Integrate search
Describes search integration using full-text search, as part of the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) default search.
The Full-text Search Service applies to Optimizely Content Management System (CMS 11) and is not supported on Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and other cloud service deployments. It is a legacy feature that will be removed in future versions.
This section is not supported for ASP.NET Core-based applications.
CMS stores information about CMS content (pages and blocks) in a searchable index. To find items in the index, compose search queries from different subqueries. The following samples show how you can search in that index.
How to search for pages
public IEnumerable<PageData> FindPages(string searchQuery, ContentReference searchRoot, string cultureId, int pagingNumber, int pagingSize) {
// The group query is needed to combine the different criteria
GroupQuery groupQuery = new GroupQuery(LuceneOperator.AND);
// The content query makes sure we only get hits that are of the type PageData
groupQuery.QueryExpressions.Add(new ContentQuery<PageData>());
// The field query contains the search phrase
groupQuery.QueryExpressions.Add(new FieldQuery(searchQuery));
// The virtual path query makes sure that we only get hits for children of the specified search root
VirtualPathQuery pathQuery = new VirtualPathQuery();
// The access control list query will remove any pages the user doesn't have read access to
AccessControlListQuery aclQuery = new AccessControlListQuery();
aclQuery.AddAclForUser(PrincipalInfo.Current, HttpContext.Current);
// Add a specific field query for the Culture field in order to search for a specific culture
groupQuery.QueryExpressions.Add(new FieldQuery(cultureId, Field.Culture));
var searchHandler = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<SearchHandler>();
SearchResults results = searchHandler.GetSearchResults(groupQuery, pagingNumber, pagingSize);
var contentSearchHandler = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentSearchHandler>();
foreach(var hit in results.IndexResponseItems) {
// Use the content search handler to convert the page hit into a PageData
return contentSearchHandler.GetContent<PageData>(hit);
How to search for files
public IEnumerable<string> FindFiles(string searchQuery, VersioningDirectory searchRoot, int pagingNumber, int pagingSize) {
// The group query is needed to combine the different criteria
GroupQuery groupQuery = new GroupQuery(LuceneOperator.AND);
// The unified file query makes sure we only get hits that are files
groupQuery.QueryExpressions.Add(new UnifiedFileQuery());
// The field query contains the search phrase
groupQuery.QueryExpressions.Add(new FieldQuery(searchQuery));
// The virtual path query makes sure that we only get hits for children of the specified search root
VirtualPathQuery pathQuery = new VirtualPathQuery();
// The access control list query will remove any files the user doesn't have read access to
AccessControlListQuery aclQuery = new AccessControlListQuery();
aclQuery.AddAclForUser(PrincipalInfo.Current, HttpContext.Current);
var searchHandler = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<SearchHandler>();
SearchResults results = searchHandler.GetSearchResults(groupQuery, pagingNumber, pagingSize);
foreach(var hit in results.IndexResponseItems) {
// Return the virtual path for each matching file.
return hit.Uri.ToString();
CMS types are stored in the index
CMS stores types in the index by mapping values from the objects onto an IndexRequestItem
, and send it to the indexing service. PageData
 and VersioningFile
 are two of the most common indexed CMS types that it stores in the index.
When you store a PageData
 in the index, its properties are mapped to the fields on the index request item in the following way.
IndexRequestItem item | PageData page | |
item.Id | page.PageGuid | page.LanguageBranch |
item.Uri | page.LinkUrl | |
item.Title | page.Name | |
item.Created | page.Created | |
item.Modified | page.Changed | |
item.Culture | page.LanguageBranch | |
item.ItemType | A comma-separated list of the type of the page and any inherited types | |
item.Authors | page.CreatedBy | |
item.DisplayText | Content from searchable properties on the page | |
item.AccessControlList | page.ACL, but only about read access | |
item.Categories | page.Category | |
item.VirtualPathNodes | The ancestors to the page, ordered with the oldest first | |
item.ItemStatus | Always approved | |
item.PublicationEnd | page.StopPublish |
When you store a VersioningFile
 in the index, its properties are mapped to the fields the following way.
IndexRequestItem item | VersioningFile file |
item.Id | file.Guid |
item.Title | file.Name |
item.DataUri | file.LocalPath |
item.Uri | file.PermanentLinkVirtualPath or file.VirtualPath |
item.Authors | file.Summary.Author |
item.Categories | file.Summary.Category split by character ',' |
item.ItemStatus | Always approved |
item.Metadata | file.Name without extension and values from file.Summary.Dictionary |
item.AccessControlList | Users and roles with read access from file.Parent.ACL |
item.VirtualPathNodes | The guid of each parent directory ending with file.Guid |
item.DisplayText | The content of the file, if you installed required IFilter |
Updated 9 months ago