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Shows a personalized online version of a mailing in Optimizely Campaign.

You can select a specific mailing by its internal name or search your mailings using the bmPattern parameter. If more than one mailing matches the pattern, the latest one is selected. Also, if you only specify the recipient ID, the latest mailing is displayed.

Use this operation, for example, to create a link to the latest newsletter. This link can be used in confirmation emails or on your website. Unlike other operations, this one always performs forwarding to a web page, where the online version of the mailing is shown. Thus, no bmUrl parameters have to be transmitted.

This operation is available in the mail and the form service.



Never use this HTTP API request directly on a web page or in a mailing. HTTP API requests of the form service must always be executed by the server without exposing the used source code to others. To use HTTP operations in mailings, use the mail service of the HTTP API (see Mail service).


NameMandatoryDefault valueDescription
bmRecipientIdyes/noThe ID of the new recipient (usually the email address)

If used in the mail service, this parameter is not mandatory (the email address is sent anyway). If used in the form service, the parameter is mandatory.
bmPatternnoWith the pattern parameter, you can search for mailings that match this pattern. The pattern refers to the internal names of the mailings.

You can use wildcards to define a pattern. Use a question mark ? for a single character and * for several characters. If more than one mailing is found, the latest one is selected.
bmMailingIdyes/noThis parameter explicitly transmits the ID of the mailing you want to display. If bmPattern and bmMailingId are transmitted, the bmMailingId has priority.

If used in the mail service, the parameter is mandatory.

Return values

okRecipient forwarded to the online version of the email
missing_idThe recipient with the given bmRecipientId does not exist in the recipient list, or no appropriate mailing was found.
wrong_tagAuthorization failed.
Error codes:

- 501=wrong authentication tag
- 502=wrong request IP
- 503=wrong request method
- 504=wrong protocol
- 505=wrong recipient list
- 506=wrong action
- 507=action not found
If a verification of the authentication tag does not solve the problem, contact customer support.
system_errorA general error occurred.

Example 1


The recipient of the email is forwarded to the last mailing sent by the same client.
Example 2


The recipient with the ID [email protected]_ is redirected to the last mailing sent by the same client whose internal name starts with special.
