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Access the opt-in processes in Optimizely Campaign. Some of the methods are only applicable to opt-in processes of a certain type.

createConfirmedOptinProcessCreates a confirmed opt-in process.
createDoubleOptinProcessCreates a double opt-in process.
createSingleOptinProcessCreates a single opt-in process.
getConfirmationMailingIdQueries the ID of the mailing that sends the confirmation email.
getConfirmationUrlQueries the confirmation URL of an opt-in process.
getDescriptionQueries the description of an opt-in process.
getIds)Queries the IDs of all available opt-in processes.
getNameQueries the name of an opt-in process.
getTypeQueries the type of an opt-in process.
setConfirmationMailingIdDefines the ID of the mailing that sends the confirmation email.
setConfirmationUrlDefines the confirmation URL of an opt-in process.
setDescriptionDefines the description of an opt-in process.
setNameDefines the name of an opt-in process.