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Defines new values for specific attributes of all recipients contained in a specific recipient list in Optimizely Campaign.

Type: void


sessionIdStringID of the session
recipientListIdlongID of the recipient list
recipientFilterIdlongID of the recipient
attributeNamesString[ ]Names of the fields (e.g. firstname, lastname etc.) to be updated
attributeValuesString[ ]New values for the attributes/fields defined with attributeNames.

Each entry must be formatted according to the formatting rules.
modeStringFor fields of the type String this parameter can be set to:
  • set (overwrite)
  • prepend
  • append
  • For all other types the value is set by default.
  • |

    Return values

    • Code structure

      void setAttributesByFilter(String sessionId, long recipientListId, long recipientFilterId, String[] attributeNames, String[] attributeValues, String mode)