Describes links in Optimizely Content Management System (CMS).
In Optimizely Content Management System (CMS), internal links are stored in an internal permanent format, meaning you can rename files and templates and change host names without affecting the links.
CMS does not store links in HTML but instead stores permanent link references. When you access a reference through a property, CMS resolves the reference to an actual link so you see an HTML link in the content. When you save the content, the property parses the HTML and stores a permanent link.
You can paste a permanent URL into a web browser for debugging.
CMSÂ preserves additional URL segments and query parameters (after the content-specifying part of the URL) when it converts a permanent link. So, you can link to a specific action on a controller (potentially with parameters) or something routed by a partial router. A registered route must match the URL.
Built-in properties
Many of the built-in types, such as Url
(corresponding to PropertyUrl
and PropertyImageUrl
properties), XHtmlString
(corresponding to PropertyXhtmlString
) and LinkItemCollection
(corresponding to PropertyLinkItemCollection
) support permanent links. However, the basic string (corresponding to ProperyString
or PropertyLongString
) does not support permanent links because it may contain formats other than HTML. Use the XhtmlString
for HTML content to make use of permanent links.
Track link integrity
When you save a content instance, CMS parses the properties (such as PropertyUrl
, PropertyXhtmlString
, PropertyLinkItemCollection
, and PropertyContentArea
) for links to other content instances or files, and stores the references in a reference table to track the items that link to each other.
Export and import
The export package contains links in a permanent format when transferring content. It makes sure links within the package are preserved during import. If you must use links other than the built-in ones (for example, if you have a custom property not based on any of the ones listed in the previous section), you must handle the conversion during export or import.
API references
The EPiServer.Core.Transfer.IReferenceMap
 interface on your PropertyData
object tells Optimizely that you need to handle permanent links. The PermanentLinkMapper
handles conversion between permanent links and dynamic links. Access the API using the EPiServer.Web.PermanentLinkUtility
class. The EPiServer.Web.IPermanentLinkMapper
and EPiServer.Web.PermanentLinkMap
classes are underlying components in the PermanentLink
architecture, and you typically do not need to access them directly.
Content links references
Permanent links to content consist of the GUID associated with content, also available as the property IContent.ContentGuid
Definition – ~/link/ContentGUID.extension?EXTRAINFO
Updated about 1 year ago