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TinyMCE configuration API

Describes the configuration API for the TinyMCE editor.

Set transformations

If you want to modify the settings object based on the current content, you can do that by registering a SettingsTransform callback for a given property or plugin. You can also remove registered transformations if you know the key. You pass the current settings instance, content, and property name to the callback. The content item can be NULL.

Add a setting transformation

services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config => {
  var locator = ServiceLocator.Current;
  config.For<ArticlePage>(t => t.MainBody)
    .AddSettingsTransform("custom", (settings, content, propertyName) => {
      settings["preferred-culture"] = locator.GetInstance <LanguageResolver>().GetPreferredCulture().Name;

  // Remove a specific transform
  config.For<ArticlePage>(t => t.MainBody)

Add a setting transformation for a plugin

If you are a plugin developer and need to run a custom initialization code based on the current content item, you should register the transformation callback with your plugin.

services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config => {
     .AddPlugin("custom-plugin", (settings, content, propertyName) => {
         settings["custom-plugin-setting"] = content.Id;
      .RemovePlugin("custom-plugin"); // Will remove the plugin and any registered transformations;
      .AddExternalPlugin("custom-external-plugin", "http://url.js", (settings, content, propertyName) => {
          settings["custom-external-setting"] = content.Id;


If your code throws an exception, it is handled, logged, and passed to the client, and an error message is displayed to the user.

Order of execution

If transformations are registered for plugins and on the setting, the plugin transformation runs first, followed by any transformation. The site developer can modify the settings after the plugin developer completes the modifications.

services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config => {
      .AddPlugin("custom-plugin", (settings, content, propertyName) => {
          settings["custom-plugin-setting"] = "plugin value";
      .AddSettingsTransform("custom-settings", (settings, content propertyName) => {
          settings["custom-plugin-setting"] = "I have modified the plugins settings value";

Inherit settings from ancestors

To inherit settings from an ancestor, set the global  InheritSettingsFromAncestor property to true. The default is false.

config.InheritSettingsFromAncestor = true

If InheritSettingsFromAncestor is true Optimizely tries to resolve the setting for a given property starting with the leaf; after that, it traverses upwards in the inheritance hierarchy to find the closest ancestor with a setting for that property. If it is not in the class hierarchy, Default() is used.




This property should not be changed by any plugins. It should only be used when configuring the site.

abstract class ProductBase {
  public virtual XHtml ProductDescription {

class ProductPage: ProductBase {}
class ShoeProductPage: ProductPage {}
class ShirtProductPage: ProductPage {}
class BlueShirtProductPage: ShirtProductPage {}
class VerySpecialProductPage: ProductPage {}
class AndEvenMoreSpecialProductPage: VerySpecialProductPage {}

// Init
services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config => {
  // Enable inheritance of settings
  config.InheritSettingsFromAncestor = true;


  var baseSettings = config.Default().Clone();
    .Toolbar("product-selector cut paste");

  // Will be applied for every descendants unless they have set a specific setting
  config.For<ProductBase>(t => t.ProductDescription, baseSettings);

  // Will be based on Default() and not the setting configured on the ancestor
  config.For<BlueShirtProductPage>(t => t.ProductDescription)

  config.For<VerySpecialProductPage>(t => t.ProductDescription, baseSettings)
    .Toolbar("cut past | product-selector | spellchecker);

     * Page                              Toolbar
     * ==========================================================================
     * ProductPage                       product-select cut paste
     * ShoeProductPage                   product-select cut paste
     * ShirtProductPage                  product-select cut paste
     * BlueShirtProductPage              epi-image | color-picker
     * VerySpecialProductPage            cut paste | product-select | spellchecker
     * AndEvenMoreSpecialProductPage     cut paste | product-select | spellchecker