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Content Metadata properties

Describes metadata interfaces and metadata properties that you can define on content models.

EPiServer.Core.IContentData is the base interface that content models implement. All content types, except BlockData, also implement the EPiServer.Core.IContent interface; the interface is required for a content instance to have a unique ID and its own lifecycle (that is, it can be loaded or saved individually). Through the EPiServer.IContentRepository, you can perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on content instances implementing EPiServer.Core.IContent, for example, listing and move.

There are also many additional metadata interfaces a content type can implement that define its characteristics. Here is a list of the existing metadata interfaces, with a description of each interface's purpose and which properties it contains.


Because some of the interfaces are optional, a recommended pattern when working with a "general" IContent instance is to use the is or as operators to check if the instance implements an interface, as in this example:

public static CultureInfo Language(this IContent content) {
  if (content == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(content));
  return (content is ILocale locale) ? locale.Language : CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

public static bool IsModified(this IContent content) {
  if (content == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(content));
  var modifiedTrackable = content as IModifiedTrackable;
  return modifiedTrackable == null || modifiedTrackable.IsModified;

Shared blocks

BlockData does not implement IContent, while shared block instances still have their own identity defined on IContent. This is accomplished so that during runtime, when a shared block instance is created (for example, through a call to IContentRepository.GetDefault<T> where T is a type inheriting from BlockData), the CMS creates a new .NET type inheriting T using a technique called mixin where the newly generated subclass will implement some extra interfaces (including IContent).

That means that a shared block instance of T will implement IContent while an instance of T that is a property on a Page will not.


Base interface for content models. It contains a backing PropertyDataCollection that is used when loading or saving data from the database.

Property PropertyDataCollectionContains backing data for properties used by the content instance.


You can individually load or save base interfaces for content models with an identity. IContent inherits IContentData. Note that ContentLink.ID and ContentGuid is the same for language branches for a content item. So the combination of ContentLink or ContentGuid and ILocale.Language uniquely specifies the content instance (given that the content implements ILocalizable). Built-in base content types, (except BlockData), implement IContent. Shared block instances implement IContent (and most other metadata interfaces) at runtime.

Name stringThe name of the content instance.
ContentLinkContentReferenceThe identifier of the content instance. If the instance represents a specific version, WorkID specifies an optional version ID.
ContentGuidGuidA GUID-based identifier for the content instance.
ParentLinkContentReferenceThe parent identifier (in a tree structure) for the content instance.
ContentTypeIDintAn identifier that specifies which content type the content is an instance of.
IsDeletedboolIndicates if the content instance is in the wastebasket.
Property PropertyDataCollectionInherited from IContentData.


An optional interface for content that supports different versions for each language branch. There can only be at most one version published at each time. All built-in types, except ContentFolder, implement IVersionable. See Content versions for information regarding versions.

Status VersionStatusSpecifies the status of the content version.
IsPendingPublishboolSpecifies if there is any published version for the current language branch.
StartPublishDateTime?Optional value that specifies when the content is/was published.
StopPublishDateTime?Optional value that specifies when the content is/was depublished.


An optional interface for content that specifies which language a specific content instance has. All built-in types except ContentFolder implements ILocale.

Language CultureInfoSpecifies the language of a content instance. CultureInfo.InvariantCulture means that the content instance is not culture-specific.


An optional interface for content that support multiple language branches. Inherits ILocale. Built-in types, (except ContentFolder and MediaData), implement ILocalizable.

Language CultureInfoInherits from ILocale.
MasterLanguageCultureInfoSpecifies which language version that contains the none language-specific properties.
ExistingLanguagesIEnumerable<CultureInfo>Specifies existing language branches for this content.

IReadOnly and IReadOnly

An optional interface for content that support read-only instances. It is highly recommended that content types implement IReadOnly, which ensures the integrity of the content instances when instances are served from the cache and hence reused across different requests. Built-in base content classes implement IReadOnly.

IsReadOnlyboolSpecifies if the current instance is read-only.
void MakeReadOnly()MethodMakes an instance read-only.
object/T CreateWritableClone()MethodCreates a writable clone from a read-only instance.


An optional interface for content instances that support modified tracking. There is a high-performance gain during save operations if you use IModifiedTrackable because only data that has actually changed needs to be persisted. Built-in base content classes implement IModifiedTrackable.

IsModifiedboolSpecifies it the current instance is modified.
void ResetModified()MethodSets the content instance in a non-modified state.


An optional interface for content instances that support tracking of changes. Built-in base content classes implement IChangeTrackable.

IsModifiedboolSpecifies if the current instance is modified.
void ResetModified()MethodSets the content instance in a non-modified state.


An optional interface for content instances that support access checks. Built-in base content classes implement IContentSecurable.

IContentSecurityDescriptor GetContentSecurityDescriptor()MethodGets the security descriptor for the content instance where access rights can be checked.


An interface that content items that should be routable through a content URL should implement. Built-in base content classes, except shared blocks, implement IRoutable.

RouteSegmentstringSpecifies the route segment that is used for the content instance in the hierarchical content url.


An interface that content items that should be possible to categorize should implement. Built-in base content classes, except content folders, implement ICategorizable.

CategoryCategoryListA list of all categories that this content instance is categorized as.


If you should add default values when you create an instance of the content type, you can optionally implement the IInitializableContent interface for content items.

void SetDefaultValues(ContentType contentType)MethodCalled when a new instance of the content type is created.


An optional interface that specifies how a content instance should be handled during export.

ShouldBeImplicitlyExportedboolSpecifies whether this instance should be implicitly added to the export package when referenced by some exported entity.