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Query, add, update, and remove recipients in Optimizely Campaign.

add2Adds a recipient to a recipient list.
addAll3Adds multiple recipients to a recipient list.
addAll3FlatAdds multiple recipients to an existing recipient list.
changeRecipientId2)Changes the ID of a recipient.
clearDeletes all recipients from a recipient list.
containsQueries whether a recipient already exists in a recipient list.
containsMultipleQueries whether a recipient already exists in multiple recipient lists.
containsValidQueries whether a recipient is valid and can receive emails.
containsValidMultipleQueries whether a recipient is valid and can receive mailings from multiple recipient lists
createTrackingOptOutDeactivates the usage of action-based data (opens and clicks) for a recipient.
deleteTrackingOptOutReactivates the usage of action-based data (opens and clicks) for a recipient.
getAllQueries all recipients that are contained in a specific recipient list.
getAllAdvancedQueries all recipients that are contained in a specific recipient list.
getAllAdvancedFlatQueries all recipients that are contained in a specific recipient list.
getAllFlatQueries all recipients that are contained in a specific recipient list.
getAttributes)Queries the attributes defined by the parameter attributeNames.
getCount)Counts all recipients.
getDistinctValues)Queries all distinct values of an attribute.
getDistinctValuesCount)Queries all distinct values of an attribute and counts the recipients for each value.
getDistinctValuesCountFlatQueries all distinct values of an attribute and counts the recipients for each value.
remove)Deletes a recipient from a recipient list.
removeAll)Deletes multiple recipients from a recipient list.
removeBlacklistedDeletes all blocked recipients from a recipient list.
removeBouncedDeletes all recipients who created bounces.
removeNotOptinedDeletes a recipient from a recipient list only if the opt-in process is not finished yet.
removeUnsubscribedDeletes all unsubscribed recipients from a recipient list.
setAttributesDefines new values for specific attributes of a recipient.
setAttributesByFilterDefines new values for specific attributes of all recipients contained in a specific recipient list.
setAttributesInBatchDefines new values for specific attributes of multiple recipients.
setAttributesInBatchFlatDefines new values for specific attributes of multiple recipients.

Deprecated methods

addUse add2 instead.
addAllUse addAll3 instead.
addAll2Use addAll3 instead.
addAll2FlatUse addAll3Flat instead.
changeRecipientIdUse changeRecipientId2.

Attribute values

Attribute values have to be provided in a serialized form. See [Type conversion and formatting rules]doc:soap-1-1-compatibility).

Recipients that shall be added to a recipient list through a double opt-in process are not added until they have completed it.
