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Global toolbar commands plug-in

Describes how to add commands to the global toolbar.

You can create a command plugin for the global toolbar in the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) user interface. To add commands to the global toolbar, create a Command Provider for the toolbar and add it to the global command registry. The global command registry maps command providers against keys.

Create a command provider for the global toolbar

The following example shows how to create a provider that adds three commands to the areas inside the global toolbar.


  function (declare, Button, ToggleButton, _GlobalToolbarCommandProvider, TestCommand, MyToggleCommand) {
    return declare([_GlobalToolbarCommandProvider], {
      constructor: function () {

        // The Global Toolbar has three areas that you can add commands to ["leading", "center", "trailing"]
        // the _GlobalToolbarCommandProvider extends the _CommandProviderMixin with helper methods for easy adding 
        // of commands to the different areas

        //Create dijit/Form/Button in the leading area and bind the TestCommand to it
        this.addToLeading(new TestCommand({
          label: "First command"
        }), {
          showLabel: true,
          widget: Button

        //Create dijit/Form/ToggleButton in the center area and bind the TestCommand to it
        this.addToCenter(new MyToggleCommand({
          label: "Second command"
        }), {
          showLabel: true,
          widget: ToggleButton

        //Create dijit/Form/Button in the trailing area and bind the TestCommand to it
        this.addToTrailing(new TestCommand({
          label: "Third command"
        }), {
          showLabel: true,
          widget: Button

The following code shows the test commands:

  function (declare, _Command) {
    return declare([_Command], {
      name: "Test",
      label: "Test command",
      tooltip: "Click to execute me",
      iconClass: "dijitIconNewPage", //Define your own icon css class here.
      canExecute: true,

      _execute: function () {
        alert("label : " + this.label);

  function (declare, ToggleCommand) {
    return declare([ToggleCommand], {
      name: "Test",
      label: "Click here to toggle",
      tooltip: "Click to toggle me",
      iconClass: "dijitIconNewPage", //Define your own icon css class here.
      canExecute: true,

      _execute: function () {
        alert("Label : " + this.label);

For the system to find your command provider, you must register it in the global command registry:

var commandregistry = dependency.resolve("epi.globalcommandregistry");
//The first parameter is the "area" that your provider should add commands to
//For the global toolbar the area is "epi.cms.globalToolbar"
//You need to register your custom global toolbar provider that we created before using that area
commandregistry.registerProvider("epi.cms.globalToolbar", new MyGlobalToolbarProvider());

To initialize your command provider, see Add a module initializer. See the example of an initializer at episerver/alloy-mvc-template.

You can find a working example of the described components on Alloy MVC on GitHub.

Clone the repository, check out branch doc/global-toolbar-provider and run the site. You will see the commands added in the global toolbar.