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Test dispatch

Describes how to set up a website and create a campaign in Smart Campaigns to send Web Push test messages.


  • A website (web app) to implement push notifications.



Use a different website than your main one for testing. You can create a test website using Firebase Hosting.

  • A user account for Firebase Cloud Messaging, a free cross-platform solution for sending push messages.
  • Optimizely Campaign test recipient list of type "Push" that customer support sets up for you.

Set up the website

  1. Create a web app project in Firebase and provide Optimizely with the required information for the push assignment.
  2. Integrate your website with the Firebase JavaScript SDK. See Integrating the Firebase SDK.



    If you use Firebase Hosting, see Firebase Cloud Messaging Quickstart for an integration guide.

  1. Save the user registration token generated during the opt-in process.

  2. Add a new recipient with the user registration token to the test recipient list in Optimizely Campaign. See Opt-in.

Send a Web Push test message via Smart Campaigns

Prerequisites: Push notifications are enabled in your web browser.
Context: To test the Web Push message, create a campaign in Smart Campaigns.

  1. Log in to Optimizely Campaign and select the client for which Web Push has been configured.
  2. Open the start menu and select Campaigns > Smart Campaigns.
  3. Create a new campaign using the Recipient node and the Web Push node. See Creating and editing a campaign in the Optimizely User Guide.
  4. Configure the Web Push message. See Configuring the message in the Optimizely User Guide.
  5. Click Push test message and send the Web Push test message. See Smart Campaigns nodes in the Optimizely User Guide.

The Web Push message is displayed in the web browser when opening.