Example of News partial routing
Shows how to implement partial routing in Optimizely Content Management System (CMS).
In the example, the part of the URL that is http://site/News/
 is the URL to a page instance of model type NewsContainer
. By registering a partial router for ModelType NewsContainer
, the partial router routes the remaining part of the URL. The partial router handles routing Sports/TheGame/
Extend routing for the NewsContent type
The following example extends routing for the NewsContainer
content type:
public class NewsContainer: PageData {}
Next, implement a NewsContent type class:
public enum NewsCategory {
public class NewsContent {
public virtual NewsCategory Category {
public virtual string Name {
public virtual string Body {
This code example is just one way of implementing a partial router. It uses DDS as external storage with no caching and is not meant as production-ready code.
Implement NewsContentStore
Create a simple store to deliver NewsContent
instances because NewsContent
is stored outside Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) (in Optimizely Dynamic Data Store).
You also could return the routed data as IContent
instances, where you can deliver the data through a custom content provider. Or, you can store the data in CMS so that no provider is needed and the data can be loaded or saved through EPiServer.IContentRepository
In the following example, partially route URL parts like Sports/TheGame/
 by adding a method to the store that accepts a category (that corresponds to Sports
in the URL example) and the name of an article (that corresponds to TheGame
in the URL example).
public class NewsContentStore {
//In this example the data is stored in DDS
public IOrderedQueryable < NewsContent > News {
get {
return DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance.
GetStore(typeof (NewsContent)).Items < NewsContent > ();
public NewsContent RouteContent(NewsCategory category, string name) {
return News.Where(n => n.Category == category &&
n.Name == name)
Implement IPartialRouter
Make the partial router handle incoming requests beyond pages of type NewsContainer
. Also, lets you create outgoing FURLs for instances of NewsContent
public class NewsPartialRouter: IPartialRouter < NewsContainer, NewsContent > {
private NewsContentStore _newsStore;
private ContentReference _newsContainer;
public NewsPartialRouter(NewsContentStore newsStore, ContentReference newsContainer) {
_newsStore = newsStore;
_newsContainer = newsContainer;
#region RoutePartial
public object RoutePartial(NewsContainer content, SegmentContext segmentContext) {
//The format we handle is category/Name/
NewsContent newsContent = null;
//Use helper method GetNextValue to get the next part from the URL
var nextSegment = segmentContext.GetNextValue(segmentContext.RemainingPath);
NewsCategory category;
if (Enum.TryParse < NewsCategory > (nextSegment.Next, out category)) {
nextSegment = segmentContext.GetNextValue(nextSegment.Remaining);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextSegment.Next)) {
newsContent = _newsStore.RouteContent(category, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(nextSegment.Next));
if (newsContent != null) {
//Update RemainingPath so the part that we have handled is removed.
segmentContext.RemainingPath = nextSegment.Remaining;
return newsContent;
#region GetPartialVirtualPath
public PartialRouteData GetPartialVirtualPath(NewsContent content, string language, RouteValueDictionary routeValues, RequestContext requestContext) {
if (ContentReference.IsNullOrEmpty(_newsContainer)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("property NewsContainer must be set on start page");
return new PartialRouteData() {
BasePathRoot = _newsContainer,
PartialVirtualPath = String.Format("{0}/{1}/",
Register a router
The following example initializes code that registers the partial router.Â
[ModuleDependency(typeof (EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule))]
public class InitializationModule: IInitializableModule {
public void Initialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context) {
//It checks for a page of type NewsContainer named News under start page. If it does not exist it gets created.
//Then partial routing is extended beyond that page.
var newsPage = context.Locate.ContentLoader().GetChildren < NewsContainer > (ContentReference.StartPage).GetFirstOrDefault();
if (newsPage == null) {
newsPage = context.Locate.ContentRepository().GetDefault < NewsContainer > (ContentReference.StartPage);
newsPage.Name = "News";
context.Locate.ContentRepository().Save(newsPage, SaveAction.Publish, AccessLevel.NoAccess);
var partialRouter = new NewsPartialRouter(new NewsContentStore(), newsPage.ContentLink.ToReferenceWithoutVersion());
RouteTable.Routes.RegisterPartialRouter < NewsContainer, NewsContent > (partialRouter);
public void Preload(string[] parameters) {}
public void Uninitialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context) {}
Register MVC controllers
In CMS, you register an MVC controller for a Model type by implementing the EPiServer.Web.IRenderTemplate<TModel>
 interface, which occurs implicitly if your controller inherits EPiServer.Web.Mvc.PageController<TPage>
or EPiServer.Web.Mvc.BlockController<TBlock>
. The following code is for an MVC controller for NewsContent
and NewsContainer
that uses an extension method in the EPiServer.Web.Routing
public class NewsContentController: System.Web.Mvc.Controller, IRenderTemplate < NewsContent > {
public ActionResult Index() {
//You get the routed custom data from extension method in EPiServer.Web.Routing
var newsContent = Request.RequestContext.GetRoutedData < NewsContent > ();
return View(newsContent);
public class NewsContainerController: PageController < NewsContainer > {
public ActionResult Index() {
//The view for news container displays a list of all news.
var newsStore = new NewsContentStore();
return View(newsStore.News.ToList());
Create MVC views
To display a single news from the above controller, create a view located as /Views/NewsContent/index.aspx
. Also, create a view for the NewsContainer
class that lists news with partially routed FURLs.Â
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#"
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<CodeSamples.Additional_Content.HowTo.PartialRouting.NewsContent>" %>
<p><%=Model.Body %></p>
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#"
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<List<CodeSamples.Additional_Content.HowTo.PartialRouting.NewsContent>>" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Routing" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="EPiServer.Web.Routing" %>
<h2>List of news</h2>
<%foreach (var news in Model) {%>
<a href="<%=UrlResolver.Current.GetVirtualPathForNonContent(news, null, null).GetUrl()%>"><%=news.Name%></a>
Create outgoing URLs
To create an outgoing URL for a NewsContent
item, call the EPiServer.Web.UrlResolver.Current.GetVirtualPathForNonContent
method. For IContent
instances, you also can call the GetVirtualPath
or GetUrl
methods and pass in the reference to the content. In web forms, you can create a link in the HTML, such as /Templates/NewsContent.aspx?id=7__news
, then the FURL module calls the partial router during outgoing parsing to create an FURL for the content. The following example shows how to construct outgoing FURLs.
NewsContent news = GetNewsContent();
var furl = urlResolver.GetVirtualPathForNonContent(news, null, null).GetUrl();
//In case the item is an IContent then in webforms you can also output a link like:
IContent iContent = GetIContent();
var anchor = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor();
anchor.HRef = "/templates/NewsContent.aspx?id=" + iContent.ContentLink.ToString();
Create NewsContent
The following example shows how to route to data stored outside CMS. Use DynamicDataStore
to store NewsContent
. The following code creates NewsContent
instances and stores them in DynamicDataStore
public class NewsContentGenerator {
public static void CreateFakeData() {
var newsContentStore = DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance.GetStore(typeof (NewsContent));
if (newsContentStore == null) {
newsContentStore = DynamicDataStoreFactory.Instance.CreateStore(typeof (NewsContent));
var soccerNews = new NewsContent() {
Category = NewsCategory.Sports,
Name = "Sweden",
Body = "Sweden have qualified for EURO 2012 championship in soccer"
var olymicNews = new NewsContent() {
Category = NewsCategory.Sports,
Name = "Olympic",
Body = "The next summer olympic will take place in London"
var euroNews = new NewsContent() {
Category = NewsCategory.Economy,
Name = "Euro",
Body = "The euro has reached new levels"
var oilNews = new NewsContent() {
Category = NewsCategory.Economy,
Name = "Oil",
Body = "New oil findings have been made in the artic"
var politicNews = new NewsContent() {
Category = NewsCategory.News,
Name = "Selection",
Body = "Sweden have selected a new government"
var earthQuakeNews = new NewsContent() {
Category = NewsCategory.News,
Name = "Eartquake",
Body = "An earthquake was registered this morning"
Updated 9 months ago