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Adds a recipient to a unsubscribe list in Optimizely Campaign.

The recipient is unsubscribed from all recipient lists (but is not informed). The unsubscribe status is valid until the remove method is invoked or the recipient re-subscribes using a "normal" opt-in process.

Use this method to mark a recipient as unsubscribed. Recipients added to the unsubscribe list using this method are still visible in the recipient list, but are skipped when the mailing is sent.

To undo this step and re-subscribe a recipient, use the remove method. Be aware that re-adding a recipient using the add2 method also removes the recipient from the unsubscribe list if he/she had previously been marked as unsubscribed and no opt-in process ID is submitted.

Type: void


sessionIdStringID of the session
recipientListIdlong(Optional) Recipient list to which the recipient is assigned.

If a client-wide unsubscribe list is configured, this parameter is meaningless. If recipient list-based unsubscribe lists are configured, the parameter selects the recipient list from which the recipient is unsubscribed.

Set the value to 0 to force a client-wide unsubscribe even if the client is configured to use recipient list-based unsubscribes.
recipientIdStringID of the recipient

Return values

  • Code structure

    void add(String sessionId, long recipientListId, String recipientId)
