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Approval definitions

Describes the process of creating a content approval definition.

Create an approval definition

This example shows the creation and saving of a definition:

using EPiServer.Approvals.ContentApprovals;

ContentReference contentLink;
IApprovalDefinitionRepository definitionRepository;

var langEN = new CultureInfo[] {
var langSV = new CultureInfo[] {

// Creates a content approval definition
var definition = new ContentApprovalDefinition {
  ContentLink = contentLink,
    Steps = new List<ApprovalDefinitionStep> {
      new ApprovalDefinitionStep("step1", new ApprovalDefinitionReviewer[] {
        new ApprovalDefinitionReviewer("user1a", langEN),
          new ApprovalDefinitionReviewer("user1b", langSV),
      new ApprovalDefinitionStep("step2", new ApprovalDefinitionReviewer[] {
        new ApprovalDefinitionReviewer("user2a", langEN.Union(langSV))

// Saves the definition
await definitionRepository.SaveAsync(definition);

Update an approval definition

In this example, a definition is updated with a reviewer in the second step. This reviewer can approve items in languages using CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.

using EPiServer.Approvals.ContentApprovals;

ContentReference contentLink;
IApprovalDefinitionRepository definitionRepository;

var langInvariant = new CultureInfo[] {

// Gets a definition
ApprovalDefinition definition = await definitionRepository.GetAsync(contentLink);
definition = definition.CreateWritableClone();
definition.Steps[1].Reviewers.Add(new ApprovalDefinitionReviewer("user2b", langInvariant));

// Saves a definition
await definitionRepository.SaveAsync(definition);

Add a role to an approval definition

(Since CMS UI 10.10.0)

In this example, a definition is updated with a role reviewer in the first step. This role can approve items in the Swedish language.

using EPiServer.Approvals.ContentApprovals;

ContentReference contentLink;
IApprovalDefinitionRepository definitionRepository;

var langSV = new CultureInfo[] {

// Gets a definition
ApprovalDefinition definition = await definitionRepository.GetAsync(contentLink);
definition = definition.CreateWritableClone();
definition.Steps[0].Reviewers.Add(new ApprovalDefinitionReviewer("managers", langSV, ApprovalDefinitionReviewerType.Role));

// Saves a definition
await definitionRepository.SaveAsync(definition);

Delete an approval definition

This example deletes a definition using ID:

ApprovalDefinition definition;
IApprovalDefinitionRepository definitionRepository;
  // Deletes a definition
  await definitionRepository.DeleteAsync(definition.ID);



You cannot delete a definition if running approvals exist. All approval instances must be completed or aborted before deleting an approval definition.

Get an approval definition

Gets a definition in a couple of different ways:

using EPiServer.Approvals.ContentApprovals;

ContentReference contentLink;
ApprovalDefinition definition;
Approval approval;
IApprovalDefinitionRepository definitionRepository;
IApprovalDefinitionVersionRepository definitionVersionRepository;

// Gets the latest version of a definition using a definition id.
var definition1 = await definitionRepository.GetAsync(definition.ID);

// Gets a specific version of a definition using a version id.
var definition2 = await definitionVersionRepository.GetAsync(approval.VersionID);

// Gets the latest version of a definition using a ContentReference. 
var definition3 = await definitionRepository.GetAsync(contentLink);

// Gets the latest version of a definition by resolving a ContentReference.  
var definitionResolveResult = await definitionRepository.ResolveAsync(contentLink);
// The Resolve-method returns a result with a definition and a flag specifying if the definition was found on an ancestor
var definition4 = definitionResolveResult.Definition as ContentApprovalDefinition;
var isInherited = definitionResolveResult.IsInherited;