Query, create, update, remove or start mailings as well as send emails on demand in Optimizely Campaign.
Method | Description |
cancel | Cancels a running mailing. |
copy | Creates a copy of an existing mailing. |
create | Creates a mailing. |
decodeTrackingLinks | Converts all links found in the given content back to normal links. |
encodeTrackingLinks | Converts all links found in the given content to tracking links. |
getAttachmentIds | Queries the IDs of one or more attachments of a mailing. |
getCharset | Queries the character set for the content (subject + body) of a mailing. |
getColumnNames | Queries the column names of each mailing. |
getContent | Queries the content of a mailing of a specific MIME type. |
getCount | Counts mailings of a specific type. |
getCreatedDate | Queries the creation date of a mailing. |
getDataSet | Queries the data of each mailing. |
getDataSetFlat | Queries the values of each mailing. |
getDescription | Queries the description of a mailing. |
getFailedRecipientCount | Counts the recipients that have been skipped during dispatch. |
getFromEmailPrefix | Queries the email prefix of the sender of a mailing. |
getFromName | Queries the name (not the email address) of the sender of a mailing. |
getHeader | Queries the header value of a mailing. |
getIds | Queries the IDs of all mailings of a specific type. |
getIdsInStatus | Queries the IDs of all mailings of a specific type and status. |
getMaxMailsPerHour | Queries the maximum sending rate (emails per hour) of a mailing. |
getMaxRecipients | Queries the value of the option Maximum number of recipients. |
getMimeType | Queries the MIME type of a mailing. |
getName | Queries the name of a mailing. |
getOverallRecipientCount | Counts the recipients to whom a mailing was sent or tried to send. |
getPredictedRecipientCount | Counts the recipients that will receive a mailing once it is started. |
getProperty | Queries the value of a specific mailing property. |
getRecipientFilterIds | Queries the target group IDs of a mailing. |
getRecipientListIds | Queries the IDs of the recipient lists of a mailing. |
getScheduleDate | Queries the sending date of a mailing. |
getSendingFinishedDate | Queries the date at which the sending of a mailing finished. |
getSendingStartedDate | Queries the date at which a mailing was started. |
getSendingStatus | Queries the sending status of a mailing to a specific recipient. |
getSentRecipientCount | Counts the recipients to whom a mailing was successfully sent. |
getStatus | Queries the status of a mailing. |
isClickTrackingEnabled | Queries whether click tracking is activated for a mailing. |
isDefaultRecipientFilterEnabled | Queries whether the default target group is used for a mailing. |
isMaxRecipientsPercentage | Queries whether the maximum number of recipients is given as a percentaged value. |
isMaxRecipientsRandomOrder | Queries whether the recipients should be selected on a random basis. |
isOpenTrackingEnabled | Queries whether open tracking is activated for a mailing. |
pause | Pauses a mailing that is in the status SENDING. |
remove | Deletes a mailing. |
restart | Resends a mailing. |
resume | Resumes a paused mailing. |
sendMail | Sends a mailing to a recipient. |
sendMails | Sends a mailing to multiple recipients. |
sendTestMail | Sends a test email to a recipient. |
sendTestMail2 | Sends a test email to a recipient. |
sendTestMails | Sends test emails to multiple recipients. |
sendTestMailToAll | Sends test emails to all recipients of a specific recipient list. |
setAttachmentIds | Defines the IDs for one or more attachments of a mailing. |
setCharset | Defines the character set for the content (subject + body) of a mailing. |
setClickTrackingEnabled | Activates or deactivates click tracking for a mailing of a specific MIME type (click tracking is set separately for the two MIME types). |
setContent | Defines the content for a mailing of a specific MIME type. |
setDefaultRecipientFilterEnabled | Activates or deactivates the default target group. |
setDescription | Defines the description of a mailing. |
setFrom | Defines the sender identification of a mailing. |
setHeader | Defines a RFC822-compliant header value. |
setMaxMailsPerHour | Defines the maximum sending rate (emails per hour) for a mailing. |
setMaxRecipients | Activates or deactivates the options Maximum number of recipients and Random order and sets absolute values for them. |
setMaxRecipientsPercentage | Activates or deactivates the options Maximum number of recipients and Random order and sets absolute percentaged values for them (a float from 0 to 1). |
setMimeType | Defines the MIME type of a mailing. |
setName | Defines the name of a mailing. |
setOpenTrackingEnabled | Activates or deactivates open tracking for a mailing. |
setProperty | Defines the value of a specific mailing property. |
setRecipientFilterIds | Defines target group IDs for a mailing. |
setRecipientListIds | Defines the IDs of the recipient lists to be used for a mailing. |
setReplyToAddress | Defines the the reply to address for a mailing. |
setReplyToName | Defines the displayed name for the reply address (reply to). |
setSubject | Defines the subject of a mailing. |
start | Starts a mailing. |
validateContent | Validates the content of a mailing. |
Deprecated methods
Method | Description |
getRecipientFilterId | Use getRecipientFilterIds. |
setRecipientFilterId | Use setRecipientFilterIds. |
Mailing type
The following mailing types are supported:
- regular: This is a regular mailing.
- event: This mailing type is used for trigger emails. After the mailing has been started you can send mails to any recipient.
- confirmation: Used for opt-in processes only, see OptinProcessWebservice.
- template: Can only be copied. Cannot be started and no emails can be sent.
- campaign: All mailings of a campaign (not the campaign itself).
- split: This is a split mailing of an A/B test.
MIME types
The following MIME types are supported:
- text/plain: Text emails
- text/html: HTML emails
- multipart/alternative: Text and HTML emails
- text/optivosms: SMS messages
Updated almost 2 years ago