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Scheduled synchronization

How to use scheduled content synchronization to ensure that everything in the Optimizely GraphQL querying service is up-to-date.

You can start the synchronization jobs from the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) Admin view whenever all of the content on the site needs to be resynchronized.

You can run this job after you install the NuGet packages, update the site configuration files, and deploy the new site build. See installing and setting up Optimizely Graph.

Event-driven synchronization ensures that the GraphQL schema is updated in real-time after you create, update, or delete content or a content type. You can also schedule the job to recur on a specific frequency or manually trigger the job to begin immediately. While event-driven synchronization is the preferred method to maintain synchronization parity between your site and the Optimizely Graph service, there are cases where a scheduled or manual job run may be necessary.

There are two scheduled jobs:

  • Optimizely Graph content Synchronization job – Synchronizes the entire content catalog, both types and data. Suggested schedule interval: once per week.
  • Optimizely Graph Delta Synchronization – Synchronizes the content changed since the last synchronization. Suggested schedule interval: every hour.

You can configure the settings for the scheduled sync job as follows:

  1. Go to Admin > Scheduled Jobs > Optimizely Graph content Synchronization job.
  1. By default, scheduled sync is inactive. Enable Active.
  2. Specify a time interval (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and a number of intervals to wait on the Scheduled job interval line. For example, enter "24" in the text box and select "hours" from the dropdown menu to schedule the job once every day.
  3. Click Save.

You can also click Start Manually or Stop Job.