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Connect for Campaign

The Optimizely Connect for Campaign add-on is part of Optimizely Connect for Marketing Automation, which connects Optimizely Content Management System, Optimizely Forms, and Optimizely Campaign.

With this add-on, marketers can collect visitor data and pass that on to Optimizely Campaign, for usage in campaign mailings.


An Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) installation with Optimizely Forms, Optimizely Campaign, and the required Optimizely Connect for Marketing Automation.


Install the Connect for Campaign MA connector through the NuGet package EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign. See Add-ons platform compatibility for supported Optimizely versions.


Authenticate Connect for Campaign


  • The user being used for the connector must have API privileges. If your user does not have API access privileges, you must submit a Support ticket to create a user specifically for API access. Include the name of the client for whom you want the user created, and which API access is needed. In the case of the Connector, request SOAP API access. For security purposes, the user being granted access cannot be the same as a user with general access rights to the client.

  • To find the Mandator ID (Client ID), access your Campaign client at the location below:

    To connect CMS with Optimizely Campaign, enter your authentication details  – Username, Password, Mandator ID (provided with your Optimizely Campaign setup), and a unique Connector Name, in the CMS admin view under CMS > Admin > Config > Optimizely Campaign.



You can have multiple instances of the Campaign connector. Click Add Connector to add another instance.

Connect Optimizely Forms with Optimizely Campaign

When the Optimizely Forms add-on is installed on the CMS website, you must connect form fields with Optimizely Campaign to send data from the specified fields to Campaign.


When a website visitor submits a form, a tracking cookie is generated, which can be used to identify the visitor. If the visitor opens the form again in the same web browser (assuming it still has the cookie and it is valid), the system automatically gets the visitor's data based on the cookie. It fills in the data in the form.

This autofill feature can be  enabled and disabled in the CMS admin view, under Config > Tool Settings > Marketing Connectors > Global Settings > Enable Auto-fill on forms:

Clear the cache

Information, such as Session Token and Recipient Lists, is stored in the cache to improve performance.

Go to the Config tab > Optimizely Campaign in the CMS admin view and click Clear cacheto clear the cache. You can also set the Cache timeout value and click Save.

Store tracking cookie

When a website visitor submits a form, a tracking cookie is generated, which can be used to identify the visitor.

Breaking changes – Connect for Campaign 2

EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign (2.0.0) depends on:

  • EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core version >= 11.2.4 and < 12
  • EPiServer.Marketing.Automation.Forms version >= 2.1.0 and < 3
  • EPiServer.ConnectForMarketingAutomation version >= 5.2.0 and < 6
  • EPiServer.Forms.UI version >= 4.16 and < 5

Interfaces and classes removed:

  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Implementation.IRecipientListIdMapper.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Implementation.RecipientListIdMapper.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Implementation.IVisitorIdentifyProvider.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Implementation.VisitorIdentifyProvider.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.CampaignDataSubmissionService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.CampaignFormValidationService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.CampaignMenuAssembler.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.CampaignProviderService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.CampaignSettingsRepository.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services
  • CampaignXFormMarketingAutomationInterception.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.ListService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.ProfileService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.ProgramService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Services.ScoringService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.CampaignProvider.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.ProviderRepository.cs

Properties, methods, constants removed/changed:

  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Configuration.ICampaignConfig.CacheTimeout
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Configuration.CampaignConfig.CacheTimeout
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Models.CampaignDataList.ParentName
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Models.CampaignDataList.FeatureSupport
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Configuration.CampaignSettings.Id
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.FullFormSubmissionData
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.ActiveExternalFieldMappingTable
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.ServiceValidationMessage
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.RecipientIdentification
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.RecipientListId
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.OptInProcessId
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.AuthenticationService.ctor()
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.OptinProcessService.ctor()
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.RecipientListService.ctor()
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.RecipientService.ctor()


  • Change the type of the Id property in EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Models.CampaignDataList.cs from "int" to "long".
  • Change return type of EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.GetAllRecipientLists() to IEnumerable<CampaignDataList>.

Breaking changes – Connect for Campaign 3

EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign (3.0.0) depends on:

  • `EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core version >= 11.2.4 and < 12
  • Optimizely.Marketing.Automation.Forms version >= 2.1.0 and < 3
  • EPiServer.ConnectForMarketingAutomation version >= 5.5.3 and < 5.7
  • EPiServer.Forms.UI version >= 4.20 and < 5

Properties, methods, constants removed/changed:

  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Configuration.ICampaignConfig.TrackingCookieTimeout
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Configuration.CampaignConfig.TrackingCookieTimeout
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Configuration. ICampaignSettings.UserName
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Configuration.ICampaignSettings.Password
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Core.Configuration.ICampaignSettings.MandatorId
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Configuration.CampaignSettings.UserName
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Configuration.CampaignSettings.Password
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Configuration.CampaignSettings.MandatorId

Breaking changes – Connect for Campaign 4.1.0

EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign (4.1.0) depends on:

  • EPiServer.CMS version >= 12.15.0 and < 13
  • Optimizely.Marketing.Automation.Forms version >= 3.2.0 and < 4

Properties, methods, constants, classes removed/changed:

  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.Constants.UserNameFieldKey
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.Constants.PasswordFieldKey
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Implementation.Helpers.Constants.MandatorIdFieldKey
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.OptinProcessService
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.RecipientListService
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.RecipientService

Obsoleted classes and interfaces

  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.AuthenticationService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.Implementation.IAuthenticationService.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.IServiceClientFactory.cs
  • EPiServer.ConnectForCampaign.Services.ServiceClientFactory.cs


  • Change from using campaign SOAP API service to REST API

Breaking changes – Connect for Campaign 4.2.0

Configure options through appsettings

Campaign.config was migrated to appsettings.json. From version 4.2.0 onward, appsettings.json stores the configuration.

To use the new configuration, add a CampaignConnectorOptions section your appsettings.json like the following example.

"EPiServer": {
    "CampaignConnectorOptions": {
      "ForceUpdateRecipient": false

Related blog post: Configuring the Episerver (Optimizely) Campaign connector through code by David Knipe