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Query or update recipient lists in Optimizely Campaign.

copyCreates a copy of an existing recipient list.
getAllIdsQueries the IDs of all available recipient lists.
getAttributeNamesQueries the names of all attributes a recipient in a recipient list might have.
getColumnNamesQueries the column names of each recipient list.
getCount)Count all available recipient lists.
getDataSetQueries the data of each recipient list.
getDataSetFlatQueries the values of each recipient list.
getDescriptionQueries the internal description of a recipient list.
getNameQueries the internal name of a recipient list.
isTestRecipientListQueries whether a recipient list is a test recipient list.
setDescriptionDefines the internal description of a recipient list.
setNameDefines the internal name of a recipient list.
setTestRecipientListMarks a recipient list as a test recipient list or vice versa.
