Custom properties
Shows how to implement a custom property by selecting a suitable base type.
Most common Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) property types have built-in persisting and rendering support. In most cases, you should not need to create custom properties. You can change the editorial experience without creating a custom property. However, if you need a custom property, select a proper base type from which you can inherit, depending on your data type. You can also create a template for the data type (if you want the property to be visible on templates).
The following example shows how to implement a custom property by selecting a suitable base type (for example, PropertyString
, PropertyNumber
); a property holds an enumerable of ContentReference
and stores it as a serialized string.
public class LinkingProperty: PropertyLongString {
public IEnumerable<ContentReference> LinkedReferences {
get {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LongString)) {
var entries = LongString.Split(';');
return entries.Select(e => ContentReference.Parse(e));
return null;
set {
LongString = String.Join(";", value.Select(r => r.ToString()));
public override object Value {
get {
return LinkedReferences;
set {
IEnumerable<ContentReference> links = value as IEnumerable<ContentReference>;
if (links != null) {
LinkedReferences = links;
} else {
base.Value = value;
public override Type PropertyValueType {
get {
return typeof (IEnumerable<ContentReference>);
public override object SaveData(PropertyDataCollection properties) {
return base.LongString;
Index references to other content from a custom property
If the custom property stores references to other content instances, you should also have a "soft" link indexer for the type. In that case, when an editor tries to delete a content item, a warning displays if a property on another content item holds a reference to the item to be deleted. If the custom property is inheriting PropertyContentReference
, PropertyUrl
, or PropertyXhtml
, then the soft indexing is handled by the base type indexer. The following example shows a soft link indexer for the previous custom property above:
[ServiceConfiguration(typeof (IPropertySoftLinkIndexer))]
public class LinkingPropertyIndexer: IPropertySoftLinkIndexer<IEnumerable<ContentReference>> {
public IEnumerable<SoftLink> ResolveReferences(IEnumerable<ContentReference> propertyValue, IContent owner) {
var softLinks = new List<SoftLink> ();
foreach(var link in propertyValue) {
var softLink = new SoftLink {
OwnerContentLink = owner.ContentLink.ToReferenceWithoutVersion(),
OwnerLanguage = (owner as ILocalizable)?.Language,
ReferencedContentLink = link,
SoftLinkType = ReferenceType.PageLinkReference
return softLinks;
The indexer is registered with the IOC container for the IPropertySoftLinkIndexer
interface, which implements the generic IPropertySoftLinkIndexer<T>
interface where the generic argument is the PropertyValueType
for the property implementation.
Updated 10 months ago