name {
        get {
          return "Everything";
  7. Run the following command: Find Indexing Schedule Job

Install previous versions of PowerSlice

  • Source code download from GitHub.
