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blacklist and unblacklist

Generate or remove a blocklist entry in Optimizely Campaign.

Blocklist entries can be individual recipients (i.e., an email address) or wildcards, which block all recipients that match a defined pattern (e.g., a whole domain). Use a question mark (?) for a single character and an asterisk (*) for several characters.



If the blocklist entry pattern contains special characters, the pattern must be URL-encoded. For example, use the code %2f for a forward slash (/), %252f for a double slash (//), %2B for a plus sign (+) etc.

These operations are available in the form service.


NameMandatoryDefault valueDescription
bmPatternyes–If the blocklist entry refers to a single recipient, the email address can be set here. To blocklist multiple recipients, use wildcards as described above.
bmReasonnohttp-apiThe reason for blocking.

Return values

okblocklist: Entry successfully added to the blocklist.
unblocklist: Entry successfully removed from blocklist.
ok: already_blacklistedOnly with bmVerbose=true: The entry already exists in the blocklist.
wrong_tagAuthorization failed.
Error codes:
- 501=wrong authentication tag
- 502=wrong request IP
- 503=wrong request method
- 504=wrong protocol
- 505=wrong recipient list
- 506=wrong action
- 507=action not found
If a verification of the authentication tag does not solve the problem, contact customer support.
missing_idNo bmRecipientId was transmitted (mandatory) when using the form service.
system_errorA general error has occurred

Example 1


The recipient with the ID _john.smith@example.com_ is blocked.

Example 2


The recipient with the ID _john.smith@example.com_ is removed from the blocklist.

Example 3


All recipients with an email address containing the domain example.com are blocked.