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Install Optimizely (ASP.NET Core)

Describes a first-time installation of Optimizely Content Management System (CMS 12) and Optimizely Customized Commerce (version 14) websites with the latest updates, with or without sample templates.



For installation instructions for Optimizely Content Management System (CMS 11) and Optimizely Customized Commerce version 13 and lower, see Install Optimizely (CMS 11 and Commerce 13).


You can install the desired Optimizely products individually, with or without sample templates. This is useful to explore each product and its components in more detail or build a site from scratch with more control. You can also use the Optimizely Foundation reference architecture to get a solution with multiple products up and running.

Before installing, check the System requirements for Optimizely to ensure your installation environment has the required components and versions.



You can order a time-limited demo license for evaluation purposes—see Optimizely License Center (a license is not required when using IIS Express). You need a commercial Optimizely license for testing and production environments.

To start a new CMS or Optimizely Customized Commerce application, install the templates and (optionally the Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool):

dotnet new -i EPiServer.Templates

If you are using Visual Studio 2019 you must specify a previous version when installing the templates. The latest version of the templates is targeting ASP.NET, which Visual Studio 2019 does not support.

dotnet new -i Episerver.Templates::1.1.0

See also: dotnet new. 



Each template contains a README file with instructions and if you find any issues or want to contribute to a template, visit content-templates on GitHub.

Optimizely NuGet feed

The following templates contain a nuget.config file with the Optimizely NuGet feed containing Optimizely packages. 

Install CMS

Create an empty site:

dotnet new epi-cms-empty

Create a sample site with Alloy templates

dotnet new epi-alloy-mvc

Install Optimizely Customized Commerce

Create an Empty site:

dotnet new epi-commerce-empty

Command-Line Interface tool

The Optimizely Command-line Interface (CLI) tool is optional but makes creating or updating databases easy.

dotnet tool install EPiServer.Net.Cli --global --add-source https://nuget.optimizely.com/feed/packages.svc

Example commands:

dotnet-episerver create-cms-database <project>
dotnet-episerver create-commerce-database <project>
dotnet-episerver update-database <project>

dotnet new epi-alloy-mvc --name alloy-docker  --output ./alloy-docker --enable-docker
dotnet new epi-alloy-mvc --help

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