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Describes the <episerver.framework> section of the configuration file for Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) versions 10 and 11.

The Configure CMS topic describes the syntax of the configuration elements.


<episerver.framework> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
createDatabaseSchemafalseDefines whether to automatically create the database schema if it is missing from the configured database. See Install database schema.
updateDatabaseSchemafalseDefines whether to automatically update the database schema in case the current application requires a newer schema. See Automatic schema updates.


<clientResources debug="bool" compress="bool" />

<clientResources> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
debugfalseDefines whether to use debugged versions of included scripts instead of optimized versions.
compresstrueDefines whether to deliver data from REST stores in compressed format.


<geolocation defaultProvider="string" >
          <add name="string"
               type="string" />

<geolocation> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
defaultProvider Required – The provider's name. A provider with the specified name must exist in the <providers> collection.

<add> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
name Required – A unique name identifying this provider.
typefalseRequired – The full name of the geolocation provider class.


      <localization fallbackBehavior="FallbackCulture, MissingMessage, Echo" fallbackCulture="en">
          <add physicalPath="c:\temp\resourceFolder"
               type="EPiServer.Framework.Localization.XmlResources.FileXmlLocalizationProvider" />

<localization> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
FallbackBehaviorFallbackBehaviors.EchoUse the fallback behavior if it cannot find a resource in the requested culture. See EPiServer.Framework.Localization.FallbackBehaviors for possible values.
FallbackCultureenUse the name of the fallback culture in the languagecode-country/regioncode format that the LocalizationService if it cannot find a resource and the FallbackBehavior includes the FallbackBehavior.FallbackCulture flag.

<add> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
name Required – A unique name identifying this provider.
physicalPath A physical directory path to where language files are located.
fileSystemWatchPathSame value as specified physicalPath.A physical directory path that the FileSystemWatcher uses. If you do not set a value, it uses the physicalPath value.


<scanAssembly forceBinFolderScan="bool" >
       <add assembly="string" />

<searchResultFilter> element attribute

NameDefault valueDescription
forceBinFolderScanfalseDefines whether to scan assemblies in the /bin folder to discover classes decorated with any of the EPiServer class decoration attributes.

<add> element attribute

NameDefault valueDescription
assembly Required – Defines whether to scan assemblies in the /bin folder to discover classes decorated with any of the EPiServer class decoration attributes.


          <add name="string"
               type="string" />

<add> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
name Required – Unique name for this virtual path provider.
type Required – The full name of the virtual path provider class.
... Implementation-specific settings. It can have any name and is arbitrary in number.


<virtualRoles failSafeIsInRole="bool"
      <add name="string"
           type="string" />

<virtualRoles> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
FailSafeIsInRolefalseDefines whether the IsInRole method on VirtualRolePrincipal may throw an exception (when replacePrincipal is set to true). Set to true to stop IsInRole from throwing an exception.
ReplacePrincipalfalseDefines whether the HttpContext.Current.User IPrincipal object is wrapped in a VirtualRolePrincipal. Use addClaims instead when possible.
AddClaimsfalseDefines whether to add virtual roles as claims on the HttpContext.Current.User IPrincipal object. You cannot combine it with replacePrincipal. Requires EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.14 or higher.
ReplicationTypeEPiServer.ApplicationModules.Security.VirtualRoleReplication, EPiServer.ApplicationModulesThe full name of the class handling replication of changes in virtual roles.

<add> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
name Required – Unique name for this virtual role provider.
type Required – The full name of the virtual role provider class.


<visitorGroupStatistics commitToRepositoryInterval="TimeSpan" enabled="bool" />

<visitorGroupStatistics> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
commitToRepositoryInterval0.00:20:00How often should collected statistics be saved to the repository.
enabledtrueDefines whether to collect statistics.


<licensing licenseFilePath="string"/>

<licensing> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
licenseFilePathLicense.configThe relative or absolute path to the license file.


<appData basePath="string"/>

<appData> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
basePath The path to the application data.


<blob defaultProvider="string" >
          <add name="string"
               type="string" />

<blob> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
defaultProvider Required – The provider's name. A provider with the specified name must exist in the <providers> collection.

<add> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
name Required – A unique name identifying this provider.
typefalseRequired – The full name of the blob provider class.


<event defaultProvider="string" >
          <add name="string"
               type="string" />

<event> element attribute

NameDefault valueDescription
defaultProvider Required – The provider's name. A provider with the specified name must exist in the <providers> collection.

<add> element attributes

NameDefault valueDescription
name Required – A unique name identifying this provider.
typefalseRequired – The full name of the event provider class.