Native APIs
Native APIs contain web service functions to make the handling of Optimizely Campaign web services even easier.
The native Java API is based on Axis (tested with version 1.2) and is accessed via a factory class.
The following libraries must be embedded:
- optivo-broadmail-api*.jar (this library can be found in this ZIP file)
- axis*
- axis-jaxrpc*
- org.apache.commons
- commons-discovery*
- commons-logging*
- javax.mail*
- wsdl4j*
import broadmail.api.soapll.*;
import broadmail.api.soapll.factory.*;
// Obtain a factory
WebserviceFactory factory = WebserviceFactory.newInstance();
// From that factory all webservice interfaces are available
// As an example we will perform a login and a blacklist check
SessionWebservice sessionWebservice = factory.newSessionWebservice();
String session = sessionWebservice.login(1234, "user", "pass");
BlacklistWebservice blacklistWebservice = factory.newBlacklistWebservice();
boolean isBlacklisted = blacklistWebservice.isBlacklisted(session, "");
catch (WebserviceException exception)
//An error occurred
The webservice API can be queried directly and easily using the native PHP SOAP interface (from PHP 5.0.1 and newer). Whenever the API expects binary data (java.langByte[]), these must be submitted as a string. The string must represent the binary data. To read the binary data of a file, you may use the operation file_get_contents(). The following example shows the login and adding of an email address to a recipient list:
You can find the below mentioned mandatorId (i.e., the client ID) by performing the following steps:
Open the Optimizely Campaign start menu and, under Administration, click API Overview.Â
The API Overview window opens.
Switch to the SOAP API tab.
Beneath the Client ID heading, you can find the client ID of the client you are currently working in.
Sample script for the native SOAP interface (from PHP 5.0.1):
$client = new SoapClient('');
$webservice = new SoapClient('');
$session = $client->login($mandatorId, $username, $password);
$operation = $webservice->add2($session, $recipientListId, $optinProcessId, $recipientId, $emailAddress, $attributeNames, $attributeValues);
$session = $client->logout($session);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Libraries for older PHP versions
If you are using an older PHP version (prior to version 5.0.1), we provide a library and samples in the archive file of this documentation to embed in your PHP. For PHP version 5.0.1 and newer, this library is deprecated, since it comes with a native SOAP client.
The following example shows the login and query of the blocklist status of an email address:
Sample script for NuSOAP Interface for older PHP Versions:
// Include the library
// Create a new factory and login.
// 1234 is the mandatorId, "user" and "pass" are credentials
$factory = new BroadmailRpcFactory(1234, 'user', 'pass');
// This is how error handling works. You should check the result of the getError() method
// after each(!) call to a webservice method
if ($factory->getError())
die('Error during login. Details: '.$factory->getError());
// Now create a BlacklistWebservice instance ans a call method.
$blacklistWs = $factory->newBlacklistWebservice();
$isBlacklisted = $blacklistWs->isBlacklisted('');
if ($blacklistWs->getError())
die ('Error while checking blacklist status. Details: '.$factory->getError())
// Don't forget to log out.
// Print out the result.
if ($isBlacklisted)
echo 'The emailadress "" is blacklisted!');
If you want to use the SOAP-API with a .NET framework, all methods that require to submit a multidimensional array or return such arrays must be replaced by replacement methods. The reason for this is that .NET does not support processing of multidimensional arrays.
To query several recipients in the RecipientWebservice, the default method getAll would return a multidimensional array with the following pattern:
[email1, firstName1, lastName1]
[email2, firstName2, lastName2]
[email3, firstName3, lastName3]
This array cannot be processed by the .NET framework. Use the replacement method getAllFlat instead. The returned array in this method has been flattened to the following pattern:
[email1, firstName1, lastName1, email2, firstName2, lastName2, email3, firstName3, lastName3]
To process this array, the fields must be indexed to allocate the respective fields to one recipient.
Updated 10 months ago